4,945 research outputs found


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    Millimeter Wave MIMO Channel Estimation Based on Adaptive Compressed Sensing

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    Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems are well suited for millimeter-wave (mmWave) wireless communications where large antenna arrays can be integrated in small form factors due to tiny wavelengths, thereby providing high array gains while supporting spatial multiplexing, beamforming, or antenna diversity. It has been shown that mmWave channels exhibit sparsity due to the limited number of dominant propagation paths, thus compressed sensing techniques can be leveraged to conduct channel estimation at mmWave frequencies. This paper presents a novel approach of constructing beamforming dictionary matrices for sparse channel estimation using the continuous basis pursuit (CBP) concept, and proposes two novel low-complexity algorithms to exploit channel sparsity for adaptively estimating multipath channel parameters in mmWave channels. We verify the performance of the proposed CBP-based beamforming dictionary and the two algorithms using a simulator built upon a three-dimensional mmWave statistical spatial channel model, NYUSIM, that is based on real-world propagation measurements. Simulation results show that the CBP-based dictionary offers substantially higher estimation accuracy and greater spectral efficiency than the grid-based counterpart introduced by previous researchers, and the algorithms proposed here render better performance but require less computational effort compared with existing algorithms.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, in 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshop (ICCW), Paris, May 201

    73 GHz Wideband Millimeter-Wave Foliage and Ground Reflection Measurements and Models

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    This paper presents 73 GHz wideband outdoor foliage and ground reflection measurements. Propagation measurements were made with a 400 Megachip-per-second sliding correlator channel sounder, with rotatable 27 dBi (7 degrees half- power beamwidth) horn antennas at both the transmitter and receiver, to study foliage-induced scattering and de-polarization effects, to assist in developing future wireless systems that will use adaptive array antennas. Signal attenuation through foliage was measured to be 0.4 dB/m for both co- and cross-polarized antenna configurations. Measured ground reflection coefficients for dirt and gravel ranged from 0.02 to 0.34, for incident angles ranging from 60 degrees to 81 degrees (with respect to the normal incidence of the surface). These data are useful for link budget design and site-specific (ray-tracing) models for future millimeter-wave communication systems.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), ICC Workshop

    3-D Statistical Channel Model for Millimeter-Wave Outdoor Mobile Broadband Communications

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    This paper presents an omnidirectional spatial and temporal 3-dimensional statistical channel model for 28 GHz dense urban non-line of sight environments. The channel model is developed from 28 GHz ultrawideband propagation measurements obtained with a 400 megachips per second broadband sliding correlator channel sounder and highly directional, steerable horn antennas in New York City. A 3GPP-like statistical channel model that is easy to implement in software or hardware is developed from measured power delay profiles and a synthesized method for providing absolute propagation delays recovered from 3-D ray-tracing, as well as measured angle of departure and angle of arrival power spectra. The extracted statistics are used to implement a MATLAB-based statistical simulator that generates 3-D millimeter-wave temporal and spatial channel coefficients that reproduce realistic impulse responses of measured urban channels. The methods and model presented here can be used for millimeter-wave system-wide simulations, and air interface design and capacity analyses.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, ICC 2015 (London, UK, to appear

    Formation of Short-Period Binary Pulsars in Globular Clusters

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    We present a new dynamical scenario for the formation of short-period binary millisecond pulsars in globular clusters. Our work is motivated by the recent observations of 20 radio pulsars in 47 Tuc. In a dense cluster such as 47 Tuc, most neutron stars acquire binary companions through exchange interactions with primordial binaries. The resulting systems have semimajor axes in the range \~0.1-1 AU and neutron star companion masses ~1-3 Msun. For many of these systems we find that, when the companion evolves off the main sequence and fills its Roche lobe, the subsequent mass transfer is dynamically unstable. This leads to a common envelope phase and the formation of short-period neutron star - white dwarf binaries. For a significant fraction of these binaries, the decay of the orbit due to gravitational radiation will be followed by a period of stable mass transfer driven by a combination of gravitational radiation and tidal heating of the companion. The properties of the resulting short-period binaries match well those of observed binary pulsars in 47 Tuc.Comment: To appear in ApJ Letters, slightly abbreviated version with only minor change

    Innovations and Trends in Pension Plan Coverage, Pension Type and Plan Design

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    In this paper, we outline recent trends in employer pension pIan structure in the United States, focusing on plan coverage, plan type and pension plan design. We then identify the key factors that we believe will shape company-sponsored pension design in the future, drawing conclusions from a review of recent research and practice. Finally, we offer a cautious prognosis about the future of pension pIan coverage, pIan type and pIan design, focusing on the role of labor force aging, as well as anticipated developments in the business environment and anticipated changes in public policy

    Cataclysmic Variables with Evolved Secondaries and the Progenitors of AM CVn Stars

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    We present the results of a systematic study of cataclysmic variables (CVs) and related systems, combining detailed binary-population synthesis (BPS) models with a grid of 120 binary evolution sequences calculated with a Henyey-type stellar evolution code. In these sequences, we used 3 masses for the white dwarf (0.6, 0.8, 1.0 Msun) and seven masses for the donor star in the range of 0.6-1.4 Msun. The shortest orbital periods were chosen to have initially unevolved secondaries, and the longest orbital period for each secondary mass was taken to be just longer than the bifurcation period (16 - 22 hr), beyond which systems evolve towards long orbital periods. These calculations show that systems which start with evolved secondaries near the end or just after their main-sequence phase become ultra-compact systems with periods as short as 7 min. These systems are excellent candidates for AM CVn stars. Using a standard BPS code, we show how the properties of CVs at the beginning of mass transfer depend on the efficiency for common-envelope (CE) ejection and the efficiency of magnetic braking. In our standard model, where CE ejection is efficient, some 10 per cent of all CVs have initially evolved secondaries (with a central hydrogen abundance X_c < 0.4) and ultimately become ultra-compact systems (implying a Galactic birthrate for AM CVn-like stars of 10^{-3} yr^{-1}). Almost all CVs with orbital periods longer than 5 hr are found to have initially evolved or relatively massive secondaries. We show that their distribution of effective temperatures is in good agreement with the distribution of spectral types obtained by Beuermann et al. (1998).Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures (Fig. 4 in reduced format). Submitted to MNRA

    Upgrading and testing program for narrow band high resolution planetary IR imaging spectrometer

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    An imaging spectrometer, intended primarily for observations of the outer planets, which utilizes an acoustically tuned optical filter (ATOF) and a charge coupled device (CCD) television camera was modified to improve spatial resolution and sensitivity. The upgraded instrument was a spatial resolving power of approximately 1 arc second, as defined by an f/7 beam at the CCD position and it has this resolution over the 50 arc second field of view. Less vignetting occurs and sensitivity is four times greater. The spectral resolution of 15 A over the wavelength interval 6500 A - 11,000 A is unchanged. Mechanical utility has been increased by the use of a honeycomb optical table, mechanically rigid yet adjustable optical component mounts, and a camera focus translation stage. The upgraded instrument was used to observe Venus and Saturn