23 research outputs found

    Towards Scalable Multi-domain Conversational Agents: The Schema-Guided Dialogue Dataset

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    Virtual assistants such as Google Assistant, Alexa and Siri provide a conversational interface to a large number of services and APIs spanning multiple domains. Such systems need to support an ever-increasing number of services with possibly overlapping functionality. Furthermore, some of these services have little to no training data available. Existing public datasets for task-oriented dialogue do not sufficiently capture these challenges since they cover few domains and assume a single static ontology per domain. In this work, we introduce the the Schema-Guided Dialogue (SGD) dataset, containing over 16k multi-domain conversations spanning 16 domains. Our dataset exceeds the existing task-oriented dialogue corpora in scale, while also highlighting the challenges associated with building large-scale virtual assistants. It provides a challenging testbed for a number of tasks including language understanding, slot filling, dialogue state tracking and response generation. Along the same lines, we present a schema-guided paradigm for task-oriented dialogue, in which predictions are made over a dynamic set of intents and slots, provided as input, using their natural language descriptions. This allows a single dialogue system to easily support a large number of services and facilitates simple integration of new services without requiring additional training data. Building upon the proposed paradigm, we release a model for dialogue state tracking capable of zero-shot generalization to new APIs, while remaining competitive in the regular setting.Comment: To appear at AAAI 202

    Show, Don't Tell: Demonstrations Outperform Descriptions for Schema-Guided Task-Oriented Dialogue

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    Building universal dialogue systems that can seamlessly operate across multiple domains/APIs and generalize to new ones with minimal supervision and maintenance is a critical challenge. Recent works have leveraged natural language descriptions for schema elements to enable such systems; however, descriptions can only indirectly convey schema semantics. In this work, we propose Show, Don't Tell, a prompt format for seq2seq modeling which uses a short labeled example dialogue to show the semantics of schema elements rather than tell the model via descriptions. While requiring similar effort from service developers, we show that using short examples as schema representations with large language models results in stronger performance and better generalization on two popular dialogue state tracking benchmarks: the Schema-Guided Dialogue dataset and the MultiWoZ leave-one-out benchmark.Comment: To appear at NAACL 202

    RLAIF: Scaling Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback with AI Feedback

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    Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) is effective at aligning large language models (LLMs) to human preferences, but gathering high quality human preference labels is a key bottleneck. We conduct a head-to-head comparison of RLHF vs. RL from AI Feedback (RLAIF) - a technique where preferences are labeled by an off-the-shelf LLM in lieu of humans, and we find that they result in similar improvements. On the task of summarization, human evaluators prefer generations from both RLAIF and RLHF over a baseline supervised fine-tuned model in ~70% of cases. Furthermore, when asked to rate RLAIF vs. RLHF summaries, humans prefer both at equal rates. These results suggest that RLAIF can yield human-level performance, offering a potential solution to the scalability limitations of RLHF