28 research outputs found

    Micromeres are required for normal vegetal plate specification in sea urchin embryos

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    Vegetal plate specification was assessed in S. purpuratus embryos after micromere deletions at the 4th, 5th and 6th cleavages, by assaying expression of the early vegetal plate marker Endo 16, using whole-mount in situ hybridization. After 4th cleavage micromere deletions, the embryos typically displayed weak Endo16 expression in relatively few cells of the lineages that normally constitute the vegetal plate, while after 5th and 6th cleavage micromere deletions the embryos exhibited strong Endo16 expression in larger fractions of cells belonging to those lineages. When all four micromeres were deleted, the embryos were severely delayed in initiating gastrulation and sometimes failed to complete gastrulation. However, if only one micromere was allowed to remain in situ throughout development, the embryos exhibited strong Endo16 expression and gastrulation occurred normally, on schedule with controls. Additional measurements showed that these microsurgical manipulations do not alter cleavage rates or generally disrupt embryo organization. These results constitute direct evidence that the micromeres provide signals required by the macromere lineages for initiation of vegetal plate specification. The specification of the vegetal plate is completed in a normal manner only if micromere signaling is allowed to continue at least to the 6th cleavage stage

    Specification of cell fate in the sea urchin embryo: summary and some proposed mechanisms

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    An early set of blastomere specifications occurs during cleavage in the sea urchin embryo, the result of both conditional and autonomous processes, as proposed in the model for this embryo set forth in 1989. Recant experimental results have greatly illuminated the mechanisms of specification in some early embryonic territories, though others remain obscure. We review the progressive process of specification within given lineage elements, and with reference to the early axial organization of the embryo. Evidence for the conditional specification of the veg(2) lineage subelement of the endoderm and other potential interblastomere signaling interactions in the cleavage-stage embryo are summarized. Definitive boundaries between mesoderm and endoderm territories of complex. the vegetal plate, and between endoderm and overlying ectoderm, are not established until later in development. These processes have been clarified by numerous observations on spatial expression of various genes, and by elegant lineage labeling studies. The early specification events depend on regional mobilization of regulatory factors resulting at once in the zygotic expression of genes encoding transcription factors, as well as downstream genes encoding proteins characteristic of the cell types that will much later arise from the progeny of the specified blastomeres. This embryo displays a maximal form of indirect development. The gene regulatory network underlying the embryonic development reflects the relative simplicity of the completed larva and of the processes required for its formation. The requirements for postembryonic adult body plan formation in the larval rudiment include engagement of a new level of genetic regulatory apparatus, exemplified by the Hox gene complex

    The relationship between cell size and cell fate in Volvox carteri

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    In Volvox carteri development, visibly asymmetric cleavage divisions set apart large embryonic cells that will become asexual reproductive cells (gonidia) from smaller cells that will produce terminally differentiated somatic cells. Three mechanisms have been proposed to explain how asymmetric division leads to cell specification in Volvox: (a) by a direct effect of cell size (or a property derived from it) on cell specification, (b) by segregation of a cytoplasmic factor resembling germ plasm into large cells, and (c) by a combined effect of differences in cytoplasmic quality and cytoplasmic quantity. In this study a variety of V. carteri embryos with genetically and experimentally altered patterns of development were examined in an attempt to distinguish among these hypotheses. No evidence was found for regionally specialized cytoplasm that is essential for gonidial specification. In all cases studied, cells with a diameter > approximately 8 microns at the end of cleavage--no matter where or how these cells had been produced in the embryo--developed as gonidia. Instructive observations in this regard were obtained by three different experimental interventions. (a) When heat shock was used to interrupt cleavage prematurely, so that presumptive somatic cells were left much larger than they normally would be at the end of cleavage, most cells differentiated as gonidia. This result was obtained both with wild-type embryos that had already divided asymmetrically (and should have segregated any cytoplasmic determinants involved in cell specification) and with embryos of a mutant that normally produces only somatic cells. (b) When individual wild-type blastomeres were isolated at the 16-cell stage, both the anterior blastomeres that normally produce two gonidia each and the posterior blastomeres that normally produce no gonidia underwent modified cleavage patterns and each produced an average of one large cell that developed as a gonidium. (c) When large cells were created microsurgically in a region of the embryo that normally makes only somatic cells, these large cells became gonidia. These data argue strongly for a central role of cell size in germ/soma specification in Volvox carteri, but leave open the question of how differences in cell size are actually transduced into differences in gene expression

    Diversification of oral and aboral mesodermal regulatory states in pregastrular sea urchin embryos

