217 research outputs found

    CTCF as a regulator of alternative splicing: new tricks for an old player

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    Three decades of research have established the CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF) as a ubiquitously expressed chromatin organizing factor and master regulator of gene expression. A new role for CTCF as a regulator of alternative splicing (AS) has now emerged. CTCF has been directly and indirectly linked to the modulation of AS at the individual transcript and at the transcriptome-wide level. The emerging role of CTCF-mediated regulation of AS involves diverse mechanisms; including transcriptional elongation, DNA methylation, chromatin architecture, histone modifications, and regulation of splicing factor expression and assembly. CTCF thereby appears to not only co-ordinate gene expression regulation but contributes to the modulation of transcriptomic complexity. In this review, we highlight previous discoveries regarding the role of CTCF in AS. In addition, we summarize detailed mechanisms by which CTCF mediates AS regulation. We propose opportunities for further research designed to examine the possible fate of CTCF-mediated alternatively spliced genes and associated biological consequences. CTCF has been widely acknowledged as the ‘master weaver of the genome’. Given its multiple connections, further characterization of CTCF’s emerging role in splicing regulation might extend its functional repertoire towards a ‘conductor of the splicing orchestra’

    Impaired nutrient signaling and body weight control in a Na⁺ neutral amino acid cotransporter (Slc6a19)-deficient mouse

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    Amino acid uptake in the intestine and kidney is mediated by a variety of amino acid transporters. To understand the role of epithelial neutral amino acid uptake in whole body homeostasis, we analyzed mice lacking the apical broad-spectrum neutral (0) amino acid transporter BᴼAT1 (Slc6a19). A general neutral aminoaciduria was observed similar to human Hartnup disorder which is caused by mutations in SLC6A19. Na⁺ -dependent uptake of neutral amino acids into the intestine and renal brush-border membrane vesicles was abolished. No compensatory increase of peptide transport or other neutral amino acid transporters was detected. Mice lacking BᴼAT1 showed a reduced body weight. When adapted to a standard 20% protein diet, BᴼAT1-deficient mice lost body weight rapidly on diets containing 6 or 40% protein. Secretion of insulin in response to food ingestion after fasting was blunted. In the intestine, amino acid signaling to the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway was reduced, whereas the GCN2/ATF4 stress response pathway was activated, indicating amino acid deprivation in epithelial cells. The results demonstrate that epithelial amino acid uptake is essential for optimal growth and body weight regulation.This work was supported by National Health and Medical Research Council Grant 525415, Australian Research Council Grant DP0877897, University of Sydney Bridging Grant RIMS2009-02579), and by an anonymous foundatio

    Challenges in defining the role of intron retention in normal biology and disease

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    RNA sequencing has revealed a striking diversity in transcriptomic complexity, to which alternative splicing is a major contributor. Intron retention (IR) is a conserved form of alternative splicing that was originally overlooked in normal mammalian physiology and development, due mostly to difficulties in its detection. IR has recently been revealed as an independent mechanism of controlling and enhancing the complexity of gene expression. IR facilitates rapid responses to biological stimuli, is involved in disease pathogenesis, and can generate novel protein isoforms. Many challenges, however, remain in detecting and quantifying retained introns and in determining their effects on cellular phenotype. In this review, we provide an overview of these challenges, and highlight approaches that can be used to address them

    Recent Advances in Cancer Fusion Transcript Detection

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    Extensive investigation of gene fusions in cancer has led to the discovery of novel biomarkers and therapeutic targets. To date, most studies have neglected chromosomal rearrangement-independent fusion transcripts and complex fusion structures such as double or triple-hop fusions, and fusion-circRNAs. In this review, we untangle fusion-related terminology and propose a classification system involving both gene and transcript fusions. We highlight the importance of RNA-level fusions and how long-read sequencing approaches can improve detection and characterization. Moreover, we discuss novel bioinformatic tools to identify fusions in long-read sequencing data and strategies to experimentally validate and functionally characterize fusion transcripts

    Luciferase expression and bioluminescence does not affect tumor cell growth in vitro or in vivo

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    Live animal imaging is becoming an increasingly common technique for accurate and quantitative assessment of tumor burden over time. Bioluminescence imaging systems rely on a bioluminescent signal from tumor cells, typically generated from expression of the firefly luciferase gene. However, previous reports have suggested that either a high level of luciferase or the resultant light reaction produced upon addition of D-luciferin substrate can have a negative influence on tumor cell growth. To address this issue, we designed an expression vector that allows simultaneous fluorescence and luminescence imaging. Using fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS), we generated clonal cell populations from a human breast cancer (MCF-7) and a mouse melanoma (B16-F10) cell line that stably expressed different levels of luciferase. We then compared the growth capabilities of these clones in vitro by MTT proliferation assay and in vivo by bioluminescence imaging of tumor growth in live mice. Surprisingly, we found that neither the amount of luciferase nor biophotonic activity was sufficient to inhibit tumor cell growth, in vitro or in vivo. These results suggest that luciferase toxicity is not a necessary consideration when designing bioluminescence experiments, and therefore our approach can be used to rapidly generate high levels of luciferase expression for sensitive imaging experiments

