3 research outputs found

    The Relationship Between Implementation of SBAR Communication Techniques and Patient Safety in ICU and ICCU Departments at Kendari General Hospital

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    Patient safety is a spirit in hospital services that guarantees the quality of health services. Effective communication is the key for staff to achieve patient safety. One way to achieve effective communication is by using Situation, Background, Assesement, Recommendation (SBAR). This study aims to determine the relationship between the implementation of SBAR communication techniques with patient safety in the ICU and ICCU rooms of the General Regional Hospital in Kendari 2018.This research is a descriptive analytic study with a cross sectional study approach. The population in this study were 33 ICU and ICCU nurses in General Regional Hospital in Kendri 2018. The sample was 33 respondents, the sampling technique was total sampling. The statistical test used was the Fisher Exact Test. The results showed there was a relationship between the implementation of SBAR communication techniques with patient safety in the ICU and ICCU rooms of of the General Regional Hospital in Kendari which was indicated by the value of ρ value 0.001. It is recommended that this study be continued by using more samples and using research methods with the type of case control. Keywords:  implementation of communication, SBAR, patient safet

    Effect Of Supplementation Of F100 Biscuits Modified With Moringa Oleifera Flour Substitution On Nutritional Status Of Under-five Children With Malnutrition In Kendari City Indonesia

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    Background: Malnutrition is a condition of severe nutritional deficiency caused by an insufficient intake of energy and protein from daily food consumption. The most lethal impacts are declined IQ score, decreased cognitive development, and diminished sensory integration, which could harm the life of the children and resulted in the loss of the national youth generation. One effort to overcome this problem is to develop a diet alternative using F100 materials substituted from kelor (Moringa Oleifera) flour as the main ingredient and reform it into edible biscuits. Kelor leaves contain multiple micronutrient elements that are essential for children and have been proven to increase the nutritional status of children with malnutrition.Objective: This research aims to identify the effect of the supplementation of F100 biscuits modified with kelor flour substitution on the nutritional status of under-five children with malnutrition.Methods: This was a pre-experimental study conducted in Kendari city Indonesia from May-June 2019. Twenty children were included and given modified biscuits on a scale of 100 gm per day for six consecutive weeks. Data were analyzed using dependent and independent sample t-test.Results: There was a significant effect of the supplementation of F100 modified biscuits on the nutritional status of under-five children with malnutrition (p = 0.002).Conclusion: The F100 supplementation modified with kelor flour substitution biscuits has been proven to be effective in increasing the nutritional status of under-five children with malnutrition

    Pelaksanaan Operan Jaga Perawat di Unit Rawat Inap: Studi Fenomenologi Deskriptif

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    One of nurse professionalism can be reflected in the implementation of good communication in carrying out shift. Gaps in the implementation of nurse shift can interfere with the safety of hospitalized patients. The purpose of this study was to explore and understand in depth how the implementation of nurse shift in inpatient unit. This study used qualitative method. The data were collected by using triangulation methods, namely individual interviews with 3 key informants, focus group discussions with 4 nurses, and analyzing 10 documents related to the implementation of nurse shift, such as report books, register books, patient status and SOP of shift implementation. The number of samples until reaching data saturation was 7 informants and 10 related documents. The data found were then analyzed by using Colaizzi approach and resulted five themes, namely: (1) The process of shift implementation, (2) Benefits of shift implementation for nurses, (3) Nurses' understanding and expectations related to shift, (4) Barriers and consequences of shift ineffectiveness, (5) The support of the effectiveness of shift implementation. To conclude, nurse shift can be implemented effectively due to, one of the reasons, leader support in the form of directive mandatory to participate nurse shift.Salah satu bentuk profesionalisme kerja perawat dapat tercermin dari pelaksanaan komunikasi yang baik dalam menjalankan operan. Kesenjangan dalam pelaksanaan operan dapat mengganggu keselamatan pasien rawat inap. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengeksplorasi dan memahami secara mendalam bagaimana pelaksanaan operan jaga yang dijalankan perawat di unit rawat inap. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode triangulasi yaitu wawancara individual bersama 3 informan kunci, focus group discussion bersama 4 perawat pelaksana, dan analisis 10 dokumen terkait pelaksanaan operan seperti buku laporan, buku register, status pasien dan SOP pelaksanaan operan. Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini hingga mencapai saturasi data adalah 7 orang informan dan 10 dokumen terkait. Data yang ditemukan selanjutnya dianalisis dengan pendekatan Colaizzi dan menghasilkan lima tema, yaitu: (1) Proses pelaksanaan operan, (2) Manfaat pelaksanaan operan bagi perawat, (3) Pemahaman dan harapan perawat terkait operan, (4) Hambatan dan akibat ketidakefektifan operan, (5) Pendukung efektivitas pelaksanaan operan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu operan dapat terlaksana secara efektif karena, salah satunya, dukungan pimpinan berupa arahan untuk wajib ikut operan