10 research outputs found

    The C-reactive protein promoter polymorphism of selected rabbits

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    The polymorphism of rabbit C-reactive protein promoter was investigated in two groups subjected to strict divergent selected rabbits according variation range of live-born kits at least after 3 litters. Difference in CRP plasma level between selected groups was observed on the basis of the sequence accession number NW_003159286 region: 13347320..13352360 available in GenBank, two oligonucleotide primers, rCRP_F and rCRP_R were designed and used to amplify a 501 bp-long fragment containing the CRP gene promoter, 5’UTR region and part of coding sequence was amplified by PCR and sequenced. A three single nucleotide polymorphism were detected. High resolution melting analysis was used for genotyping of P and F1 generation. The results showed that HRM curve analysis was capable of detecting variations of 3 bp in PCR products of 501 bp. Results suggests that identified SNPs of rabbit CRP gene promoter may be relevant in the divergent selection of appropriate parental genotypes

    Possible stimulatory effect of quercetin on secretion of selected pituitary hormones

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    Quercetin is found in various types of foods such as apples, red onions, grapes, berries, citrus fruits, cherries, broccoli, tea etc. It is characterized by antioxidative, anti-carcinogenic, bacteriostatic and anti-inflammatory effects on the animal organism. The aim of our study was to examine its effect on endocrine system of the rabbit in vivo. Twenty healthy adult female rabbits were divided into four groups (control group and three experimental groups). Various concentrations of quercetin (10, 100 and 1000 µg/kg body weight) were intramuscularly administrated to rabbits in experimental groups during 30 days. A sensitive, biochemical method, ELISA was used to determine the concentrations of selected hormones (follicle-stimulating hormone - FSH, luteinizing hormone – LH, prolactin – PRL) after 30 days of administration. Non-significant differences between groups were found after application of different quercetin concentrations. Stimulatory effect was observed on FSH secretion by higher dose of quercetin. Similarly, LH and PRL increased at concentration 100 µg/kg and 1000 µg/kg. Our results indicate the possible effect of quercetin on secretion of selected pituitary hormones

    Blood plasma levels of anterior pituitary hormones of rabbits after apricot seed exposure in vivo

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    The present study describes possible changes in plasma levels of anterior pituitary hormones induced by bitter apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) seeds in young female rabbits in vivo. Prunus armeniaca L. is an important medicinal edible plant species commonly known as “apricot”. The apricot is a member of the Rosaceae and subfamily Prunoideae. It is one of the most delicious and commercially traded fruits in the world. Apricot kernel is the inner part of the seed of the apricot fruit. The kernel is used to produce oil and other chemicals used for medicinal purposes. The seeds are potentially useful in human nutrition and for treatment several diseases especially cancer. In the present study apricot seeds were mixed with feed at different doses 0, 60, 300, 420 mg*kg-1 of body weight. ELISA was used to determine the levels of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH) and prolactin (PRL). 58-days application of apricot seeds did not affect the concentration (P≥0.05) of PRL, LH in blood plasma. Significant (P≤0.01) inhibition of FSH levels induced by the seeds was found at the dose of 420 mg*kg-1 but not at 60 and 300 mg*kg-1 of body weight. These results are suggesting that the natural substances present in apricot seeds may be involved in mechanisms of ovarian folliculogenesis

    Influence of apricot kernels on blood plasma levels of selected anterior pituitary hormones in male and female rabbits in vivo

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    Amygdalin is represented in the family Rosacea more precisely in an apricot kernels and an almonds. There are a lot of components such as trace elements, vitamins, carbohydrates, organic acids, esters, phenols, terpenoids, except cyanogenic glycoside in the seeds. It is known that bioregulators can modulate the activity of specific enzymes and hormones very exactly at low levels and in a short time. The aim of our study was examine the effects of selected doses (0, 60, 300, 420 mg/kg b.w.) of apricot kernels in feed on the plasma levels of anterior pituitary hormones in young male and female rabbits in vivo. A sensitive, biochemical method, ELISA was used to determine the hormones prolactin (PRL), luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). 28-day application of apricot kernels did not affect the concentration of PRL, LH, FSH in blood plasma of males. No significant (P≤0.05) differences in case of PRL and LH levels in the blood plasma of females were found. On the other hand a significant (P≤0.05) inhibition of FSH release induced by kernels at the doses 300, 420 mg/kg was found. Our results indicate that apricot kernels could affect secretion of anterior pituitary hormone FSH in female rabbits

