96 research outputs found

    Genomic Analysis of Gene Dysregulation Sites Related to Craniofacial Development in Ts65Dn Down Syndrome Mouse Embryos

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    poster abstractDown syndrome (DS) is caused by a nondisjunction event called Trisomy 21 and is known to effect every system of the body. While it is thought that select genes on chromosome 21 are responsible for specific DS phenotypes, we are unsure of the overall effect the extra genetic information poses across the genome. The presence of an extra chromosome 21 is suspected to cause dysregulation in gene expression across the genome of individuals with DS. These dysregulation sites may vary between individuals due to genetic variability and according to tissue type. Previous studies have shown that genomic regions of gene up regulation and down regulation exist in individuals with DS. Ts65Dn mice have an extra marker chromosome that accounts for approximately fifty percent of the genes that are triplicated in DS. We are using the Ts65Dn DS mouse model to study the variability in the genomic sites of dysregulation caused by trisomy and to determine whether genomic dysregulation is tissue specific. We are comparing the gene expression from genes associated with the neural tube and 1st pharyngeal arch from trisomic and euploid e9.5 embryos. This comparison may provide insight behind the effect trisomy has on genomic dysregulation that causes the small 1st pharyngeal arch and leads to a small mandible in individuals with DS. Significantly dysregulated mRNA expression levels have been collected from embryos of trisomic and euploid mice and have been characterized by next-generation sequencing. We are identifying genomic locations with the most genetic dysregulation and comparing any variability within these sites based on the spatial as well as temporal differences in mRNA expression from tissues of trisomic and euploid samples. We hypothesize that genomic gene dysregulation sites will be tissue specific. Our study aims to explain how these perturbations in gene expression may affect certain DS phenotypes such as craniofacial abnormalities

    Extended Treatment with a High Dosage of EGCG to Rescue Appendicular Bone Abnormalities in a Down Syndrome Mouse Model

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    poster abstractIndividuals with Down syndrome (DS) show significant abnormalities in cognitive abilities, muscle tone, and bone homeostasis. DS is caused by a triplication of the 21st human chromosome (Hsa21). Previous research conducted by our lab using mouse models indicates that three copies of Dyrk1a causes the appendicular skeletal deficits associated with DS. Ts65Dn mouse model carries 50% of the genes homologous to Hsa21, and exhibit excellent phenotypic model for the skeletal deficits seen in individuals with DS, such as low bone mineral density, altered bone structure, and decreased cortical bone. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) is a green tea polyphenol that inhibits Dyrk1a activity. In a previous study, we showed that a three-week, low dose (10mg/kg/day) treatment of EGCG rescued bone mineral density, and trabecular bone to that of euploid levels, but not cortical bone. We hypothesize that increasing the concentration and duration of the treatment will be sufficient enough to more fully restore bone abnormalities by rescuing femoral bone mineral density, bone volume, and improving overall bone strength. This project explores the effects of using a prolonged seven-week, high dosage (100mg/kg/day) treatment on specific bone phenotypes. Dual Energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), MicroCT, and mechanical testing will be used as our means of analysis of the treated and untreated bones

    Effects of the Calcineurin/NFAT Pathway in Skeletal Abnormalities Associated with Down Syndrome

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    poster abstractDown Syndrome (DS) is a genetic disorder caused by trisomy of human chromosome 21 (Hsa21). DS phenotypes include cognitive impairment, craniofacial abnormalities, and skeletal deficiencies. The Ts65Dn mouse model exhibits similar phenotypes as found in humans with DS, including deficits in skeletal bone. Over-expression of DYRK1A, a serine-threonine kinase encoded on Hsa21, has been linked to deficiencies in DS bone homeostasis. Calcineruin/NFAT pathway plays a role in bone homeostasis by regulating osteoblastogenesis and osteoclastogenesis. DYRK1A was found to regulate calcineruin/NFAT signaling to block transcriptional activity, thereby reducing calcineruin/NFAT transcriptional activity. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), an aromatic polyphenol found in green tea, is a known inhibitor of DYRK1A activity. Normalization of DYRK1A activity by EGCG may have the potential to regulate bone homeostasis, by increasing bone mineral density (BMD) and bone strength. In earlier our work, EGCG treatment of 30mg/kg/day, has been shown to improve skeletal deficits, however, the mechanism remains unknown. We hypothesize that EGCG is involved in the calcineurin/NFAT pathway. To test our hypothesis we will use cyclosporine A (CsA), an immunosuppressant that perturbs the calcineurin/NFAT pathway. Previous studies show that daily administration of high concentration CsA will result in significant bone loss. Three-week old euploid and trisomic Ts65Dn mice receive 30mg/kg/day of CsA or vehicle for 3 weeks. In addition, mice will receive EGCG or water. At six weeks of age, BMD, bone strength, as well as architecture of the cortical and trabecular bone are assessed in extracted femurs. We expect that CsA given to euploid mice exhibit bone phenotypes similar to trisomic mice. Whereas euploid mice given CsA and EGCG might display bone phenotypes similar to euploid given only the vehicle. Provided that we are able to observe our expected results, it may indicate that EGCG is involved in the calcineurin/NFAT pathway. Our work is important to understand how EGCG may affect DS phenotypes as the EGCG is translated to human use

