1,948 research outputs found

    Usulan Pengadaan Motor Hoist Standby Yang Optimal Untuk Mengatasi Tingginya Tingkat Breakdown Pada PT. X

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    Maintenance is an activity to maintain or keep the facility / factory equipment and make necessary repairing or adjustment / replacement, so that there is a satisfactory state of production operations in accordance with what was planned and not damaged. Damage to the system is likely to cause serious consequences for companies such as the cost of downtime or lead to unsafe conditions due to damage to the tool. Backup equipment can be used to reduce the effects of damage to the equipment. The production process at PT. X uses quite many machines. One of the machines often has damage is Curing hoist machine that is used to move concrete products to the next process. All hoist machines have got preventive maintenance work in accordance with the instructions of the existing tools. But in reality, some sort of hoist machine still often damage. The hoist machine part are often damages is motor parts. This study aims to determine the number of motor hoist machine Curing optimal backup to anticipate delays in production with a Poisson distribution approach and consider some of the costs. Poisson distribution is a discrete probability distribution that presents frequency from a certain random event. The research resulted in the number of motor Hoist machine backup is 4 pieces at a cost of Rp 144,218.0

    Pemilihan Supplier Bahan Baku Bangunan dengan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) pada PT. Cipta Nuansa Prima Tangerang

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    Supplier is one of the most important parts of a construction services provider company. PT. Nuance Prima Cipta Tangerang is a contracting company that offers construction services. Since the number of suppliers, PT. Nuance Prima Cipta Tangerang difficulty in choosing suppliers with their respective advantages. Therefore, use AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) for supplier selection process to make it more objective. Broadly speaking, AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) is the process of comparing criteria into alternatives, the greater the value is generated, then the main well to the supplier selected. By using the AHP method obtained the final value for each akternatif Lead A 39%, 12% and Supplier B Supplier C 49

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Supplier Dengan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process Pada PT. Cipta Nuansa Prima Tangerang

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    Supplier is one of the most important part in construction service company. To get the best result, it needs the best and quality supplier. One effort to get those supplier is to perform supplier selection, therefore supplier selection is necessary for construction service company. Since many supplier, PT. Cipta Nuansa Prima Tangerang had a trouble in choosing supplier with their respective advantages. The process of supplier selection use AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) method, which outline the criteria into the process of comparing alternatives. The greater the value generated, then the main well for those supplier will be chosen. The criterias of supplier selection on PT. Cipta Nuansa Prima Tangerang are delivery, service, product, quality and price. The supplier selection use AHP method with tools Expert Choice and proven with Ms. Excel allow company to support the decision. AHP method is the best solution to be a Decision Support System for solving the problem and contribute management for making decision more objective of supplier selection

    Adaptive Reuse of Heritage Building and the Impact to the Visual Comfort: Assessed by the Lighting Quality

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    Heritage buildings are designed mostly to be adaptive with the local climate. The main purpose of these adaptive strategies is to create users' thermal comfort as well as solving the problem of high rain precipitation in the tropical climate area. These thermal adaptation strategies will definitely influence room daylight condition. External shading device used in heritage building is one of thermal adaptation strategies, but it will also obstruct the daylight penetration. Design solution should be thought to maximise daylight condition. However, the design solution for heritage building has its own limitations where certain guidelines must be adhered, especially when resizing the existing windows to obtain better daylight condition is needed. This research studies the daylight condition on the designated schools and finding the most feasible solutions to overcome the lighting problems. The existing condition of the daylight was measured using lux meter and the data obtained were analysed descriptively by comparing to the related references in order to gain a maximum result. A simulation by using computer software was also conducted for simulating daylight level in both buildings. Based on the measurements that have been conducted, it shows that the daylight level on the designated buildings was below the standard and the current artificial lighting system was also failed to create the standard illuminance level The solutions for this problems are resizing the window or creating an artificial lighting system. Although in this research proposes 2 solutions to overcome the problems, the latter solution is considered as the most feasible solution to treat heritage building to be a visually comfortable building without major alteration on the building fabrics since both studied buildings are listed as a National Heritage Monument


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    Objectives: Polyphenol oxidase activity was extensively studied in jackfruit for its role in enzymatic browning. PPO and the phenolic compound play a vital role in defensive mechanism against pest and diseases. Thus, to facilitate further studies in jack fruit waste, Polyphenol oxidase [PPO] was purified and characterized.Methods: Partial Purification of PPO from waste done through a sequential process of ammonium sulfate precipitation, dialysis and ion-exchange chromatography [DEAE- Cellulose]. Then the partially purified PPO was subjected to check various parameters like molecular weight and kinetic activity, the following characteristics of enzyme are checked: SDS-PAGE, pH, temperature, thermal stability, heat inactivation, metal ions, surfactants and inhibitor.Results: Purified PPO resulted in ~23 folds enriched in the specific activity of 1360 [µkat/mg] and it was found to be the monomer with a molecular weight of 63 kDa revealed by Coomasie Brilliant Blue staining. PPO exhibited optimum activity at pH 7.0 and temperature 20oC. PPO showed the maximum stability between pH 6.4- 7.6 at 10 oC - 40 oC. PPO showed the enzyme activity towards Diphenol> Triphenol> Monophenol, the substrate specificity was especially high towards the catechol at 0.1 M. The PPO activity was activated by Mn2+, Triton X- 100, EDTA, Sorbic acid and Citric acid, but inhibited by L- cysteine, Ascorbic acid, SDS, Cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide [CTAB], K+, Zn2+, Ca2+ and Mg2+. Kinetic constant for PPO was found to be km= 15.82 mM and Vmax= 2182 U/ml min using catechol as substrate.Conclusion: Partial Purification of PPO from waste done through a sequential process of ammonium sulfate precipitation, dialysis and ion-exchange chromatography [DEAE- Cellulose]. The best substrate for PPO was identified as catechol [diphenol] and best inhibitor was L-cysteine and ascorbic acid. Â

