638 research outputs found

    Gauge Structure of Vacuum String Field Theory

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    We study the gauge structure of vacuum string field theory expanded around the D-brane solution, namely, the gauge transformation and the transversality condition of the massless vector fluctuation mode. We find that the gauge transformation on massless vector field is induced as an anomaly; an infinity multiplied by an infinitesimal factor. The infinity comes from the singularity at the edge of the eigenvalue distribution of the Neumann matrix, while the infinitesimal factor from the violation of the equation of motion of the fluctuation modes due to the regularization for the infinity. However, the transversality condition cannot be obtained even if we take into account the anomaly contribution.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX2

    Star Algebra Spectroscopy

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    The spectrum of the infinite dimensional Neumann matrices M^{11}, M^{12} and M^{21} in the oscillator construction of the three-string vertex determines key properties of the star product and of wedge and sliver states. We study the spectrum of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of these matrices using the derivation K_1 = L_1 + L_{-1} of the star algebra, which defines a simple infinite matrix commuting with the Neumann matrices. By an exact calculation of the spectrum of K_1, and by consideration of an operator generating wedge states, we are able to find analytic expressions for the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Neumann matrices and for the spectral density. The spectrum of M^{11} is continuous in the range [-1/3, 0) with degenerate twist even and twist odd eigenvectors for every eigenvalue except for -1/3.Comment: LaTeX, 30 pages, 2 figure

    Some exact results on the matter star-product in the half-string formalism

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    We show that the D25 sliver wavefunction, just as the D-instanton sliver, factorizes when expressed in terms of half-string coordinates. We also calculate analytically the star-product of two zero-momentum eigenstates of x^\hat{x} using the vertex in the oscillator basis, thereby showing that the star-product in the matter sector can indeed be seen as multiplication of matrices acting on the space of functionals of half strings. We then use the above results to establish that the matrices ρ1,2\rho_{1,2}, conjectured by Rastelli, Sen and Zwiebach to be left and right projectors on the sliver, are indeed so.Comment: 27 pages; footnote adde

    Ghost Kinetic Operator of Vacuum String Field Theory

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    Using the data of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of Neumann matrices in the 3-string vertex, we prove analytically that the ghost kinetic operator of vacuum string field theory obtained by Hata and Kawano is equal to the ghost operator inserted at the open string midpoint. We also comment on the values of determinants appearing in the norm of sliver state.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure, lanlmac; v2: typos correcte

    Siegel Gauge in Vacuum String Field Theory

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    We study the star algebra of ghost sector in vacuum string field theory (VSFT). We show that the star product of two states in the Siegel gauge is BRST exact if we take the BRST charge to be the one found in hep-th/0108150, and the BRST exact states are nil factors in the star algebra. By introducing a new star product defined on the states in the Siegel gauge, the equation of motion of VSFT is characterized as the projection condition with respect to this new product. We also comment on the comma form of string vertex in the ghost sector.Comment: 13 pages, lanlmac; v3: comment adde

    The Spectrum of the Neumann Matrix with Zero Modes

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    We calculate the spectrum of the matrix M' of Neumann coefficients of the Witten vertex, expressed in the oscillator basis including the zero-mode a_0. We find that in addition to the known continuous spectrum inside [-1/3,0) of the matrix M without the zero-modes, there is also an additional eigenvalue inside (0,1). For every eigenvalue, there is a pair of eigenvectors, a twist-even and a twist-odd. We give analytically these eigenvectors as well as the generating function for their components. Also, we have found an interesting critical parameter b_0 = 8 ln 2 on which the forms of the eigenvectors depend.Comment: 25+1 pages, 3 Figures; typos corrected and some comments adde

    Ratio of Tensions from Vacuum String Field Theory

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    We show analytically that the ratio of the norm of sliver states agrees with the ratio of D-brane tensions. We find that the correct ratio appears as a twist anomaly.Comment: 13 pages, lanlmac; version to appear in JHE

    Chan-Paton factors and Higgsing from Vacuum String Field Theory

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    We give a description of open strings stretched between N parallel D-branes in VSFT. We show how higgsing is generated as the branes are displaced: the shift in the mass formula for on-shell states stretched between different branes is due to a twist anomaly, a contribution localized at the midpoint.Comment: 20 pages, JHEP clas

    Rolling Tachyon Solution in Vacuum String Field Theory

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    We construct a time-dependent solution in vacuum string field theory and investigate whether the solution can be regarded as a rolling tachyon solution. First, compactifying one space direction on a circle of radius R, we construct a space-dependent solution given as an infinite number of *-products of a string field with center-of-mass momentum dependence of the form e^{-b p^2/4}. Our time-dependent solution is obtained by an inverse Wick rotation of the compactified space direction. We focus on one particular component field of the solution, which takes the form of the partition function of a Coulomb system on a circle with temperature R^2. Analyzing this component field both analytically and numerically using Monte Carlo simulation, we find that the parameter b in the solution must be set equal to zero for the solution to approach a finite value in the large time limit x^0\to\infty. We also explore the possibility that the self-dual radius R=\sqrt{\alpha'} is a phase transition point of our Coulomb system.Comment: 39 pages, 17 figures, v3: references adde

    Star Algebra Projectors

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    Surface states are open string field configurations which arise from Riemann surfaces with a boundary and form a subalgebra of the star algebra. We find that a general class of star algebra projectors arise from surface states where the open string midpoint reaches the boundary of the surface. The projector property of the state and the split nature of its wave-functional arise because of a nontrivial feature of conformal maps of nearly degenerate surfaces. Moreover, all such projectors are invariant under constant and opposite translations of their half-strings. We show that the half-string states associated to these projectors are themselves surface states. In addition to the sliver, we identify other interesting projectors. These include a butterfly state, which is the tensor product of half-string vacua, and a nothing state, where the Riemann surface collapses.Comment: 65 pages, 23 figures, LaTe