    Evaluation of osteoclastogenesis in the Ts65Dn Down Syndrome Mouse Model

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    poster abstractDown Syndrome (DS) affects ~1 in 700 live births and is caused by trisomy of human chromosome 21 (Hsa21). DS is characterized by a wide spectrum of phenotypes including cognitive and skeletal abnormalities that affect all individuals with DS. To study these phenotypes, we utilize the Ts65Dn mouse model, which contains three copies of approximately half the gene orthologous found on Hsa21 and exhibits similar phenotypes as found in humans with DS. Individuals with DS and Ts65Dn mice have deficits in bone mineral density (BMD), bone architecture, and bone strength. Three copies of DYRK1A, a serine-threonine kinase encoded on Hsa21, has been linked to deficiencies in bone homeostasis in DS mouse models and individuals with DS. DYRK1A is thought to act via NFATc1, a master regulator of osteoclastogenesis. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), a polyphenol found in high concentrations in green tea, is a known inhibitor of DYRK1A activity. We propose that the DS bone phenotype arises from an increase in osteoclastogenesis and/or maturation which results in increased bone resorption and disrupted bone homeostasis. We hypothesize that treatment of the mice during adolescence with 100 mg/kg/day EGCG would result in normalization of osteoclast numbers in trisomic mice to that of the controls. Osteoclast precursors from femur and spleen were isolated from 8-10 week old mice treated with 100 mg/kg/day EGCG or water from three weeks of age onwards. The cells were grown in the presence of M-CSF & RANK-L to promote osteoclast differentiation. Following 3 weeks in culture, the cells were fixed, TRAP stained, and multinucleated osteoclasts from control and Ts65Dn treated and untreated mice were counted. Mentor: Randall Roper, Department of Biology, IUPUI School of Science, Indianapolis, I


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    poster abstractDown syndrome (DS) is caused by three copies of human chromosome 21 (HSA21) and results in abnormal craniofacial and appendicular bone phe-notypes. The Ts65Dn mouse model of DS contains three copies of nearly half of the genes found on HSA21, and exhibits craniofacial skeletal phenotypes similar to those observed in humans with DS. We recently demonstrated ab-normalities in the development and homeostasis of the appendicular skele-ton of Ts65Dn mice. Femurs from trisomic mice exhibit alterations in trabec-ular bone architecture and overall bone strength. Furthermore, bone for-mation rates were found to be significantly reduced, suggesting trisomy im-pacts bone development and maintenance in Ts65Dn mice, and by extension humans with DS. DYRK1A is triplicated in both humans with DS and Ts65Dn mice and its protein acts as a kinase critical during development. Dyrk1A negatively regulates the nuclear localization and activation of Nfatc, a tran-scription factor critical to signaling pathways associated with cell proliferation and bone development, and is overexpressed in the E9.5 Ts65Dn mandible precursor. We hypothesize that the previously documented Ts65Dn bone phenotype originates during embryonic development, and the presence of an extra copy of Dyrk1a contributes to the abnormal bone phenotype observed in Ts65Dn mice and humans with DS. To test our first hypothesis, analysis of the cartilage template and early bone precursor is being conducted on the femurs from embryonic day 17.5 trisomic and euploid embryos. To implicate the involvement of Dyrk1a in the DS bone phenotype, Ts65Dn mice are be-ing treated with a known Dyrk1a inhibitor, EGCG, to determine if correcting the functional expression of Dyrk1a impacts the development of the Ts65Dn postnatal bone phenotype. Understanding the molecular mechanisms under-lying DS bone phenotypes may help improve the quality of life for individuals with DS and provide viable options for the treatment of osteoporosis