    Influence of Apricot Kernels on Blood Plasma Levels of Selected Anterior Pituitary Hormones in Male and Female Rabbits in vivo

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    Amygdalin is represented in the family Rosacea more precisely in apricot kernels and almonds. There are a lot of components such as trace elements, vitamins, carbohydrates, organic acids, esters, phenols, terpenoids, except cyanogenic glycoside in the seeds. It is known that bioregulators can modulate the activity of specific enzymes and hormones very exactly at low levels and in a short time. The aim of our study was examine the effects of selected doses (0, 60, 300, 420 mg/kg b.w.) of apricot kernels in feed on the plasma levels of anterior pituitary hormones in young male and female rabbits in vivo. A sensitive, biochemical method, ELISA was used to determine the hormones prolactin (PRL), luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). 28-day application of apricot kernels did not affect the concentration of PRL, LH, FSH in blood plasma of males. No significant (P≥0.05) differences in case of PRL and LH levels in the blood plasma of females were found. On the other hand a significant (P≤0.05) inhibition of FSH release induced by kernels at the doses 300, 420 mg/kg was found. Our results indicate that apricot kernels could affect secretion of anterior pituitary hormone FSH in female rabbits

    The Effects of Apricot Kernels and Pure Amygdalin on the Structural, Oxidative, and Inflammatory Characteristics of Rabbit Testicular Tissue

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    Background: Apricot kernels containing amygdalin (AMG) as the major cyanogenic glycoside are potentially useful as a complementary therapy for the management of several ailments including cancer. Nevertheless, little is known regarding the toxic and therapeutic doses of AMG, particularly in terms of male reproduction. Hence, this study evaluates selected qualitative characteristics of rabbit testicular tissue following in vivo administration of AMG or apricot kernels for 28 days. Methods: The rabbits were randomly divided into five groups (Control, P1, P2, P3, P4). The Control received no AMG/apricot kernels while the experimental groups P1 and P2 received a daily intramuscular injection of amygdalin at a dose of 0.6 and 3.0 mg/kg of body weight (b.w.) for 28 days, respectively. P3 and P4 received a daily dose of 60 and 300 mg/kg b.w. of crushed apricot kernels mixed with feed for 28 days, respectively. Changes to the testicular structure were quantified morphometrically, while tissue lysates were subjected to the evaluation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, total antioxidant capacity, activities of antioxidant enzymes, and glutathione concentration. The extent of damage to the proteins and lipids was quantified as well. Levels of selected cytokines were determined by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay while a luminometric approach was used to assess the activity of caspases. Results: Rabbits treated with 3.0 mg/kg b.w. AMG presented a significantly increased protein oxidation (p = 0.0118) accompanied by a depletion of superoxide dismutase (p = 0.0464), catalase (p = 0.0317), and glutathione peroxidase (p = 0.0002). Significantly increased levels of interleukin-1 beta (p = 0.0012), tumor necrosis factors alpha (p = 0.0159), caspase-3/7 (p = 0.0014), and caspase-9 (p = 0.0243) were also recorded in the experimental group P2 when compared to the Control. No effects were observed in the rabbits treated with apricot kernels at the oxidative, inflammatory, and histopathological levels. Conclusions: Apricot kernels did not induce toxicity in the testicular tissues of male rabbits, unlike pure AMG, which had a negative effect on male reproductive structures carried out through oxidative, inflammatory, and pro-apoptotic mechanisms

