4 research outputs found

    Program Penyuluhan Kesehatan: Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan Bebas Skabies

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    Scabies is an infectious disease caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabei var hominis. This disease develops in communities with dense, damp housing and poor environmental sanitation. The purpose of community service is to provide health education about scabies and increase the knowledge of prisoners about scabies disease and wound care. Community service is carried out by providing health education and demonstrations of wound care. The result of community service is that the knowledge of the inmates regarding scabies can increase and the inmates can take care of scabies wounds independently. Community service participants can participate in activities actively and enthusiastically. Evaluation of community service is carried out by giving questions orally, filling out pre-post test questions, and filling out activity evaluation sheets. The scabies-free outreach program for prisoners is important to carry out routinely because it has positive impacts such as increasing personal hygiene and increasing the knowledge of prisoners.Scabies is an infectious disease caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabei var hominis. This disease develops in communities with dense, damp housing and poor environmental sanitation. The purpose of community service is to provide health education about scabies and increase the knowledge of prisoners about scabies disease and wound care. Community service is carried out by providing health education and demonstrations of wound care. The result of community service is that the knowledge of the inmates regarding scabies can increase and the inmates can take care of scabies wounds independently. Community service participants can participate in activities actively and enthusiastically. Evaluation of community service is carried out by giving questions orally, filling out pre-post test questions, and filling out activity evaluation sheets. The scabies-free outreach program for prisoners is important to carry out routinely because it has positive impacts such as increasing personal hygiene and increasing the knowledge of prisoners


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    The White Cross Christian Social Foundation of Salatiga City, Central Java has nursing home and orphanage services. The existence of elderly people and teenagers in the same place of residence still creates a distance in their interaction relationship. Elderly people who are lonely because they are far from their families and teenagers who have lost their parental figures. This research aims to explore the social interactions of elderly and teenagers at the White Cross Social Foundation, Salatiga City. This research was conducted using qualitative methods. The criteria for participants are the elderly and teenagers. The number of participants until data saturation occurred was three elderly and three teenagers. Data collection techniques using semi-structured interviews. Data analysis was carried out using content analysis. Researchers got two themes. First, the perception between the elderly and teenagers regarding generational differences. Second, home activities for the elderly and teenagers. The conclusion from the research results is that the elderly and teenagers come from different generations, so the characters and viewpoints of these two generations are different. The themes obtained need to get the attention of all parties so that social interaction between the two generations becomes more intense because it is part of holistic care that is beneficial for the elderly and teenagers


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    HIV problems in prisons can continue to grow due to various factors such as individual and environmental factors. Correctional nurses as health workers contribute to health care practices, one of which is HIV/AIDS control by carrying out PSG for prisoners with HIV. So far PSG activities have only been carried out with unclear main tasks and functions, monitoring and evaluation that have not been equal between correctional institutions. This study aims to explore the implementation of PSG for inmates with HIV by correctional nurses in Central Java. This research was conducted using qualitative methods in seven correctional areas. The criteria for participants are correctional nurses, prisoners with HIV, NGOs who have carried out peer support group (PSG) activities. The number of participants until the data saturation occurred was seven correctional nurses, five prisoners with HIV, three NGOs. Data collection techniques with semi-structured interviews. Data analysis was performed using content analysis. Researchers get five themes. First, the role of the nurse as a counselor and facilitator. Second, PSG is carried out routinely and flexibly, but monotonously. Third, PSG was influenced by the interest of prisoners with HIV to disclose their status. Fourth, HIV status has not been disclosed, limited resources, and the movement of prisoners with HIV is an obstacle for PSG. Fifth, obstacles are overcome by approaching prisoners with HIV, leaders, and stakeholders. The conclusion from the research results is that the implementation of PSG for inmates with HIV by correctional nurses provides a very interesting picture. The theme obtained needs to get the attention of all parties to maintain the quality of care services and correctional nurses in carrying out PSG for prisoners with HIV

    Terapi Mindfulness Nafas Dalam pada Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan

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    Terapi mindfulness merupakan terapi yang melibatkan peserta untuk mengamati pemikiran batin atau perasaan secara sadar dengan membawa pengalaman ke kondisi peserta saat ini dengan penuh rasa keterbukaan dan penerimaan terhadap pengalaman hidupnya. Terapi ini dapat memberikan pemahaman lebih pada peserta terkait pemikiran dan emosinya tanpa memberikan penghakiman. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat yaitu mengajarkan teknik-teknik atau cara melakukan terapi mindfulness nafas dalam untuk melatih pikiran agar dapat melatih kesabaran, ketenangan batin, kejernihan dan keseimbangan pikiran, sehingga dapat menurunkan stres dan kecemasan. Pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan dengan memberikan penyuluhan kesehatan dan demonstrasi terapi mindfulness nafas dalam. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat yaitu warga binaan pemasyarakatan (WBP) merasa lebih tenang sesudah dilakukan terapi mindfulness latihan pernafasan. Peserta pengabdian masyarakat dapat mengikuti kegiatan dengan aktif dan antusias. Evaluasi pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan dengan cara memberikan pertanyaan secara lisan. Terapi mindfulness nafas dalam penting untuk rutin dilakukan karena memberikan dampak yang positif seperti WBP menjadi lebih tenang