22 research outputs found

    Differences in mandibular morphology between bruxism and non-bruxism patients based on the Levandoski analysis

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    Bruxism is a condition that involves grinding and clenching which can place a large load on the mandible, so it can change the morphology of the mandible. Based on the Levandoski analysis, this study aimed to determine whether there are differences in the mandibular morphology between bruxism and non-bruxism patients. This study was a cross-sectional analytic study conducted on the panoramic radiographic samples of bruxism and non-bruxism patients with a total sample of 30 patients (n = 30) in each group, obtained from the radiographic archives at the Radiology Installation of RSGM Universitas Padjadjaran which have been confirmed as bruxism and non-bruxism patients. Measurements were carried out using ImageJ software based on the reference lines by Levandoski. The results of the study were analyzed using SPSS software by performing normality and homogeneity tests, followed by a statistically independent t-test or Mann-Whitney test. The results of the independent t-test showed that three lines had a p-value 0.05. There were differences in the mandibular morphology between bruxism and non-bruxism patients based on the Levandoski analysis, namely the length of the maxillary vertical midline, the distance from the condyle top point to the maxillary vertical midline, the distance from the point gonion to the maxillary vertical midline, the distance from the top point of the condyle to the maxillary interincisal point on the left side, and the distance from the top point of the condyle to the mandibular interincisal point on the left side. On the other four lines, there was no significant difference between bruxism and non-bruxism patients


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    Introduction: Temporomandibular joint disorder are reported to affect 50 until 75% of the adult population and can affect an individual’s quality of life. The etiology of this disorder is multifactorial; it can be caused by parafunctional habit, chewing gum. 13% of adolescents and adults were reported chewing gum regularly. This study aims to determine the relationship between chewing gum and temporomandibular joint disorder. Review: This study was conducted using the rapid review method with screening and search referring to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. Article searches were performed using keywords and inclusion criteria in the Google Scholar, PubMed, and ScienceDirect databases. A total of 4 articles using observational research methods were included. Evaluation of the habit of chewing gum was carried out using questionnaires and interviews, while the paramenters used to evaluate temporomandibular joint disorders were anamnesis and clinical examination based on the Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD (RDC/TMD). Three articles indicated that there was a significant association between gum chewing and temporomandibular disorder, whereas 1 article concluded that further studies on this topic were necessary. The heterogeneity that occurs can be caused by differences in sample characteristics and methods. Conclusion: The habit of chewing gum can cause temporomandibular joint disorder

    The differences in parallelism between ala-tragus line and occlusal plane of down syndrome and normal individuals

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    People with down syndrome have a different craniofacial structure compared to normal individuals. Commonly, down syndrome patients have abnormal ear morphology with smaller size, and lower ear position compared to that of normalsubjects. These patients also have smaller nose, shorter maxilla structure and facial height. Other disorders are anomalies in tooth shape, numbers and size. The ala-tragus line is one of the anatomical landmarks to determine the occlusal plane orientation. Abnormalities in the anatomical structure of people with down syndrome can affect the parallelism between the ala-tragus line and the occlusal plane. The purpose of this research was to determine the differences in parallelism between the ala-tragus line and the occlusal plane of people with down syndrome and normal individuals. The sample in this study were people with down syndrome and normal individuals. The sample was photographed using a digital camera with a fox plane attached to the oral cavity. Parallelism of the ala-tragus line and the occlusal plane was analyzed by tracing these photographs. Photo tracing was done using the Autocad 2013 software. The mean value of angle on people with down syndrome (5.852° ± 5.367°) was greater than that of normal individuals (2.169° ± 2.557°). Based on the research, it was concluded that the parallelism of the ala-tragus line to the occlusal plane in people with down syndrome was different from that in normal individuals. The ala-tragus inferior line in normal individuals was more parallel to the occlusal plane compared to that in people with down syndrome