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    Specification of the non-skeletogenic mesoderm (NSM) in sea urchin embryos depends on Delta signaling. Signal reception leads to expression of regulatory genes that later contribute to the aboral NSM regulatory state. In oral NSM, this is replaced by a distinct oral regulatory state in consequence of Nodal signaling. Through regulome wide analysis we identify the homeobox gene not as an immediate Nodal target. not expression in NSM causes extinction of the aboral regulatory state in the oral NSM, and expression of a new suite of regulatory genes. All NSM specific regulatory genes are henceforth expressed exclusively, in oral or aboral domains, presaging the mesodermal cell types that will emerge. We have analyzed the regulatory linkages within the aboral NSM gene regulatory network. A linchpin of this network is gataE which as we show is a direct Gcm target and part of a feedback loop locking down the aboral regulatory state

    CBFbeta is a facultative Runx partner in the sea urchin embryo

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    BACKGROUND: Runx proteins are developmentally important metazoan transcription factors that form a heterodimeric complex with the non-homologous protein Core Binding Factor beta (CBFbeta). CBFbeta allosterically enhances Runx DNA binding but does not bind DNA itself. We report the initial characterization of SpCBFbeta, the heterodimeric partner of SpRunt-1 from the sea urchin Stronylocentrotus purpuratus. RESULTS: SpCBFbeta is remarkably similar to its mammalian homologues, and like them it enhances the DNA binding of the Runt domain. SpCBFbeta is entirely of zygotic provenance and its expression is similar that of SpRunt-1, accumulating globally at late blastula stage then later localizing to endoderm and oral ectoderm. Unlike SpRunt-1, however, SpCBFbeta is enriched in the endodermal mid- and hindgut of the pluteus larva, and is not highly expressed in the foregut and ciliated band. We showed previously that morpholino antisense-mediated knockdown of SpRunt-1 leads to differentiation defects, as well as to extensive post-blastula stage apoptosis caused by under-expression of the Runx target gene SpPKC1. In contrast, we show here that knockdown of SpCBFbeta does not negatively impact cell survival or SpPKC1 expression, although it does lead to differentiation defects similar to those associated with SpRunt-1 deficiency. Moreover, SpRunt-1 containing a single amino acid substitution that abolishes its ability to interact with SpCBFbeta retains the ability to rescue cell survival in SpRunt-1 morphant embryos. Chromatin immunoprecipitation shows that while the CyIIIa promoter engages both proteins, the SpPKC1 promoter only engages SpRunt-1. CONCLUSION: SpCBFbeta is a facultative Runx partner that appears to be required specifically for cell differentiation

    CBFbeta is a facultative Runx partner in the sea urchin embryo

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    BACKGROUND: Runx proteins are developmentally important metazoan transcription factors that form a heterodimeric complex with the non-homologous protein Core Binding Factor beta (CBFbeta). CBFbeta allosterically enhances Runx DNA binding but does not bind DNA itself. We report the initial characterization of SpCBFbeta, the heterodimeric partner of SpRunt-1 from the sea urchin Stronylocentrotus purpuratus. RESULTS: SpCBFbeta is remarkably similar to its mammalian homologues, and like them it enhances the DNA binding of the Runt domain. SpCBFbeta is entirely of zygotic provenance and its expression is similar that of SpRunt-1, accumulating globally at late blastula stage then later localizing to endoderm and oral ectoderm. Unlike SpRunt-1, however, SpCBFbeta is enriched in the endodermal mid- and hindgut of the pluteus larva, and is not highly expressed in the foregut and ciliated band. We showed previously that morpholino antisense-mediated knockdown of SpRunt-1 leads to differentiation defects, as well as to extensive post-blastula stage apoptosis caused by under-expression of the Runx target gene SpPKC1. In contrast, we show here that knockdown of SpCBFbeta does not negatively impact cell survival or SpPKC1 expression, although it does lead to differentiation defects similar to those associated with SpRunt-1 deficiency. Moreover, SpRunt-1 containing a single amino acid substitution that abolishes its ability to interact with SpCBFbeta retains the ability to rescue cell survival in SpRunt-1 morphant embryos. Chromatin immunoprecipitation shows that while the CyIIIa promoter engages both proteins, the SpPKC1 promoter only engages SpRunt-1. CONCLUSION: SpCBFbeta is a facultative Runx partner that appears to be required specifically for cell differentiation