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    poster abstractTrisomy 21 occurs in 1/700 live births and leads to phenotypes associat-ed with Down syndrome (DS), including craniofacial dysmorphology and a small mandible. Ts65Dn mice are trisomic for approximately half the genes on human chromosome 21 and display DS-like craniofacial anomalies. Cells cultured from Ts65Dn and euploid 1st pharyngeal arch (PA1) and neural tube (NT) tissues were used to analyze the effects of genetic dysregulation on cell proliferation and migration. In vitro studies revealed a proliferation deficit in trisomic PA1 and migration deficits from trisomic NT originating at embryonic day 9.5 (E9.5). DYRK1A is a gene thought to be involved in DS craniofacial development and we hypothesized that dysregulation of Dyrk1a contributes to altered craniofacial development in Ts65Dn mice. We also hypothesized that Dyrk1a agonists could be used to ameliorate this phenotype. To test our hypotheses, we quantified expression of Dyrk1a using qPCR. At E9.5, Dyrk1a is upregulated in Ts65Dn as relative to euploid PA1. We also showed that cell proliferation and migration could be returned to near euploid levels with the green tea polyphenol epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and harmine (known Dyrk1a inhibitors) in vitro. To further test our hypothesis, pregnant Ts65Dn and euploid mothers were treated with EGCG on E7 and E8 and E9.5 trisomic and euploid embryos were assessed for embryonic volume, PA1 vol-ume, and NCC number. Preliminary evidence suggests in vivo treatment leads to an increase in embryonic volume, PA1 volume, and NCC number in both euploid and trisomic embryos. Trisomic EGCG-treated embryos had similar PA1 volumes and NCC numbers to euploid embryos treated with PBS. Gene expression analysis of EGCG-treated NCCs is currently underway to better understand the effects of EGCG in these studies. Our results provide information about the molecular basis of DS craniofacial abnormalities and may lead to evidenced-based therapeutic options

    Targeting trisomic treatments: optimizing Dyrk1a inhibition to improve Down syndrome deficits

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    Overexpression of Dual‐specificity tyrosine‐phosphorylated regulated kinase 1A (DYRK1A), located on human chromosome 21, may alter molecular processes linked to developmental deficits in Down syndrome (DS). Trisomic DYRK1A is a rational therapeutic target, and although reductions in Dyrk1a genetic dosage have shown improvements in trisomic mouse models, attempts to reduce Dyrk1a activity by pharmacological mechanisms and correct these DS‐associated phenotypes have been largely unsuccessful. Epigallocatechin‐3‐gallate (EGCG) inhibits DYRK1A activity in vitro and this action has been postulated to account for improvement of some DS‐associated phenotypes that have been reported in preclinical studies and clinical trials. However, the beneficial effects of EGCG are inconsistent and there is no direct evidence that any observed improvement actually occurs through Dyrk1a inhibition. Inconclusive outcomes likely reflect a lack of knowledge about the tissue‐specific patterns of spatial and temporal overexpression and elevated activity of Dyrk1a that may contribute to emerging DS traits during development. Emerging evidence indicates that Dyrk1a expression varies over the life span in DS mouse models, yet preclinical therapeutic treatments targeting Dyrk1a have largely not considered these developmental changes. Therapies intended to improve DS phenotypes through normalizing trisomic Dyrk1a need to optimize the timing and dose of treatment to match the spatiotemporal patterning of excessive Dyrk1a activity in relevant tissues. This will require more precise identification of developmental periods of vulnerability to enduring adverse effects of elevated Dyrk1a, representing the concurrence of increased Dyrk1a expression together with hypothesized tissue‐specific‐sensitive periods when Dyrk1a regulates cellular processes that shape the long‐term functional properties of the tissue. Future efforts targeting inhibition of trisomic Dyrk1a should identify these putative spatiotemporally specific developmental sensitive periods and determine whether normalizing Dyrk1a activity then can lead to improved outcomes in DS phenotypes


