8 research outputs found

    Additional file 8: Figure S5. of Development and clinical application of an integrative genomic approach to personalized cancer therapy

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    Correlation of somatic CNA heterozygosity change (median “log2mBAF” segment statistic from saasCNV of tumor with respect to normal) between WES and array data. The same partitions are used as in Additional file 7: Figure S4, and weighed correlation in the lower right corner is also computed in the same way. (PPTX 981 kb

    Additional file 9: Figure S6. of Development and clinical application of an integrative genomic approach to personalized cancer therapy

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    Comparison of weighed correlations of log2ratio (a, data from Additional file 7: Figure S4) and log2mBAF (b, data from Additional file 8: Figure S5) for assays on FFPE- versus frozen-derived tumor DNA material. D statistic and p-value from 2-sided KS test are shown for FFPE- versus frozen-derived correlation distributions (see "Methods" for details on KS test). (PPTX 76 kb