    CBFbeta is a facultative Runx partner in the sea urchin embryo

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    Background: Runx proteins are developmentally important metazoan transcription factors that form a heterodimeric complex with the non-homologous protein Core Binding Factor beta (CBFbeta). CBFbeta allosterically enhances Runx DNA binding but does not bind DNA itself. We report the initial characterization of SpCBFbeta, the heterodimeric partner of SpRunt-1 from the sea urchin Stronylocentrotus purpuratus. Results: SpCBFbeta is remarkably similar to its mammalian homologues, and like them it enhances the DNA binding of the Runt domain. SpCBFbeta is entirely of zygotic provenance and its expression is similar that of SpRunt-1, accumulating globally at late blastula stage then later localizing to endoderm and oral ectoderm. Unlike SpRunt-1, however, SpCBFbeta is enriched in the endodermal mid- and hindgut of the pluteus larva, and is not highly expressed in the foregut and ciliated band. We showed previously that morpholino antisense-mediated knockdown of SpRunt-1 leads to differentiation defects, as well as to extensive post-blastula stage apoptosis caused by under-expression of the Runx target gene SpPKC1. In contrast, we show here that knockdown of SpCBFbeta does not negatively impact cell survival or SpPKC1 expression, although it does lead to differentiation defects similar to those associated with SpRunt-1 deficiency. Moreover, SpRunt-1 containing a single amino acid substitution that abolishes its ability to interact with SpCBFbeta retains the ability to rescue cell survival in SpRunt-1 morphant embryos. Chromatin immunoprecipitation shows that while the CyIIIa promoter engages both proteins, the SpPKC1 promoter only engages SpRunt-1. Conclusion: SpCBFbeta is a facultative Runx partner that appears to be required specifically for cell differentiation

    Late Specification of Veg_1 Lineages to Endodermal Fate in the Sea Urchin Embryo

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    Single blastomeres of the sixth-cleavage veg_1 and veg_2 tiers of Strongylocentrotus purpuratusembryos were labeled with DiI lineage tracer, and the disposition of the progeny was followed through the blastula and gastrula stages in order to determine their respective endodermal and ectodermal contributions. In the endoderm of postgastrula embryos, veg_1-derived cells constituted nearly all of the prospective hindgut and about half of the prospective midgut, while veg_2-derived cells made up the prospective foregut and half the midgut. Oral veg_1 clones consistently contributed more cells to endoderm than aboral veg_1 clones. Oral veg_1 clones extended along the archenteron up to the foregut region, while aboral veg_1 clones contributed only small numbers of hindgut cells but large patches of ectoderm cells that extended out to the prospective larval vertex. The oral/aboral asymmetry in veg_1 allocations was also demonstrated using chimeric embryos, the animal halves of which were labeled with a rhodamine-dextran. Lineages expressing the vegetal plate marker Endo16 were more precisely determined by combining lineage tracer injection with whole-mount in situ hybridization. Endo16 expression was found in all cells that are going to participate in gastrulation. Recruitment of new cells to the Endo16 domain occurs in advance of the actual invagination of those cells. During the blastula stages Endo16 expression expands radially until all cells in the veg_2 lineages express this gene. The first phase of gastrulation, including the normal buckling of the vegetal plate and primary invagination of the archenteron, involves only the Endo16-expressing cells of the veg_2 lineages. As the archenteron begins to elongate, marking the onset of the second phase of gastrulation, there is an asymmetric expansion of Endo16 into the veg_1-derived cells that will contribute to the hindgut and midgut in accordance with lineage tracing observations. The results indicate a relatively late specification of veg_1-derived cells, resulting in late recruitment to the periphery of the vegetal plate territory as gastrulation proceeds. Differential recruitment of veg_1-derived cells on the oral side of the embryo introduces an oral bias to gastrulation by disproportionately increasing the number of cells on the oral side that are competent to participate in gastrulation

    A complete second gut induced by transplanted micromeres in the sea urchin embryo

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    Founder cells for most early lineages of the sea urchin embryo are probably specified through inductive intercellular interactions. It is shown here that a complete respecification of cell fate occurs when 16-cell stage micromeres from the vegetal pole of a donor embryo are implanted into the animal pole of an intact recipient embryo. Animal pole cells adjacent to the transplanted micromeres are respecified from presumptive ectoderm into vegetal plate founder cells. These induced vegetal plate cells express the entire battery of genes characteristic of the endogenous vegetal plate cells. The ectopic vegetal plate invaginates during gastrulation to form a second archenteron which differentiates properly into a tripartite gut, as shown by the spatial pattern of expression of an endoderm-specific marker gene. Thus, transplanted micromeres can signal neighboring cells to induce them to change their fate

    A Review of Vertebrate Immunology and The Effects of Nurse Shark Serum on Malignant Cells In Vitro

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    (Statement of Responsibility) by Andrew J. Q. P. Ransick(Thesis) Thesis (B.A.) -- New College of Florida, 1982(Electronic Access) RESTRICTED TO NCF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE(Bibliography) Includes bibliographical references.(Source of Description) This bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The New College of Florida, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law.(Local) Faculty Sponsor: Beulig, Alfre