2 research outputs found
Analytical framework for integrating climate change mitigation and adaptation in local urban planning policy
Climate change is a multidimensional observable fact and is regarded as one of the greatest challenge human societies is facing in the 21st century. Debates on climate change advocate that urban areas not only contribute to climate change by emitting huge amounts of carbon-dioxide gas into the atmosphere, but also play a vital role in addressing climate change. This research investigates whether local urban planning policies in master plans target climate change mitigation and adaptation. Accordingly, this research undertook a qualitative content analysis of the policy framework of master plans that are involved in the sample and developed climate change mitigation indexes for all the sampled master plans by assessing urban policies against climate change mitigation evaluation protocols. This research significantly contributes to the field of urban planning and public policy by developing empirical evidence that analyzes the relationship between urban planning policies and climate change mitigation and adaptation. This research supports the use of master plans as an effective tool in mitigating and adapting to climate change and has an implication for mainstreaming climate change mitigation and adaptation in urban planning.El cambio clim谩tico es un hecho observable multidimensional y se considera uno de los mayores desaf铆os a los que deben enfrentarse las sociedades humanas en el siglo xxi. En los debates acerca del cambio clim谩tico, se aboga por que las 谩reas urbanas no solo contribuyen al cambio clim谩tico al emitir grandes cantidades de di贸xido de carbono a la atm贸sfera, sino que tambi茅n desempe帽an un papel vital para abordar dicho cambio clim谩tico. En este art铆culo, se investiga si las pol铆ticas de planificaci贸n urbana local en los planes maestros apuntan a la mitigaci贸n y adaptaci贸n al cambio clim谩tico. En consecuencia, en esta investigaci贸n, se realiz贸 un an谩lisis de contenido cualitativo del marco de pol铆ticas de los planes maestros involucrados en la muestra y se desarrollaron 铆ndices de mitigaci贸n del cambio clim谩tico para todos los planes maestros de la muestra mediante la evaluaci贸n de las pol铆ticas urbanas, frente a los protocolos de evaluaci贸n de la mitigaci贸n del cambio clim谩tico. Tal investigaci贸n contribuye significativamente al campo de la planificaci贸n urbana y a las pol铆ticas p煤blicas, al desarrollar evidencia emp铆rica, pues se analiza la relaci贸n entre las pol铆ticas de planificaci贸n urbana y la mitigaci贸n y adaptaci贸n al cambio clim谩tico. Con esta investigaci贸n, se apoya tambi茅n el uso de planes maestros como una herramienta eficaz para mitigar y adaptarse al cambio clim谩tico y posee una implicaci贸n para la integraci贸n de la mitigaci贸n y adaptaci贸n al cambio clim谩tico en la planificaci贸n urbana
City Profile: Hyderabad
The report documents the urban transformation of Hyderabad, from its founding in the sixteenth century to its present day positioning as a global centre, especially for Information Technology (IT)- and Life Sciences-based industries. Locating the city鈥檚 contemporary experience of climate in this history is important. While the city has been a key cultural and economic centre since its founding, its transformation into a global centre has dramatically altered the city鈥檚 spatial and demographic characteristics, and the texture of its built environment. Such transformations have profound implications for how heat is experienced and responded to in the city