553 research outputs found

    A randomized study on the effect of extended voluntary waiting period in primiparous dairy cows on milk yield during first and second lactation

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    Extending the voluntary waiting period (VWP) for primiparous cows can have a positive impact on fertil-ity without a negative impact on milk production per day in the calving interval (CInt). We investigated the effect of extended VWP during first lactation on milk yield (MY) during 2 consecutive lactations in primipa-rous cows. The study involved 16 commercial herds in southern Sweden. A total of 533 Holstein and Red dairy cattle (Swedish Red, Danish Red, Ayrshire) dairy cows were randomly assigned to a conventional 25 to 95 d VWP (n = 252) or extended 145 to 215 d VWP (n = 281). Data on calvings, inseminations, and test-day yields were retrieved from the Swedish Milk Record -ing System. Cows with VWP according to plan and completing 1 or 2 CInt with a second or third calving were included in the data analysis. Whole lactation and 305-d energy-corrected milk (ECM) yield were higher for the extended VWP group than the conventional VWP group in both the first lactation (12,307 vs. 9,587 and 9,653 vs. 9,127 kg ECM) and second lactation (12,817 vs. 11,986 and 11,957 vs. 11,304 kg ECM). We found no difference between the VWP groups in MY per day during the first CInt or during the first and second CInt combined, although MY per day during the second CInt was around 1.5 kg higher for cows with extended VWP than for cows with conventional VWP. Thus extended VWP for primiparous cows can be used as a management tool without compromising MY

    A randomized study on the effect of an extended voluntary waiting period in primiparous dairy cows on fertility, health, and culling during first and second lactation

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    When the voluntary waiting period (VWP), defined as the days between calving and when the cow is eligible to receive the first insemination, is extended, high-yielding dairy cows may have better opportunities to regain energy balance before first insemination. This study investigated the effect of an extended (145–215 days in milk [DIM], n = 280) or conventional (25–95 DIM, n = 251) VWP treatment on fertility, disease incidence, and culling rate in cows during their first lactation. The cows were also followed through a second lactation without intervention regarding VWP, during which the farmers could decide when they wished to start the inseminations. This was done in a randomized-controlled study on 16 high-yielding commercial herds in southern Sweden, containing a total of 531 primiparous cows of the Holstein and Red Dairy Cattle breeds. Data from the Swedish national dairy herd recording scheme collected between August 2018 and September 2021 were used in the analysis, including records on breed, calvings, estrus intensity, inseminations, disease, somatic cell count, culling date, and culling reason. During first lactation, more cows receiving the extended VWP treatment showed strong estrus intensity (score 4–5, 55% vs. 48%) and fewer showed moderate estrus intensity (score 3, 35% vs. 43%) at first insemination, compared with cows receiving the conventional VWP treatment. First service conception rate (FSCR) was higher (67% vs. 51%) and number of inseminations per conception (NINS) was lower (1.6 vs. 2.0) during the first lactation for cows receiving the extended compared with the conventional VWP treatment. For disease incidence rate or culling rate expressed as number of events per cow-time in the study, we found no differences between the cows receiving the 2 VWP treatments in any lactation. Calving to first service interval during second lactation was longer (86 vs. 74 d) for cows with extended compared with conventional VWP. In conclusion, primiparous cows with extended VWP showed improved reproductive functions, in the form of higher estrus intensity, greater FSCR, and lower NINS, during the first lactation. However, we observed no apparent effect on these fertility measures during the following lactation (without VWP intervention) and no differences in disease prevalence or culling between cows receiving the 2 different VWP treatments in either lactation. Compliance with the planned VWP treatment was lower for cows with planned extended compared with planned conventional VWP treatment. We studied the “intention-to-treat” effect (i.e., the results for all cows randomized to each treatment regardless of whether the planned VWP was achieved or not) to identify any bias arising due to degree of compliance. However, we found no difference in culling rate between cows randomized to an extended VWP compared with those randomized to a conventional VWP. These findings can be used to support management decisions on VWP length in high-yielding dairy herds

    Plasma Cytokines/Chemokines as Predictive Biomarkers For Lymphedema in Breast Cancer Patients

