2 research outputs found

    Détermination des paramètres affectant le taux de rétention du bolus électronique pour la géo-localisation des bovins à Madagascar

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    International audienceZebu theft remains a scourge in full resurgence in Madagascar. To remedy this, the current government through the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (MAEP) has opted for the development of a device for geolocation of cattle in order to remotely control the movements of the herd. . In addition, this device allows on-demand, real-time monitoring of livestock at any time. The latter is presented as an electronic bolus (microchip) introduced orally to be deposited in the rumen of the animal. It consists of a rod of high density material that does not obstruct electromagnetic emissions and is resistant to digestive conditions of the rumen or the network. Its oral application, after operator training, is simple and it is safe for animals. In addition, its recovery after slaughter is quick and without the risk of finding it in the carcass. However, this device has several facets, including its retention rate in the animal's rumen. Since the launch of the project, some beneficiary breeders have reported the release of the electronic bolus of their animals. In addition, the MAEP called on the Department of Zootechnical, Veterinary and Fish Studies of FOFIFA (FOFIFA-DRZVP) to improve the retention rate of the electronic bolus, which is the subject of this report.Le vol de zébu demeure un fléau en pleine recrudescence à Madagascar. Pour y remédier, le gouvernement actuel par le biais du Ministère de l’Agriculture, de l’Elevage et de la Pêche (MAEP) a opté pour le développement d’un dispositif de géolocalisation des bovins afin de contrôler à distance les déplacements du troupeau. Par ailleurs, ce dispositif permet un suivi à la demande, en temps réel et à tout moment du bétail. Ce dernier est présenté sous forme de bolus électronique (puce électronique) introduit par voie orale pour être déposé dans le rumen de l’animal. Il est constitué d’un bâtonnet en matériau de densité élevée ne faisant pas obstacle aux émissions électromagnétiques et résistant aux conditions digestives du rumen ou du réseau. Son application par voie orale, après apprentissage des opérateurs, est simple et il est sans danger pour les animaux. En outre, sa récupération après l’abattage est rapide et sans risque de le retrouver dans la carcasse. Cependant, ce dispositif présente plusieurs facettes dont son taux de rétention dans le rumen de l’animal. Depuis le lancement du projet, quelques éleveurs bénéficiaires ont signalé la sortie du bolus électronique de leurs animaux. Par ailleurs, le MAEP a fait appel au Département de Recherches Zootechniques, Vétérinaires et Piscicoles du FOFIFA (FOFIFA- DRZVP) pour améliorer le taux de rétention du Bolus électronique, faisant l'objet de ce rapport

    Electronic Identification of Cattle: Traceability for Food Safety in Madagascar

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    International audienceThe cattle are one of the riches that make the Malagasy people famous, it intervenes in their daily life whether cultural, social or economic. However, due to a lack of traceability, several shortfalls are to be deplored in this sector, including the export of meat to European markets. This document presents the development of an electronic cattle identification system in order to control the sanitary traceability of products from cattle breeding for food safety. This system uses an electronic chip in the form of a ruminal bolus that works by low-frequency radio waves. To do this, about 600 cattle from the FOFIFA station in Kianjasoa, Madagascar, were identified using the electronic boluses and then monitored monthly to determine the retention rate of the identification system. At the same time, all information about each identified animal was collected, over time, to be transcribed and centralized in the LASER database. This makes it possible, on the one hand, to trace the product back to its original rearing in the event of a dispute and, on the other hand, to determine certain zootechnical parameters indicative of the breeding. For example, thanks to this tool, the annual growth rate of the identified herds was calculated at about 30%. This data seems essential to us in order to be able to estimate the demographic evolution of the workforce as well as the quantity of cattle meat to be exported while preserving the current number of livestock. During the first three years of cattle monitoring, the application of boluses showed no particular incident. This identification system could obtain approval from the International Committee on Animal Identification, as an annual retention rate of 100% was recorded during the study. In addition, this device impossible to falsify will make it possible to considerably reduce the theft of cattle in Madagascar. Thus, traceability, beyond the bond of trust established with consumers, is an important factor in enhancing the value chain and economic recovery of the beef sector in Madagascar