3 research outputs found

    How vulnerable is Cali's food system to climate shocks? A historical perspective

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    Two of the main effects on the supply system of a city in the agricultural sector due to climatic variations in the agricultural sector are related to the reduction of food supply and the impact on food prices. Knowing how much El Niño/La Niña climatic phenomena affect the agricultural sector that supplies food to a city, municipality or country will help to plan strategies to mitigate these impacts, the fragility of food systems and the protection of the most vulnerable. In this sense, the study is interested in knowing to what degree the supply system of the city of Cali is vulnerable to this type of phenomena, a city in which 1 out of every 2 inhabitants suffers from food insecurity, 1 out of every 2 people is poor and more than 50% of the population has nutritional deficiencies

    Colombia: Cali and Palmira. Building knowledge basis to understand the food system, players and enabling environment with a city region perspective

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    By fostering and coordinating multi-stakeholder platforms such as the Academic Dialogue Platform on Food and Nutritional Safety, the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) aims to generate knowledge and articulate work on the city’s food system by bringing together key actors from the public sector, research groups and academia, NGOs and civil society. The main goal of this platform is to increase capacity and evidence for stakeholders and policymakers to formulate and implement sustainable food system policies with an urban-rural linkages lens. The dialogues initiated by the platform have scaled up to nourish food policies and local food plans among different levels of local governments, and has promoted key actors’ alliances and partnerships. The platform has been a tool for advocating for improved urban-rural food systems and governance, but also for improved policy decision-making among municipalities and across the urban-rural contiuum

    Agricultura urbana, ¿mucho más que producción de comida?

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    ¿Qué produzco? ¿Dónde vendo? ¿Dónde obtengo mejores precios? ¿Cómo puedo sacarle mejor provecho a la tierra? Son preocupaciones de un agricultor rural. Pero, ¿son diferentes las preocupaciones de un agricultor urbano? La obesidad, las alergias, las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles como la diabetes o la hipertensión, ¿también son preocupaciones para la gente del campo? Las basuras, las pandillas, las drogas, los rasgos culturales, ¿tienen algo que ver con la agricultura urbana? ¿Se circunscribe la agricultura a la alimentación y a la producción de alimentos? Son muchas las preguntas que cada vez nos empujan más a hallar relaciones y marcos conceptuales distintos a lo que nos habíamos imaginado