4 research outputs found

    Chemical attributes of traditional agriculture and Caatinga managed at different depths in an Inceptisol

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    ABSTRACT The objective of this work was to evaluate changes in the chemical attributes of an Inceptisol in two areas of sustainable management of the Caatinga Biome and a conventional tillage, compared with the native forest. The areas were managed in the following way: in areas under sustainable management, the Caatinga was thinned in a savanna system (1), and in the other area, the Caatinga was thinned in strips (2); the area under conventional tillage was burned, plowed and harrowed (3), and the native forest (4). The following chemical attributes were analyzed: pH, electrical conductivity, Ca2+, Mg2+, H + Al, P, Na+, K+ and soil organic matter (SOM), calculating CEC and base saturation. The treatments were evaluated using multivariate analysis, at different depths up to 0.52 m. In the Caatinga areas thinned in a savanna system and in strips, the greater availability of exchangeable bases and SOM occurs close to the depth of 0.20 m and, in the area with traditional agriculture, it is limited to 0.10 m. In the area thinned in a savanna system, sodium showed a negative correlation with the other elements

    Produção de melão rendilhado em sistema hidropônico com rejeito da dessalinização de água em solução nutritiva Melon yield in a hydroponic system with wastewater from desalination plant added in the nutrient solution

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    Desenvolveu-se esta pesquisa visando o aproveitamento do rejeito da dessalinização da água no cultivo hidropônico do meloeiro. O experimento foi conduzido no Departamento de Ciências Ambientais da UFERSA, localizado no município de Mossoró, RN, em vasos com substrato de fibra de coco sob condições protegidas. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi blocos ao acaso, com 3 repetições cujos tratamentos corresponderam a cinco níveis de salinidade da solução nutritiva obtidos com ou sem a necessidade de diluição do rejeito da dessalinização da água (2,1; 3,6; 4,9; 6,0 e 7,0 dS m-1). Avaliaram-se: altura de plantas, diâmetro de colo, área foliar, rendimento total e comercial de frutos por planta e, ainda, peso médio de frutos comerciais e totais. Em geral, as variáveis estudadas decresceram linearmente com o incremento da salinidade da solução nutritiva demonstrando que a salinidade da solução com água de rejeito reduz a disponibilidade de água para as plantas, devido ao efeito osmótico.<br>To use of waster water from desalting in the hydroponic cultivation, an experiment was carried out at the Department of Environmental Science of the Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido-UFERSA, in the municipal district of Mossoró-RN, in pots with substrates of coconut fiber under greenhouse conditions. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with three repetitions. Treatments were composed of five levels of salinity of the nutrient solution obtained with, and without, dilution of the waster water from desalting (2.1, 3.6, 4.9, 6.0 and 7.0 dS m-1). The variables plant height, stem diameter, leaf area, mean weight of fruit and total and marketable yield were detemined. In general, the variables decreased linearly with the increase of the salinity of the nutrient solution, showing that the salinity with waster water from desalting reduces the absorption of water by the plants due to the osmotic effect