24 research outputs found

    Absolute Position of Targets Measured Through a Chamber Window Using Lidar Metrology Systems

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    Lidar is a useful tool for taking metrology measurements without the need for physical contact with the parts under test. Lidar instruments are aimed at a target using azimuth and elevation stages, then focus a beam of coherent, frequency modulated laser energy onto the target, such as the surface of a mechanical structure. Energy from the reflected beam is mixed with an optical reference signal that travels in a fiber path internal to the instrument, and the range to the target is calculated based on the difference in the frequency of the returned and reference signals. In cases when the parts are in extreme environments, additional steps need to be taken to separate the operator and lidar from that environment. A model has been developed that accurately reduces the lidar data to an absolute position and accounts for the three media in the testbed air, fused silica, and vacuum but the approach can be adapted for any environment or material. The accuracy of laser metrology measurements depends upon knowing the parameters of the media through which the measurement beam travels. Under normal conditions, this means knowledge of the temperature, pressure, and humidity of the air in the measurement volume. In the past, chamber windows have been used to separate the measuring device from the extreme environment within the chamber and still permit optical measurement, but, so far, only relative changes have been diagnosed. The ability to make accurate measurements through a window presents a challenge as there are a number of factors to consider. In the case of the lidar, the window will increase the time-of-flight of the laser beam causing a ranging error, and refract the direction of the beam causing angular positioning errors. In addition, differences in pressure, temperature, and humidity on each side of the window will cause slight atmospheric index changes and induce deformation and a refractive index gradient within the window. Also, since the window is a dispersive media, the effect of both phase and group indices have to be considered. Taking all these factors into account, a method was developed to measure targets through multiple regions of different materials and produce results that are absolute measurements of target position in three-dimensional space, rather than simply relative position. The environment in which the lidar measurements are taken must be broken down into separate regions of interest and each region solved for separately. In this case, there were three regions of interest: air, fused silica, and vacuum. The angular position of the target inside the chamber is solved using only phase index and phase velocity, while the ranging effects due to travel from air to glass to vacuum/air are solved with group index and group velocity. When all parameters are solved simultaneously, an absolute knowledge of the position of each target within an environmental chamber can be derived. Novel features of this innovation include measuring absolute position of targets through multiple dispersive and non-dispersive media, deconstruction of lidar raw data from a commercial off-the-shelf unit into reworkable parameters, and use of group velocities to reduce range data. Measurement of structures within a vacuum chamber or other harsh environment, such as a furnace, may now be measured as easily as if they were in an ambient laboratory. This analysis permits transformation of the raw data into absolute spatial units (e.g., mm). This technique has also been extended to laser tracker, theodolite, and cathetometer measurements through refractive media

    The Very Highly Ionized Broad Absorption Line System of the QSO SBS1542+541

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    We have analyzed the broad absorption line system of the bright (V=16.5) high-redshift (z=2.361) QSO SBS1542+541 using UV spectra from the HST FOS along with optical data from the MMT and the Steward Observatory 2.3m telescope. These spectra give continuous wavelength coverage from 1200 to 8000 Angstroms, corresponding to 340 to 2480 Angstroms in the QSO rest frame. This object therefore offers a rare opportunity to study broad absorption lines in the rest-frame extreme UV. We find that the absorption system is dominated by very high-ionization species, including O VI, NeVIII, and SiXII. We also identify apparently saturated broad Lyman-series lines of order Ly-gamma and higher. There is strong evidence for partial occultation of the QSO emission source, particularly from the higher-order Lyman lines which indicate a covered fraction less than 0.2. Overall, the data suggest a correlation between a larger covered fraction and a higher state of ionization. We suggest that the different covered fractions can be explained by either a special line of sight through a disk-like geometry or by the existence of density fluctuations of a factor >2 in the BAL gas. Our photoionization models of the system indicate a large column density and high ionization state similar to that found in X-ray ``warm absorbers''.Comment: 31 pages, 13 figures, to be published in Ap

    Wavefront-Error Performance Characterization for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Integrated Science Instrument Module (ISIM) Science Instruments