    The Cryopreserved Sperm Traits of Various Ram Breeds: Towards Biodiversity Conservation

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    The aim of our research was to compare three Slovak sheep breeds in the quality parameters of cryopreserved sperm. The ejaculates of Slovak Dairy (SD), Native Wallachian (NW), and Improved Wallachian (IW) sheep rams (n = 12) were collected by electro-ejaculation. Heterospermic samples were created from suitable ejaculates, separately for each breed (at least 90% of total and 80% of progressive motility). Samples were equilibrated in a Triladyl® diluent and frozen by automated freezing. Sperm samples were subjected to the motility, morphology, (CASA), viability and apoptosis (DRAQ7/Yo-Pro-1), fertilizing capability (penetration/fertilization test (P/F) in vitro) and acrosomal status (transmission electron microscopy) assays before freezing and after thawing. It was found that there were no significant differences (p < 0.05) between the evaluated breeds in motility, viability, apoptosis, morphological properties, and fertilizing ability of cryopreserved sperm. Significant differences occurred in acrosomal status. Our results demonstrate that the use of the selected cryopreservation protocol is suitable for at least three different sheep breeds, which can greatly benefit the biodiversity protection and simplifies the creation of an animal genetic resources gene bank

    Oral and intramuscular application of cyanogenic glycoside amygdalin did not induce changes in haematological profile of male rabbits

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    Amygdalin is a cyanogenic glycoside initially obtained from the seeds of bitter almonds. It is composed of one molecule of benzaldehyde, two molecules of glucose and one molecule of hydrocyanic acid. Various ways of amygdalin application play a different role in recipient organism. Intravenous infusion of amygdalin produced neither cyanidemia nor signs of toxicity, but oral administration resulted in significant blood cyanide levels. The present in vivo study was designed to reveal whether amygdalin is able to cause changes in the haematological profile and thus alter the physiological functions, using rabbits as a biological model. Adult male rabbits (n = 20) were randomly divided into five groups: the control group without any amygdalin administration, two experimental groups received a daily intramuscular injection of amygdalin at a dose 0.6 and 3.0 mg.kg-1 b.w. and other two groups were fed by crushed apricot seeds at dose 60 and 300 mg. kg-1 b.w., mixed with commercial feed over the period of 14 days. After two weeks, haematological parameters in whole blood were analysed (WBC - total white blood cell count, LYM - lymphocytes count, MID - medium size cell count, GRA - granulocytes count, RBC - red blood cell count, HGB - haemoglobin, HCT - haematocrit, MCV - mean corpuscular volume, MCH - mean corpuscular hemoglobin, MCHC - mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, RDWc - red cell distribution width, PLT - platelet count, PCT - platelet percentage, MPV - mean platelet volume, PDWc - platelet distribution width) using haematology analyser Abacus junior VET. Our findings indicate that intramuscular and oral application of amygdalin for two weeks did not significantly affect the haematology parameters in experimental animals. In this study, no obvious beneficial or negative effects of amygdalin administration on the blood of male rabbits were observed.</p

    MitoQ loaded chitosan-hyaluronan composite membranes for wound healing

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    Two self-associating biopolymers, namely chitosan (Ch) and a high-molar-mass hyaluronan (HA), were used to prepare membranes with the aim to protect and to enhance the healing of injured skin. A mitochondrially-targeted antioxidant—MitoQ—was incorporated into the mixture of biopolymers prior to their self-association. These three-component membranes were evaluated in detail utilising surface roughness measurements, contact angle measurements, hemocompatibility, and thrombogenicity analyses. Furthermore, in vivo application of Ch/HA/MitoQ membranes was assessed on injured rabbit and rat skin utilizing histological methods. The results showed that the prepared thrombogenic Ch/HA/MitoQ membranes had higher roughness, which allowed for greater surface area for tissue membrane interaction during the healing processes, and lower cytotoxicity levels than controls. MitoQ-loaded composite membranes displayed superior healing properties in these animal models compared to control membranes