    Gambaran kualitas hidup pasien lansia pengguna gigi tiruan lepasan di RSGM Unpad

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    Description of quality of life on elderly patients with removable denture at RSGM Unpad. The elderlies are prone to the process of the gradual decreasing ability of the tissue for self-healing. This process greatly affects the dental structure and periodontal tissue leading to tooth decay. When it is not properly treated, it may disturb oral functions and activities influencing their life quality. This research, therefore, aims to obtain the description of quality of life on elderly patients with removable denture at the Prosthodontic Clinic RSGM Unpad. Research was conducted with a descriptive method using the consecutive technique sampling method. Data were collected from 31 elderly patients with removable denture at the Prosthodontic Clinic RSGM Unpad and quality of life was measured by GOHAI questionnaire. The results showed that the dimensions of physical function fell into the adequate criteria, while the dimensions of pain and inconvenience and psychosocial aspects were considered good. It can be concluded that the general quality of life on elderly patients with removable denture at the Prosthodontic Clinic RSGM Unpad were good. ABSTRAKPada lansia terjadi suatu proses menghilangnya secara perlahan kemampuan jaringan untuk memperbaiki diri yang disebut proses menua. Proses tersebut berpengaruh terhadap gigi dan jaringan periodontal sehingga mengakibatkan kehilangan gigi. Jika kehilangan gigi tidak diberi perawatan dapat mengganggu fungsi dan aktivitas rongga mulut sehingga akan mempunyaidampak pada kualitas hidupnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kualitas hidup pasien lansia pengguna gigi tiruan lepasan di Instalasi Prostodonsia RSGM Unpad. Jenis penelitian adalah deksriptif dengan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik populasi terjangkau dengan minimal sampling. Data dikumpulkan dari 31 pasien lansia pengguna gigi tiruan lepasan di Instalasi Prostodonsia RSGM Unpad. Kualitas hidup diukur dengan menggunakan kuesioner GOHAI. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dimensi fungsi fisik berada pada kriteria cukup, dimensi nyeri dan ketidaknyamanan berada pada kriteria baik dan dimensi aspek psikososial berada pada kriteria baik. Kesimpulan penelitian menunjukkan kualitas hidup pasien lansia pengguna gigi tiruan lepasan di Instalasi Prostodonsia RSGM Unpad dikategorikan baik


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    Disc displacement with reduction is one of the temporomandibular joint disorders which often occurred. Disc displacement can cause the changing of condyle position which can be evaluated by using radiograph. Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT-3D) is a radiograph for viewing of the condyle with more accurate. The aim of this study was to determine the condyle position in disc displacement with reduction. Sample was 11 patients with disc displacement and 3 asymptomatic patients as control. A radiographic exposure was done with CBCT-3D and measurement of joint space in sagittal view was performed. Statistical analysis used T-test. The result of this study showed that there was significant difference (p<0,05) between disc displacement with reduction and asymptomatic patients. It can be concluded that there was different condyle position between disc displacement with reduction and asymptomatic patients. It means condyle position displacement caused sagittal joint space changed

    Standard mandibular canine index of the Malaysian Indian student used for sex prediction in forensic dentistry

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    Identification of the unknown body is a medical, legal and humane responsibility of the forensic team to evaluate data relevant to the identification. The purpose of this research was to obtain necessary data to compute and analyze the Mandibular Canine Index (MCI) between Malaysian Indian males and females studying in Universitas Padjadjaran as well as to determine the Standard Mandibular Canine Index (Standard MCI) for the Malaysian Indian community. This research used a descriptive and analytical survey approach and was done though a stratified random proportional sampling technique. The result of this research established a statistical significant difference between males and females Mandibular Canine Index (MCI) with the level of confidence of 95% with the mean of males as 0.260±0.019 and females as 0.236±0.012. The Standard Mandibular Canine Index of the Malaysian Indian community was 0.248. The overall success to predict the sex using this Standard Mandibular Canine Index was 76.67%. It was concluded that Standard Mandibular Canine Index could be used for sex prediction as a supporting technique

    Condylar Angle Differences between Dentulous and Edentulous Subjects in Deutero-Malay

