8 research outputs found

    Reaktualisasi Pancasila Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Radikalisme

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    Nilai-nilai pancasila sesungguhnya telah bersemayam dan berkembang dalam hati sanubari dan kesadaran bangsa Indonesia. Hanya saja saat ini pergeseran nilai-nilai pancasila kian dirasakan dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. Banyaknya problematika yang dihadapi oleh Indonesia, mengharuskan kepada kita untuk reaktualisasi kembali nilai-nilai ideologi negara Indonesia. Salah satu tantangan besar adalah munculnya radikalisme yang mengancam ketahanan ideologi Pancasila. Tindakan radikalisme berdampak pada perpecahan, hilangnya semangat kebhinekaan dan bahkan pergeseran pada nilai-nilai pancasila dalam kehidupan berbangsa

    Perlindungan Hak Reproduksi Perempuan Di Provinsi Riau

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    Salah satu bentuk hak yang dimiliki setiap orang adalah hak kesehatan. Kesehatan merupakan aspek penting dari Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM), yang dituliskan dalam Deklarasi Hak Asasi Manusia oleh Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) tahun 1948. Persoalan mengenai hak reproduksi perempuan merupakan bagian dari konsep Hak Asasi Manusia. Makna dari hak kesehatan ini adalah memberikan tugas dan tanggungjawab pada pemerintah untuk menciptakan kondisi yang memungkinkan setiap individu agar hidup sehat, dengan upaya menyediakan sarana pelayanan kesehatan yang memadai dan pelayanan kesehatan yang terjangkau bagi masyarakat. Kesehatan reproduksi perempuan merupakan salah satu hal yang harus diperhatikan mengingat angka kematian banyak dari kalangan perempuan. Sehingga dibutuhkan beberapa regulasi tentang pemenuhan hak kesehatan reproduksi bagi perempuan, serta upaya-upaya yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah dalam melaksanakan dan melindungi hak kesehatan reproduksi perempuan.   Kata Kunci: Hak Asasi Manusia, Hak Perempuan, Kesehatan Reproduks


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    Domestic violence (KDRT) problems in Indonesia each year has increased high and then women often become victims. Violence against women has become an important issue and cause anxiety in every country in the world, including developed countries are said to be highly appreciative of human rights. The legal culture of society, especially the Malay culture that is still embraced by the Siak Sri Indrapura people have the perception that the household is a private area and a disgrace that should not be known or told to others. It is also one of the inhibiting factors in law enforcement on Domestic violence (KDRT) in Siak Sri Indrapura. The application of traditional sanctions in Siak Sri Indrapura still entrenched in people’s lives. The existence of traditional law is still maintained by the Siak Sri Indrapura community until today, in the form of dispute resolution through traditional law always used the kinship principle and the principle of the peace, based on the basis of deliberative consensus


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    When the ASEAN economy opens, the flow of trade in goods and services, investment and labor migration among ASEAN countries are no longer being obstacles. This will provide an opportunity and a challenge for the economic development of all countries that are involved, including Indonesia. Sustainment and competitiveness of UMKM in Indonesia are priorities in the implementation of MEA 2015. This is because UMKM is one of the central points of unemployment and poverty alleviation as well country's economy. UMKM sustains economic system of a particular area of the city specifically Pekanbaru. Based on this phenomenon, it is expected that the government plan efforts and strategies to provide protection for UMKM, particularly legal protection. The aim is to provide a sense of security, both in mind and physical from harassment and various threats to UMKM stakeholders in Pekanbaru to face MEA 2015.

    Pendampingan Pada Komunitas Anak Disabilitas di Kota Pekanbaru Melalui Pemahaman Hak-Hak Aksessibilitas

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    The first fact is still found by parents who have not paid special attention to children with disabilities, resulting in violations of the rights of children with disabilities. The second fact is that the legal instruments are still weak and the regulations have not been fully implemented. These facts are an inhibiting factor in the development of children with disabilities. The purpose of this activity is so that children with disabilities know what their rights are, so that children with disabilities still feel respected by their presence. The output of this activity is the fulfillment of accessibility rights for children with disabilities in their growth and development in the social environment. The result of this activity is that children with disabilities know their rights, so that discrimination against them is not allowed. Children with disabilities also know that they have special rights guaranteed by laws and regulations