55 research outputs found

    A cost variation analysis study of various bisphosphonates preparations available in the Indian market

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    Background: Osteoporosis is a chronic disease leading to weakened and porous bones which increases the risk of fractures. It is a treatable condition using drugs like bisphosphonates. There is wide variation in the cost among various brands of bisphosphonates in the Indian market, so the objective of the study was to analyse cost of different brands of bisphosphonates.Methods: Cost of both oral and injectable bisphosphonates in the same strength and dosage forms was obtained from CIMS India (January-April 2019). For oral form of the drug, price was calculated per 10 tablets, for injectable form the price per ampoule or vial was calculated and cost ratio, percentage of cost variation was calculated.Results: 15 different formulations of bisphosphonates were analyzed and it was found that cost ratio is found to be highest with 60 mg of pamidronate injection and lowest with 10 mg alendronate tablet, also pamidronate 60 mg injection has highest percentage of cost variation (9632%) and lowest cost variation is seen with 10 mg alendronate (35%). Cost ratio of 11 formulations was found to be very high which was >2 while percentage of cost variation of 11 formulations was found to be more 100.Conclusions: This study concludes that there is wide variation in cost of various brands of bisphosphonates in India. The huge price variation creates unnecessary burden leading on the patients resulting in noncompliance which increases the risk of morbidity and mortality. Therefore, there is an urgent need to regulate the cost of various formulations of bisphosphonates which will reduce the financial burden on the patients

    A study to evaluate the skeletal muscle relaxant property of Pregabalin and Gabapentin in albino rats

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    Background: Skeletal muscle relaxants are the drugs which reduce unwanted spasm without interfering with consciousness and voluntary movements. The centrally acting muscle relaxants like Diazepam, is known to be GABA mimetics and other antiepileptics like Gabapentin and Pregabalin also act through the release of GABA. This study is done to investigate skeletal muscle relaxant property of these drugs in comparison to Diazepam.Methods: T Models used in the experiment are Grip Strength Test, Rota Rod Method, Beam Walk Test, Photoactometer Test. Animals were divided into 6 groups of 6 rats each: Group 1: Control group treated with normal saline (0.1 ml/10gm), Group 2: Standard-15mg/kg of Diazepam, Group 3:T1-60 mg/kg of Gabapentin, Group 4:T2-10 mg/kg of Pregabalin, Group 5:T3-60 mg/kg of Gabapentin+Diazepam, Group 6:T4- 10 mg/kg of Pregabalin+Diazepam. Mean and standard deviation was calculated for each group. One way ANOVA was used for multiple group comparisons followed by post hoc Tukey’s test for statistical significance between the groups.Results: Treatment with the above test drugs produced significant muscle relaxation and caused decreased fall off, sliding time, increase climbing time and decreased locomotor activity in all models indicating motor incoordination. The results obtained from both standard and test groups showed a highly significant difference in muscle relaxation when compared with the control group.Conclusions: The test drugs showed skeletal muscle relaxant property in rats comparable to Diazepam. In view of these results, it can open a new avenue for these drugs to be used as skeletal muscle relaxants after conducting clinical trials

    To assess ovulation in infertile women using urinary luteinizing hormone surge kits versus transvaginal ultrasonography

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    Background: The study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of urinary LH surge kits and TVS to detect ovulation in induced cycles and to compare the ovulation rates by both methods.Methods: Prospective experimental randomized control trial on 72 women with an ovulatory infertility aged 18-35 years, fulfilling the inclusion criteria were given letrozole for ovulation induction. All were randomly divided in two groups. Group 1 woman were asked to check ovulation by urinary LH surge kits and group 2 women were called for follicle monitoring by TVS.Results: Letrozole has no negative effect on endometrium; induced cycle has larger diameter of follicle (median: 22 mm). In induced cycle ovulation occurs later compared to normal cycle (D-16) and half of the women had a BMI more than the recommended WHO criteria (average was 25.28 kg/m2). Number of letrozole cycles (p=0.2642), dose requirement (p=0.0812) and pregnancy rates (10.26% versus 18.19%) were comparable in both groups.Conclusions: TVS is objective, accurate and thus standard modality for ovulation detection. LH surge kit is subjective, having more chances of error but can be used as a good alternative in certain settings like woman of remote area, woman having fear of invasive modality and COVID era woman who are afraid to visit hospital repeatedly

    Knowledge and attitude among students towards HIV/AIDS patients at a dental college, Suraram, India