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    Physiologically, the human teeth must fit into the jaw relationship harmony, not vice versa. In order to produce full dentures that fit into the harmony of the jaw, the denture teeth arrangement should be made according to the balanced occlusion principle. One of the most important factors in the principle is condylar angle adjustment. Objectives: To compare the condylar angle average values between the complete dentulous and totally edentulous subjects in Deutero-Malay. Methods: This was a descriptive comparative clinical research, that involved 16 complete dentulous Deutero-Malay dental students and 14 totally edentulous Deutero-Malay patients at Oral and Dental Hospital of Faculty of Dentistry Padjadjaran University who fullfilled the inclusion criteria. The condylar angle value measurement was done with protrusive record method using the fully-adjustable arcon type articulator. Results: The average value of the complete dentulous Deutero Malays’ condylar angles was 38.0±8.5° and the average value of the totally edentulous Deutero-Malay’ was 30.7±14.6°. Statistically, there was a significant difference between the condylar angle’s average value of the complete dentulous and the totally edentulous in the Deutero-Malay. Conclusion: There was a condylar angle decrease on complete edentulous subjects compared to the fully dentulous subjects in Deutero-Malay


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    Gangguan sendi temporomandibula dapat terjadi karena peradangan neurogenik yang banyak melibatkan sitokin. Pada penderita gangguan sendi temporomandibula dengan keluhan nyeri ditemukan adanya substansi algogenik prostaglandin dan lukotrien sebagai mediator nyeri dan inflamasi. Prostaglandin berasal dari asam arakidonat yang berubah menjadi PGE2 karena aktivitas Cox2 yang diinduksi oleh sitokin IL-1β. Saliva merupakan cairan yang mengandung hormon, antibodi, konstituent mikroba, dan sitokin seperti yang terdapat dalam darah. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat perbedaan kadar IL-1β pada penderita myofascial pain dan disc displacement sendi temporomandibula. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode cross sectional comparative. Variabel dependen dan independen diperiksa secara bersamaan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Poliklinik Prostodonsia Rumah Sakit Arifin Ahmad Pekanbaru dan Laboratorium Biomedik Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas Padang. Pemeriksaan sampel saliva dilakukan pada 37 penderita myofascial pain dan 37 penderita disc displacement. Kadar IL-1β diperiksa dengan Elisa dan data dianalisis dengan t test. Berdasarkan uji statistik Kolmogorov Smirnov ditemukan bahwa data terdistribusi normal baik pada kelompok gender (p =0,772) maupun kelompok umur (p =1,000). Rerata nilai kadar IL-1β penderita myofascial pain adalah 0,22 ± 0,18 nm/L dan penderita disc displacement adalah 0,57 ± 0,45 nm/L. Hasil analisis t-test menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan kadar IL-1β saliva yang signifikan antara penderita myofascial pain dan disc displacement  p =0,01 (p<0,05). Sebagai kesimpulan bahwa  kadar IL-1β lebih tinggi pada disc displacement dibandingkan myofascial pain

    The description of condyle position in disc displacement with reduction using Cone Beam Computed Tomography 3D radiographic analysis

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    One of the temporomandibular joint disorders that mostly occurs is disc displacement with reduction. Disc displacement that causes the displacement of condyle position can be evaluated by using radiograph. The Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT-3D) is a radiograph equipment which is able to capture the condyle position from many directions. This research was aimed to see the condyle position in patients with disc displacement with reduction symptoms. This research was conducted to 11 patients with symptoms of disc displacement with reduction and 3 patients without symptoms of disc displacement with reduction as the counterpart. What was conducted to the sample was the radiographic imaging using CBCT-3D radiography, followed by measuring the joint space distance in the sagittal and coronal directions. The result of the research was analyzed using the T-test. Statistically, the result of the test showed a significant difference ( = 0.05) between patients with disc displacement with reduction symptoms and the patients without symptoms, in sagittal and coronal views. The conclusion led to the difference in condyle positions in patients with the disc displacement with reduction and patients without the symptoms which meant there was a condyle position displacement that caused the distance alteration in joint space in sagittal and coronal directions