3 research outputs found

    Univerzálny snímač pre použitie v náročnom prostredí dopravného tunela

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    Tento článok sa zoberá problematikou detekcie nebezpečných látok v náročnom prostredí dopravného tunela počas nehody, návrhom a konštruovaním senzorického systému. Jednotlivé plyny sa merajú špecifickými detektormi rady MQ. Ako riadiaca jednota bola zvolená vývojová doska D1 mini Pro s integrovaním WiFi čipom. Následne prepojením jednotlivých komponentov a umiestnením do puzdra vznikol univerzálny snímač, pre zasahujúcich hasičov počas nehody v cestnom tunely. Namerané dáta sú odosielané a úkladné do externej databázy, z ktorej sú následne vhodne prezentované na webovej stránke. Webová stránka je určená pre hasičov, ktorí zasahujú v tuneli počas nehody.This article deals with the problems of detection of dangerous substances in the road tunnel during an accident and proposes-design and construction of a mobile sensor system for online detection. Gases are measured by specific detectors of the MQ series. The D1 mini Pro development board with WiFi chip integration was chosen as the control unit. The universal sensor was designed especially for firefighters intervening during an accident in road tunnels. The measured data are sent and saved into the external database, from which they are then presented on the website. The website is then viewed on-line firefighters who intervene in the tunnel during an accident.Ostrav

    Spherical Robots for Special Purposes: A Review on Current Possibilities

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    The review discusses the possibilities of different driving mechanisms and sensors of spherical robots, and a special kind of mobile robots is introduced and discussed. The sensors discussed can expand robots’ sensing capabilities which are typically very limited. Most spherical robots have holonomic characteristics and protect the inner environment using a shell. Today, there are a diversity of driving mechanisms. Therefore, this article provides a review of all of them and identifies their basic properties. Accordingly, many spherical robots have only inner sensors for moving, balancing, driving, etc. However, a few of them are also equipped with sensors that can measure environmental properties. Therefore, in this paper, we propose the possibility of using such sensors as cameras, LiDARs, thermocouples, and gas sensors, which can be used for special purposes underground, for example, in mines, underground tunnels, or road tunnels. After combining all components are combined, it is possible to design a special type of spherical robot designed for underground exploration, such as accidents in mines or road tunnels