    Pemanfaatan Susu Full Cream dan Minyak Sawit Merah dalam Pembuatan Es Krim Ubi Jalar Ungu (Ipomoea Batatas L.)

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    The purpose of this research was to obtain the formulation of full cream milk and red palm oil in the making of ice cream with the best of value fat content, protein content, overrun, melting point, total solids, and organoleptic test. This research used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatments and four replications. The treatments were K1 (Full cream milk : red palm oil = 100% : 0%), K2 (Full cream milk : red palm oil = 97% : 3%), K3 (Full cream milk : red palm oil = 94% : 6%),K4 (Full cream milk : red palm oil = 91% : 9%). The data obtained were analysed statistically by using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). If the F count was greater than or equal to F table then continued with DNMRT test at 5% levels. The results of this research showed that the formulation of full cream milk and red palm oil in the making of ice cream indicated significant effect (P<0,05) on fat content, protein content, overrun, melting point, total solids, and organoleptic test. The treatment K3 having overrun 19.59%, melting point 12.20 minutes, fat content 17.91%, protein content 2.86%, total solids 28.99%. The ice cream obtained from K3 was also preferred by panelists than other treatments especially for colour and flavour of description test and taste, flavour, and acceptance test of hedonic

    Effect Of Leadership Style On Performance Of Employees PT Lintas Mediatama Bandung

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    The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze leadership style, employee performance and the influence of leadership style on the performance of employees of PT Lintas Mediatama Bandung. This study uses a non probability sampling technique with a type of census. The population in this study were thirty employees of PT Lintas Mediatama Bandung. All population members are used as samples. Data collection methods are divided into primary data and secondary data. primary data collection using observation, questionnaires, and interviews. Secondary data collection uses literature studies and scientific journal references. Test of research instruments such as frequency calculation, validity and reliability test the author uses SPSS version 20. The results of the study show that there is a relationship between leadership style and employee performance. The leadership style has a positive influence on employee performance. Key words: leadership style, employees performanc

    Optimasi Proses Pembuatan Bubuk (Tepung) Kedelai

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    Soybean powder is processed soy products are created through several stages of processing, such as sorting, soaking, cooking, refrigeration, drying, grinding, sieving and, packaging.This study aimed to determine the effect of dipping time and pressing time on the quality of soybean powdering. This research was arranged in a randomized block design (RAK) consists of 2 factors. The first factor is a long soaking soybeans (L1 = 0 hours; L2 = 3 hours; L3 = 6 hours, and L4 = 9 hours). The second factor is long pressing time (P1 = 0 minutes; P2 = 5 minutes; P3 = 10 minutes, and P4 = 15 minutes). This study consisted of 8 treatment combinations with three replications.The results of this study, namely the process of soaking soybeans for 3 hours produces yield 72.80% degree of whiteness 53.37%. Protein content 32.86 %, fat 25.22 % ALB 7.77%, and 4.2 % water. While soybeans pressing process for 5 minutes produces rendemen 75.29 %, 44.03 % degree of whiteness. Protein contentof 32.78%, 26.45% fat, ALB 4.67 %, and water 5:12 %

    Analisis Penyebab Cacat Kain Dengan Menggunakan Metode Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (Fmea) Dan Fault Tree Analysis (Fta)

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    PT Damatex is a company engaged in the fabrics manufacturing from the yarn industry. The production process was conducted on the preparation, weaving section, and parts inspection part. Production failure experienced by company is still high at 4.29% of total production while the company's defect target is 1.30%. Until now the company quality control is still not maximized because of the high failure experienced by the company. Thus, it is necessary to evaluate the ongoing production process. On this research, it uses Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) method and Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) to identify and analyze the failure. FMEA method is for determining and multiplying severity, occurrence and detection in order to obtain the value of the RPN. The highest RPN value that occurs in PT Damatex namely the failure modes of failed dropper operation with the value 294. The value of the RPN is a priority that needs corrective treatment. FTA method is used to determine the root cause of the failure. Causes of failure are divided into two failures : operator (human error) and machine. Failures happened to these problems are mostly caused by the operator because the operator is very influential in the engine performance
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