255 research outputs found

    Spin network setting of topological quantum computation

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    The spin network simulator model represents a bridge between (generalised) circuit schemes for standard quantum computation and approaches based on notions from Topological Quantum Field Theories (TQFTs). The key tool is provided by the fiber space structure underlying the model which exhibits combinatorial properties closely related to SU(2) state sum models, widely employed in discretizing TQFTs and quantum gravity in low spacetime dimensions.Comment: Proc. "Foundations of Quantum Information", Camerino (Italy), 16-19 April 2004, to be published in Int. J. of Quantum Informatio

    Quantum global vortex strings in a background field

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    We consider quantum global vortex string correlation functions, within the Kalb-Ramond framework, in the presence of a background field-strength tensor and investigate the conditions under which this yields a nontrivial contribution to those correlation functions. We show that a background field must be supplemented to the Kalb-Ramond theory, in order to correctly describe the quantum properties of the vortex strings. The explicit form of this background field and the associated quantum vortex string correlation function are derived. The complete expression for the quantum vortex creation operator is explicitly obtained. We discuss the potential applicability of our results in the physics of superfluids and rotating Bose-Einstein condensates.Comment: To appear in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Genera

    Bose-Einstein condensation in inhomogeneous Josephson arrays

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    We show that spatial Bose-Einstein condensation of non-interacting bosons occurs in dimension d < 2 over discrete structures with inhomogeneous topology and with no need of external confining potentials. Josephson junction arrays provide a physical realization of this mechanism. The topological origin of the phenomenon may open the way to the engineering of quantum devices based on Bose-Einstein condensation. The comb array, which embodies all the relevant features of this effect, is studied in detail.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum statistical properties of some new classes of intelligent states associated with special quantum systems

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    Based on the {\it nonlinear coherent states} method, a general and simple algebraic formalism for the construction of \textit{`ff-deformed intelligent states'} has been introduced. The structure has the potentiality to apply to systems with a known discrete spectrum as well as the generalized coherent states with known nonlinearity function f(n)f (n). As some physical appearance of the proposed formalism, a few new classes of intelligent states associated with \textit{`center of-mass motion of a trapped ion'}, \textit{`harmonious states'} and \textit{`hydrogen-like spectrum'} have been realized. Finally, the nonclassicality of the obtained states has been investigated. To achieve this purpose the quantum statistical properties using the Mandel parameter and the squeezing of the quadratures of the radiation field corresponding to the introduced states have been established numerically.Comment: 13page

    Thermalization of a Brownian particle via coupling to low-dimensional chaos

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    It is shown that a paradigm of classical statistical mechanics --- the thermalization of a Brownian particle --- has a low-dimensional, deterministic analogue: when a heavy, slow system is coupled to fast deterministic chaos, the resultant forces drive the slow degrees of freedom toward a state of statistical equilibrium with the fast degrees. This illustrates how concepts useful in statistical mechanics may apply in situations where low-dimensional chaos exists.Comment: Revtex, 11 pages, no figures

    Quantum geometry and quantum algorithms

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    Motivated by algorithmic problems arising in quantum field theories whose dynamical variables are geometric in nature, we provide a quantum algorithm that efficiently approximates the colored Jones polynomial. The construction is based on the complete solution of Chern-Simons topological quantum field theory and its connection to Wess-Zumino-Witten conformal field theory. The colored Jones polynomial is expressed as the expectation value of the evolution of the q-deformed spin-network quantum automaton. A quantum circuit is constructed capable of simulating the automaton and hence of computing such expectation value. The latter is efficiently approximated using a standard sampling procedure in quantum computation.Comment: Submitted to J. Phys. A: Math-Gen, for the special issue ``The Quantum Universe'' in honor of G. C. Ghirard

    Topological origin of the phase transition in a mean-field model

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    We argue that the phase transition in the mean-field XY model is related to a particular change in the topology of its configuration space. The nature of this topological transition can be discussed on the basis of elementary Morse theory using the potential energy per particle V as a Morse function. The value of V where such a topological transition occurs equals the thermodynamic value of V at the phase transition and the number of (Morse) critical points grows very fast with the number of particles N. Furthermore, as in statistical mechanics, also in topology the way the thermodynamic limit is taken is crucial.Comment: REVTeX, 5 pages, with 1 eps figure included. Some changes in the text. To appear in Physical Review Letter

    Topology and phase transitions: a paradigmatic evidence

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    We report upon the numerical computation of the Euler characteristic \chi (a topologic invariant) of the equipotential hypersurfaces \Sigma_v of the configuration space of the two-dimensional lattice Ď•4\phi^4 model. The pattern \chi(\Sigma_v) vs. v (potential energy) reveals that a major topology change in the family {\Sigma_v}_{v\in R} is at the origin of the phase transition in the model considered. The direct evidence given here - of the relevance of topology for phase transitions - is obtained through a general method that can be applied to any other model.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Spin- and charge-density waves in the Hartree-Fock ground state of the two-dimensional Hubbard model

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    The ground states of the two-dimensional repulsive Hubbard model are studied within the unrestricted Hartree-Fock (UHF) theory. Magnetic and charge properties are determined by systematic, large-scale, exact numerical calculations, and quantified as a function of electron doping hh. In the solution of the self-consistent UHF equations, multiple initial configurations and simulated annealing are used to facilitate convergence to the global minimum. New approaches are employed to minimize finite-size effects in order to reach the thermodynamic limit. At low to moderate interacting strengths and low doping, the UHF ground state is a linear spin-density wave (l-SDW), with antiferromagnetic order and a modulating wave. The wavelength of the modulating wave is 2/h2/h. Corresponding charge order exists but is substantially weaker than the spin order, hence holes are mobile. As the interaction is increased, the l-SDW states evolves into several different phases, with the holes eventually becoming localized. A simple pairing model is presented with analytic calculations for low interaction strength and small doping, to help understand the numerical results and provide a physical picture for the properties of the SDW ground state. By comparison with recent many-body calculations, it is shown that, for intermediate interactions, the UHF solution provides a good description of the magnetic correlations in the true ground state of the Hubbard model.Comment: 13 pages, 17 figure, 0 table

    Spin networks, quantum automata and link invariants

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    The spin network simulator model represents a bridge between (generalized) circuit schemes for standard quantum computation and approaches based on notions from Topological Quantum Field Theories (TQFT). More precisely, when working with purely discrete unitary gates, the simulator is naturally modelled as families of quantum automata which in turn represent discrete versions of topological quantum computation models. Such a quantum combinatorial scheme, which essentially encodes SU(2) Racah--Wigner algebra and its braided counterpart, is particularly suitable to address problems in topology and group theory and we discuss here a finite states--quantum automaton able to accept the language of braid group in view of applications to the problem of estimating link polynomials in Chern--Simons field theory.Comment: LateX,19 pages; to appear in the Proc. of "Constrained Dynamics and Quantum Gravity (QG05), Cala Gonone (Italy) September 12-16 200
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