    The changing paradigm of intron retention: regulation, ramifications and recipes

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    Intron retention (IR) is a form of alternative splicing that has long been neglected in mammalian systems although it has been studied for decades in non-mammalian species such as plants, fungi, insects and viruses. It was generally assumed that mis-splicing, leading to the retention of introns, would have no physiological consequence other than reducing gene expression by nonsense-mediated decay. Relatively recent landmark discoveries have highlighted the pivotal role that IR serves in normal and disease-related human biology. Significant technical hurdles have been overcome, thereby enabling the robust detection and quantification of IR. Still, relatively little is known about the cis- and trans-acting modulators controlling this phenomenon. The fate of an intron to be, or not to be, retained in the mature transcript is the direct result of the influence exerted by numerous intrinsic and extrinsic factors at multiple levels of regulation. These factors have altered current biological paradigms and provided unexpected insights into the transcriptional landscape. In this review, we discuss the regulators of IR and methods to identify them. Our focus is primarily on mammals, however, we broaden the scope to non-mammalian organisms in which IR has been shown to be biologically relevant

    Sensitive Flow Cytometric Analysis Reveals a Novel Type of Parent-of-Origin Effect in the Mouse Genome

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    AbstractThe discovery of classic parental imprinting came, at least in part, from the analysis of transgene expression in mice [1]. It was noticed that some transgenes were only expressed following paternal transmission [2–4] and that others sometimes showed differential patterns of methylation depending on the parent of origin [5, 6]. Here, we present evidence of a novel and more subtle form of parental imprinting by taking advantage of the highly sensitive detection of murine transgene expression afforded by flow cytometry. We have produced nine lines of transgenic mice carrying a GFP reporter linked to the human α-globin promoter and enhancer elements, which direct expression to erythroid cells. A high proportion of transgenic lines, four of the nine, display significantly lower levels of expression following maternal transmission. Both the percentage of expressing cells and the mean fluorescence in expressing cells are between 10% and 30% lower following maternal transmission. These effects are reversible upon passage through the opposite germline. This finding raises the possibility that differences in the epigenetic state of the maternal and paternal chromosomes in adult somatic cells are more widespread than was previously thought

    Erratum to: Genetic alterations of m6A regulators predict poorer survival in acute myeloid leukemia

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    Abstract Methylation of N6 adenosine (m6A) is known to be important for diverse biological processes including gene expression control, translation of protein, and messenger RNA (mRNA) splicing. However, its role in the development of human cancers is poorly understood. By analyzing datasets from the Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network (TCGA) acute myeloid leukemia (AML) study, we discover that mutations and/or copy number variations of m6A regulatory genes are strongly associated with the presence of TP53 mutations in AML patients. Further, our analyses reveal that alterations in m6A regulatory genes confer a worse survival in AML. Our work indicates that genetic alterations of m6A regulatory genes may cooperate with TP53 and/or its regulator/downstream targets in the pathogenesis and/or maintenance of AML

    ZNF265—a novel spliceosomal protein able to induce alternative splicing

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    The formation of the active spliceosome, its recruitment to active areas of transcription, and its role in pre-mRNA splicing depends on the association of a number of multifunctional serine/arginine-rich (SR) proteins. ZNF265 is an arginine/serine-rich (RS) domain containing zinc finger protein with conserved pre-mRNA splicing protein motifs. Here we show that ZNF265 immunoprecipitates from splicing extracts in association with mRNA, and that it is able to alter splicing patterns of Tra2-β1 transcripts in a dose-dependent manner in HEK 293 cells. Yeast two-hybrid analysis and immunoprecipitation indicated interaction of ZNF265 with the essential splicing factor proteins U1-70K and U2AF35. Confocal microscopy demonstrated colocalization of ZNF265 with the motor neuron gene product SMN, the snRNP protein U1-70K, the SR protein SC35, and with the transcriptosomal components p300 and YY1. Transfection of HT-1080 cells with ZNF265–EGFP fusion constructs showed that nuclear localization of ZNF265 required the RS domain. Alignment with other RS domain–containing proteins revealed a high degree of SR dipeptide conservation. These data show that ZNF265 functions as a novel component of the mRNA processing machinery