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    Background: Clinical training is a part of curriculum for the dental students. They are trained in dental procedures, where there is a chance of exposure to HIV infection. Hence this study was conducted with an objective to assess their knowledge, attitude to treat these patients.Methods: An institutional based study was carried out among 145 dental students at Malla Reddy Dental College for Women. A questionnaire with 29 questions on knowledge, attitude and willing to treat the HIV/AIDS patients which was already used in other study was adapted. Primary outcome- knowledge and attitude was measured in percentages, proportions using SPSS version 20 and Chi-square.Results: Total subjects who had good knowledge were 71 (48.9%) and 137(94.5%) viewed needle stick injury can transmit HIV virus. 138 (98.1%) agreed that it is their moral responsibility to treat HIV/AIDS patients and risk of HIV transmission is high, hence special precautions have to be followed to treat them. Positive attitude towards HIV/AIDS patients was reported among 129(89%) of students. Chi square test showed an association between knowledge and attitude among study subjects which was statistically significant at p <0.05 level.Conclusions: Active student’s collaboration for treatment compliance of HIV/AIDS patients should be directed towards comprehensive training in the dental colleges which forms a basis for provision of appropriate, optimal dental care improving oral health related quality of life in people living with HIV


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    Objectives: Objectives of the study were (1) to evaluate the knowledge about pharmacovigilance and (2) to assess the attitude toward adverse drug reaction (ADR) reporting among undergraduate medical students.Methods: It is a cross-sectional, questionnaire-based study conducted in the Department of Pharmacology, Malla Reddy Medical College for Women, Hyderabad, Telangana, among fifth term Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery students (136). The questionnaire consisted of 16 questions dealing with knowledge, awareness, attitude about pharmacovigilance and ADR reporting. Data were analyzed and presented as percentage among respondents.Results: About 58.8% of students could not identify the proper definition of pharmacovigilance and 84.5% of undergraduates have not seen ADR form. It was agreed among 42.6% of students that ADR reporting is a professional obligation to them and 47.7% agreed that establishing ADR monitoring center in every hospital is compulsory.Conclusions: Our study revealed that though the attitude toward pharmacovigilance was appreciable among the medical students; there lies an insufficient knowledge and awareness about pharmacovigilance. Continued medical education programs and workshops may be helpful in the future to increase awareness and consequently to improve the rate of spontaneous ADR reporting among these upcoming doctors

    Seroprevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis infection among pregnant women and their outcome

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    Background: Genitourinary infections either sexually transmitted or by other means are a major concern among women, particularly young adults and teens. The objective was to find out seroprevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis infection in pregnant women and its effect on pregnancy outcome.Methods: the present study was carried out in the department of obstetrics and gynaecology, King George Medical University of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India, over a period of September 2003 to July 2004. Total 120 pregnant women were included in the study, these pregnant women were selected according to their will in taking part in the study irrespective of age and parity. 2 ml of blood sample was collected and determination of antichlamydial IgM antibody was done by VIRCELL SL IgM ELISA Kit in microbiology department. Prevalence of chlamydia trachomatis in pregnant women were assessed and correlated with age group, parity, socioeconomic status, previous obstetric outcome, anaemia, PROM, mode of termination according to gestational age, perinatal outcome regards birthweight, and adverse neonatal outcome.Results: Out of 120 cases, total 70 (58.33%) were positive while the remaining 50 cases were negative. 80 cases were followed till delivery in which 66.25% were positive for antichlamydial IgM antibody. There was significant association of previous history of 2-3 abortion and preterm delivery with IgM positive cases. Low birth weight deliveries were 78% and very low birth weight was 100% in positive cases. Caesarean section at <37 weeks of gestation, IUGR and low APGAR score were significantly high in IgM positive group. 100% PROM cases were IgM positive.Conclusions: The prevalence of chlamydia trachomatis infection among pregnant women in our population is high and is strongly associated with premature rupture of membranes, IUGR, LBW, and low APGAR score deliveries

    Analysis of human collagen sequences

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    The extracellular matrix is fast emerging as important component mediating cell-cell interactions, along with its established role as a scaffold for cell support. Collagen, being the principal component of extracellular matrix, has been implicated in a number of pathological conditions. However, collagens are complex protein structures belonging to a large family consisting of 28 members in humans; hence, there exists a lack of in depth information about their structural features. Annotating and appreciating the functions of these proteins is possible with the help of the numerous biocomputational tools that are currently available. This study reports a comparative analysis and characterization of the alpha-1 chain of human collagen sequences. Physico-chemical, secondary structural, functional and phylogenetic classification was carried out, based on which, collagens 12, 14 and 20, which belong to the FACIT collagen family, have been identified as potential players in diseased conditions, owing to certain atypical properties such as very high aliphatic index, low percentage of glycine and proline residues and their proximity in evolutionary history. These collagen molecules might be important candidates to be investigated further for their role in skeletal disorders
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