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    poster abstractDown syndrome (DS) and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) are two leading causes of birth defects with phenotypes ranging from cognitive impairment to craniofacial abnormalities. These syndromes have an estimated occurrence of 1/750 and 1/1000 live births, respectively. While DS originates from the trisomy of human chromosome 21 and FAS from excess alcohol consumption, many of the defining characteristics for these two disorders are stunningly similar. Our research of the published literature has identified more than 20 similarities in DS and FAS phenotypes including precise craniofacial and neurological abnormalities. We hypothesize that the similar phenotypes in these two syndromes are caused by disruptions in common molecular and cellular pathways. To test our hypothesis we are examining morphometric, genetic, and cellular phenotypes during development of DS and FAS mouse models. Our preliminary evidence indicates that during early development, expression of Dyrk1a and Rcan1 (two genes found in three copies in individuals with DS) is dysregulated in the craniofacial and neurological precursors of both DS and FAS as compared to normal control embryos. Using immuocytochemistry, we are analyzing cellular properties of neurological development in DS embryos and comparing deficiencies found between trisomic and normal mice to those found in FAS embryos at similar stages. These results will further define molecular and cellular alterations leading to DS and FAS phenotypes and provide mechanisms to target for potential pharmacotherapy


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    poster abstractTrisomy 21 is the genetic source of the group of phenotypes commonly known as Down syndrome (DS). These phenotypes include cognitive im-pairment, heart defects and craniofacial abnormalities, including a small mandible. The Ts65Dn mouse model contains three copies of approximately half the genes found on human chromosome 21 and exhibits similar pheno-types to individuals with DS including a small, dysmorphic mandible. Our lab has traced this deficit to a smaller first branchial arch (BA1) consisting of fewer neural crest cells (NCCs) at embryonic day 9.5 (E9.5). At E9.5, Dyrk1a, a gene known to affect craniofacial development, is upregulated in the BA1, likely contributing to its cell deficit. Using epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), an extract from green tea and a known inhibitor of Dyrk1a, we are attempting to rescue this deficit. We hypothesize the consumption of EGCG by pregnant mothers at E7 and E8 will rescue the mandibular deficit in de-veloping embryos by reducing the expression or activity of Dyrk1a. From our data we conclude the treatment of pregnant mothers with EGCG results in increased embryo size of trisomic embryos. Further analysis will be done to determine embryo volume, the volume of the BA1, and number of NCCs within the BA1 to determine the effects of EGCG in vivo. This research will better our understanding of craniofacial development and could lead to po-tential genetic-based therapies in the future


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    poster abstractDown syndrome (DS) is a common genetic disorder that occurs in ap-proximately 1 out of every 750 live births. DS phenotypes include cognitive deficits, altered craniofacial features, muscle hypotonia, heart defects, and abnormal bone structure. The Ts65Dn mouse model is the most common or-ganismal model used to study DS phenotypes. This model exhibits a number of phenotypic traits comparable to those of humans with DS, including bone anomalies. Past studies have shown that Ts65Dn mice exhibit weaker tra-becular bone due to less trabeculae. They have also been shown to have less bone mineral density and bone mineral content at 6 weeks of age when compared to their euploid counterparts, with the severity of these defects lessening by 16 weeks. No studies of bone development have yet decisively identified the origin of these defects. We hypothesized that abnormal endochondral ossification is responsible for the presence of these deficien-cies in bone mineral content and bone mineral density. Aberrant expression of Nfat has been implicated as the molecular cause of many DS-related phe-notypes, and activity of Nfat can be determined based upon its localization. Specifically, Nfat has been shown to control many aspects of bone develop-ment, which makes it of special interest to this research. To test our hypoth-esis of a bone deficit present during embryonic development of Ts65Dn em-bryos, we are comparing cartilaginous template characteristics, progression of the mineralization front, osteoclast activity, percent bone volume, and Nfat localization in euploid and trisomic mouse femurs at embryonic day 17.5. Our preliminary data show lower percent bone volumes in trisomic fe-murs, suggesting that endochondral ossification in Ts65Dn mice lags behind that of their euploid counterparts. These results indicate that DS bone phe-notypes do indeed originate during embryonic development and create a foundation for future work on their treatment. Supported by: National Science Foundation GK-12 Fellowship; Jerome Lejeune Foundatio