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    Breast cancer-related lymphedema (BCRL) occurs in ~ 40% of patients after axillary lymph node dissection (ALND), radiation therapy (RT), or chemotherapy. First-line palliative treatment utilizes compression garments and specialized massage. Reparative microsurgeries have emerged as a second-line treatment, yet both compression and surgical therapy are most effective at early stages of LE development. Identifying patients at the highest risk for BCRL would allow earlier, more effective treatment. Perometric arm volume measurements, near-infrared fluorescent lymphatic imaging (NIRF-LI) data, and blood were collected between 2016 and 2021 for 40 study subjects undergoing treatment for breast cancer. Plasma samples were evaluated using MILLIPLEX human cytokine/chemokine panels at pre-ALND and at 12 months post-RT. A Mann-Whitne

    The R-process Alliance: First Magellan/MIKE Release from the Southern Search for R-Process-enhanced Stars

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    Extensive progress has been recently made into our understanding of heavy element production via the rr-process in the Universe, specifically with the first observed neutron star binary merger (NSBM) event associated with the gravitational wave signal detected by LIGO, GW170817. The chemical abundance patterns of metal-poor rr-process-enhanced stars provides key evidence into the dominant site(s) of the rr-process, and whether NSBMs are sufficiently frequent or prolific rr-process sources to be responsible for the majority of rr-process material in the Universe. We present atmospheric stellar parameters (using a Non-Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium analysis) and abundances from a detailed analysis of 141 metal-poor stars, carried out as part of the RR-Process Alliance (RPA) effort. We obtained high-resolution "snapshot" spectroscopy of the stars using the MIKE spectrograph on the 6.5m Magellan Clay telescope at Las Campanas Observatory in Chile. We find 10 new highly enhanced rr-II (with [Eu/Fe] >+1.0> +1.0), 62 new moderately enhanced rr-I (+0.3<+0.3 < [Eu/Fe] ≀+1.0\le +1.0) and 17 new limited-rr ([Eu/Fe] <+0.3< +0.3) stars. Among those, we find 17 new carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars, of which five are CEMP-no. We also identify one new ss-process-enhanced ([Ba/Eu ]>+0.5 > +0.5), and five new r/sr/s (0.0<0.0 < [Ba/Eu] <+0.5 < +0.5) stars. In the process, we discover a new ultra metal-poor (UMP) star at [Fe/H]=−-4.02. One of the rr-II stars shows a deficit in α\alpha and Fe-peak elements, typical of dwarf galaxy stars. Our search for rr-process-enhanced stars by RPA efforts, has already roughly doubled the known rr-process sample.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, 6 tables, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Volcanism and the Greenland ice cores: A new tephrochronological framework for the last glacial-interglacial transition (LGIT) based on cryptotephra deposits in three ice cores

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    Chemical profiles from Greenland ice cores show that the frequency of volcanism was higher during the last glacial-interglacial transition (LGIT) and early Holocene, (17–9 ka b2k) than in any other period during the last 110 kyr. This increased frequency has partly been linked to climate-driven melting of the Icelandic ice sheet during the last deglaciation, with regional isostatic changes thought to alter mantle viscosity and lead to more eruptions. Our study is the first to construct a comprehensive tephrochronological framework from Greenland ice cores over the LGIT to aid in the reconstruction of volcanic activity over this period. The framework is based on extensive high-resolution sampling of three Greenland ice cores between 17.4 and 11.6 ka b2k and comprises a total of 64 cryptotephra deposits from the NGRIP, GRIP and NEEM ice cores. We show that many of these tephras are preserved within the core without an associated chemical signature in the ice, which implies that reconstructions of volcanism based solely on glacio-chemical indicators might underestimate the number of events. Single glass shards from each deposit were geochemically characterised to trace the volcanic source and many of these deposits could be correlated between cores. We show that the 64 deposits represent tephra deposits from 42 separate volcanic events, and of these, 39 are from Iceland, two from the north Pacific region (Japan and USA) and one has an unknown source. Six deposits can be correlated to terrestrial and/or marine tephra deposits in the Northern Hemisphere and the remaining 36 are unreported in other archives. We did not locate tephra from the compositionally distinctive Laacher See eruption (∌13 ka b2k) in our records. Combining our new discoveries with the previously published tephra framework, raises the number of individual tephra horizons found in Greenland ice over this interval to 50. This significantly improves the regional tephrochronological framework, our knowledge of the eruptive history of Iceland during the LGIT and provides new tephra constraints over key LGIT climate events. Consequentially, this framework can guide sampling strategies of future tephra studies in the terrestrial and marine realms aiming to link these records to the Greenland ice cores to assess regional climate synchroneity
