9 research outputs found

    Additional file 3: Figure S1. of Dynamic and temporal assessment of human dried blood spot MS/MSALL shotgun lipidomics analysis

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    Identification LPC 24:0 and LPC 26:0 from DBS by high resolution MS/MS. (A) MS/MS spectrum and fragmentation pattern of LPC 24:0; (B) MS/MS spectrum and fragmentation pattern of LPC 26:0. (PDF 89 kb

    Additional file 5: Figure S3. of Dynamic and temporal assessment of human dried blood spot MS/MSALL shotgun lipidomics analysis

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    Temporal fluctuation of lipid classes over days. (A) The scatter plot of negative log10 (p) vs the lipid classes, generated by the repeated one way ANOVA analysis (subject = 16, 5 days); (B) The profiles of the lipid class with a p values of less than 0.05 over time. The DBS samples were collected in the 5 successive morning after overnight fast. (PDF 16 kb

    Additional file 2: Figure S2. of Hsp90β knockdown in DIO mice reverses insulin resistance and improves glucose tolerance

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    Hsp90ab1 ASO treatment does not significantly affect protein expression in the liver. Male mice were fed a high fat diet (DIO) for 12 weeks prior to receiving either negative control (NC) ASO or Hsp90ab1 ASO 10μg/kg/day two times a week for 4 weeks. Mice were then sacrificed, liver was collected, and protein expression of Hsp90ab1 was assessed by Western blot. Top panel shows representative Western blot and bottom bar graph represents mean densitometric intensity relative to NC of n = 5 NC and n = 10 ASO Hsp90ab1. (PDF 481 kb