115 research outputs found

    Credit facilities for the development of small- scale fisheries of India

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    Credit facilities in the form of loans and subsi dies for the development of small - scale fisheries of India are extended by the central and state governments through their development projects, Fisheries Cooperative Societies and special programmes such as Integrated Rural Development, Small Farmers Development Agency and Fish Farmers Development Agency. Besides, various financial institutes, agriculture development banks and commercial banks also provide credit and l oan facilities

    Synopsis of biological data on the penaeid prawn Parapenaeopsis stylifera (H. Milne Edwards, 1837)

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    Rostrum dorsally toothed only. Carapaoe with longitudinal sutures not reaching as far as median posterior border of oarapaoe and with transverse sutures at bass of 3rd or 4th pereiopods. Cervical and orbito-antennal sulci rather feeble; hepatio sulous present, usually well- developed anteriorly. Antennal and hepatio oarinae often present. Pterygostomial angle without a spine. Telson armed with small spinules or unarmed

    Seed requirements for intensive culture of penaeid prawns in coastal waters, particularly in Kerala

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    The extent of estuaries and brackish waters in Kerala is estimated at about 0.243 million ha. Of this, 1,21,600 ha could be utilised for penaeid prawn culture. At present, prawn culture is being practised only in 5117 ha following the traditional practice of filtration. The prawns are harvested at regular intervals during the lunar phases, without allowing them to attain suitable sizes. P. indicus and P. monodon are the most suitable species for intensive culture, the former being the most abundant. The seed requirement of p , indicus, for stocking in the existing fields and the additional 5000 ha to be progressively brought under culture at a rate of 500 ha per year by the tenth year, will be 1317.5 million and on full development of 1,21,600 ha, it is estimated at 18,240 million. The potential estuarine and brackiswater resources of India is estimated at 1.7 mill ion ha , of which 30,000 ha are currently used for traditional prawn culture practice mainly in Karnataka. Kerala and West Bengal. The seed requirement is estimated at about 5238 million for the existing fields as well as 500 ha to be converted into prawn fields immediately by each of the maritime states. If additional area of 500 ha is brought under culture by each of the states every year, the seed requirement, by the tenth-year will be 11,364 million, The urgent need for perfection of techniques of large scale seed production under controlled conditions to meet this enormous quantity of seed and of training research, technical and managerial personnel as well as operatives and fish farmers is stressed

    Maturation and spawning of the penaeid prawns of the southwest coast of India

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    Some aspects of the maturation and spawning of the commercially important prawns of the southwest coast of India, Metapenaeus dobsoni, P. affinis, Penaeus indicus and Parapenaeopsis stylifera have been studied

    The Soft prawn syndrome and its control

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    wne of the factors adversely affecting the production of prawns in the culture fisheries, particularly in the semiintensive culture system, is the incidence of 'soft' prawns. Although reliable estimation of the production loss on account of this syndrome is at present not available, it leads to poor or retarded growth, greater mortality rate and low value to the affected prawns. In certain cases, it causes total mortality of the stocked population in the culture system

    Nutritional needs of finfishes and shellfishes

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    Malnutrition, as it adversely affects-the human being, impairs the growth, reproduction, health and wellbeing of the finfishes and shellfishes also. In the farming of these animals in an environment unlike their natural habitat, feeding of the stocked population with nutritionally balanced and quality diets is of critical importance not only to promote their optimal biological and physiological processes, but also to the production. In the different aquaculture systems except that practised on farming the animals feeding on the natural food available in the field, formulated feeds are provided either as supplementary' feed or as whole feed. For the preparation of the formulated feed having the optimum dietary nutrient levels, the essential prerequisite is to have an understanding of the nutrient requirements of the species selected for culture

    Penaeid prawn culture at Valappu village near Cochin - An Experience

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    The paper presents a success story of a village welfare scciety comisting of Harijans of village Valappu in Kerala which was adopted under lab to land programme for transfer of technology on prawn culture. The members have not only adopted rice cum prawn culture on the reclaimed area but are also producing coconuts and vegetables on the raised bunds made for impounding the back water. The success of this experiment has generated considerable interest in tbe nciRhbourhood farmers to take up prawn cultu re in their field . This study shows that organized prawn culture can also be practiced in tbe Andamans

    Sea ranching fisheries - an effective system for augmentation and conservation of exploited resources

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    Sea ranching or artificial recruitment of aquatic organisms into their natural habitat for stock improvement or enhancing the production or for conservation of resources, though practised intensely only in recent years, is an age old practice. It is said to have been originated in USA as early as 1870. Ranching of red and . Pacific salmons was being carried out since 1964 in the Far East, and at the present level of ranching, it was estimated that an additional production of 10,000 - 20,000 tonnes/year was realised. In Japan, besides abalone and "kuruma" shrimp (Pellaeus japonicus), the ranching of which started in 1975, about 45 species are ranched to supplement the natural stock

    Review of the studies on larval nutrition in cultivable penaeid and palaemonid prawns

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    The technological developments on large scale culture of prawns have been significant allover the world since the successful rearing of Penaeus japonicus by Hudinaga (Fujinaga) ill 1942. In the initial phase of its development, efforts were mainly directed to develop appropriate technologies of breeding potential of cultivable species under controlled conditions and to delineate their larval developmen

    Reproductive biology of penaeid prawns

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    In the contemporary period, knowledge of different aspects of reproduction in penaeid prawns is increasingly applied to improve their capture and culture fisheries. Information process of maturation, distribution pattern and abundance of Spawners, variations in fecundity and the relationshtp between environmental factors and spawning has provided greater insight into the dynamics of population structure of these prawns nature
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