5 research outputs found
Pemberdayaan Aparatur di Kelurahan Malalayang Dua Kecamatan Malalayang Kota Manado
Empowerment is an effort to improve the capabilities and potential of the community, so that people can realize the identity, status and dignity to the maximum to survive and develop themselves independently in economic, social, religious and cultural. Government officials today are required to provide the best service for the community, especially in the public service, but the reality in some places one in the village Malalayang Dua subdistrict Malalayang, resource quality apparatus is still questionable it is certainly an impact on excellent service.This study reviews the empowerment for the apparatus in two districts Malalayang Malalayang village, using qualitative research methods, the results of research low levels of education and infrastructure are less likely to cause low quality of village officials so requires empowerment of the above organizations
Implementasi Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Penanggulangan Kemiskinan di Kecamatan Kendahe Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe (suatu Studi pada Kegiatan Simpan Pinjam Perempuan)
Along with the implementation of PNPM Mandiri Rural, Kec.Kendahe is one of thevillages that became the target of PNPM Rural, which is located in District Kendahe, Sangihe, InKec.Kendahe has established a program called Women's Savings and Loans (SPP) which aims toempower women in the village. In the implementation of PNPM MP frequent problems that led to theimplementation of PNPM MP is not going well.This study aims to determine how the implementation of the National Program for CommunityEmpowerment for Rural and To determine constraints faced in the implementation of the Group Savingsand Loans Women In District Kendahe This study took place in the District Kendahe Sangihe and type ofstudy is a qualitative study with a sample of 15 respondents / informants.The result is that the Implementation Program for Community Empowerment in Poverty Kendahedistricts are judged on seven indicators of assessment in general it turns out that the implementation of theProgramme of Activities of savings and loans in the District Kendahe women has shown a pretty goodrate.From the overall results of the above studies it can be deduced that in the District kendahe inmanaging micro-credit activities of women in poverty alleviation in the district has been successful in itsimplementation because it can be viewed from many members of the group were successful in managingbusinesses that received loans from UPK resulting increase in the standard of living in the family
Parent Communication Models in Character Education Teenagers in Manado City
The results showed that parents gave messages (decoding) to adolescents related to character education: religious, hard work, creative, independent, democratic, curiosity, love of the motherland, mutual respect, communicative, peace-loving, honest , diligent, care for the environment, responsible and social spirit. Parents convey character education to teenagers when they are relaxed, when children are happy, when there is togetherness in the family room, when watching TV or movies, and when playing sports together. Decoding and interpreting adolescents' responses to character education from parents, namely: accepting and rejecting on the grounds that parents consider them like small children, messages that are conveyed are too repetitive, dictate, and are conveyed in front of many people. Communication barriers in parents: style of speaking, time and place. Barriers to communication in adolescents: Mood / Situation, and do not want to act under threat. The Model of Parental Communication in the Character Education of Adolescents in Manado City is a Circular Communication Model, in which the process of parental communication in the character education of adolescents takes place continuously in a circular manner. Each communicator, namely parents and adolescents, will be involved in the process of encoding the message, interpreting the message, as well as receiving and decoding the message in turn
Implementasi Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mandiri (PNPM) Perdesaan di Kecamatan Tobelo Kabupaten Halmahera Utara
PNPM Mandiri community empowerment is a national program for povertyreduction as well independence society to grow and evolve in the direction.PNPMprogram can hape petrified society out of the problem of disability and poverty.Then in need of local government's readiness to accept and implement thePNPM be continue actually be felt by society. Purpose of this study in accordance withthe formulation of the problem is to dentermine how the implementation of comonityemporwerment program (PNPM) contriside in improving socie-ecomonic conditions offamilies in tobelo northern halmahera district.The research method uses destriptive reseacth/destribe and methodskualitatif.informan this study as many as 14 people in charge who know and accept theimpact of the implementation of programsof PNPM tobelo. Data use is the primary dataand data collection methods sekunder with interviews while research is researchintrumen it selt. For data analysis done with together with data colletion, the datainterpresti concluded later in the analysis,a description of the national program selfemprowerment(PNPM) rusal counties in the district tobelo halmahera utara.2Showcased in conclusion that the procces implementatin of PNPM mandiri in thedistrict tobelo in 3 of 6 villages that can be said has been running, althogh there arestill many who have not felt the impact of the program goverment can fix mistakes for abetter direction, so that the need of peaple could be served for the better