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    The science instruments (SIs) comprising the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Integrated Science Instrument Module (ISIM) were tested in three cryogenic-vacuum test campaigns in the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC)'s Space Environment Simulator (SES) test chamber. In this paper, we describe the results of optical wavefront-error performance characterization of the SIs. The wavefront error is determined using image-based wavefront sensing, and the primary data used by this process are focus sweeps, a series of images recorded by the instrument under test in its as-used configuration, in which the focal plane is systematically changed from one image to the next. High-precision determination of the wavefront error also requires several sources of secondary data, including 1) spectrum, apodization, and wavefront-error characterization of the optical ground-support equipment (OGSE) illumination module, called the OTE Simulator (OSIM), 2) F-number and pupil-distortion measurements made using a pseudo-nonredundant mask (PNRM), and 3) pupil geometry predictions as a function of SI and field point, which are complicated because of a tricontagon-shaped outer perimeter and small holes that appear in the exit pupil due to the way that different light sources are injected into the optical path by the OGSE. One set of wavefront-error tests, for the coronagraphic channel of the Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) Longwave instruments, was performed using data from transverse translation diversity sweeps instead of focus sweeps, in which a sub-aperture is translated and/or rotated across the exit pupil of the system. Several optical-performance requirements that were verified during this ISIM-level testing are levied on the uncertainties of various wavefront-error-related quantities rather than on the wavefront errors themselves. This paper also describes the methodology, based on Monte Carlo simulations of the wavefront-sensing analysis of focus-sweep data, used to establish the uncertainties of the wavefront-error maps

    Laser Radar Through the Window (LRTW) Coordinate Correction Method

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    A method for corrections of measurements of points of interests measured by beams of radiation propagating through stratified media including performance of ray-tracing of at least one ray lunched from a metrology instrument in a direction of an apparent point of interest, calculation a path length of the ray through stratified medium, and determination of coordinates of true position of the point interest using the at least one path length and the direction of propagation of the ray

    A Composite HST Spectrum of Quasars

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    We construct a composite quasar spectrum from 284 HST FOS spectra of 101 quasars with redshifts z > 0.33. The spectrum covers the wavelengths between 350 and 3000 A in the rest frame. There is a significant steepening of the continuum slope around 1050 A. The continuum between 1050 and 2200 A can be modeled as a power law with alpha = -0.99. For the full sample the power-law index in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) between 350 and 1050 A is alpha = -1.96. The continuum flux in the wavelengths near the Lyman limit shows a depression of about 10 percent. The break in the power-law index and the slight depression of the continuum near the Lyman limit are features expected in Comptonized accretion-disk spectra.Comment: 10 figures To appear in the February 1, 1997, issue of the Ap.

    Characterization of the JWST Pathfinder Mirror Dynamics Using the Center of Curvature Optical Assembly (CoCOA)

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    The JWST (James Webb Space Telescope) Optical Telescope Element (OTE) consists of a 6.6 meter clear aperture, 18-segment primary mirror, all-reflective, three-mirror anastigmat operating at cryogenic temperatures. To verify performance of the primary mirror, a full aperture center of curvature optical null test is performed under cryogenic conditions in Chamber A at NASA Johnson Space Center using an instantaneous phase measuring interferometer. After phasing the mirrors during the JWST Pathfinder testing, the interferometer is utilized to characterize the mirror relative piston and tilt dynamics under different facility configurations. The correlation between the motions seen on detectors at the focal plane and the interferometer validates the use of the interferometer for dynamic investigations. The success of planned test hardware improvements will be characterized by the multi-wavelength interferometer (MWIF) at the Center of Curvature Optical Assembly (CoCOA)

    A Year of Wavefront Sensing with JWST in Flight: Cycle 1 Telescope Monitoring and Maintenance Summary

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    We summarize JWST's measured telescope performance across science Cycle 1. The stability of segments alignments is typically better than 10 nanometers RMS between measurements every two days, leading to highly stable point spread functions. The frequency of segment "tilt events" decreased significantly, and larger tilt events ceased entirely, as structures gradually equilibrated after cooldown. Mirror corrections every 1-2 months now maintain the telescope below 70 nm RMS wavefront error. Observed micrometeoroid impacts during cycle 1 had negligible effect on science performance, consistent with preflight predictions. As JWST begins Cycle 2, its optical performance and stability are equal to, and in some ways better than, the performance reported at the end of commissioning.Comment: STScI Technical Memo. 2.5 pages text, 1 figur

    Performance of the Center-Of-Curvature Optical Assembly During Cryogenic Testing of the James Webb Space Telescope

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    The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) primary mirror (PM) is 6.6 meters in diameter and consists of 18 hexagonal segments, each 1.5 meters point-to-point. Each segment has a 6 degree-of-freedom hexapod actuation system and a radius-of-curvature (ROC) actuation system. The full telescope was tested at its cryogenic operating temperature at Johnson Space Center (JSC) in 2017. This testing included center-of-curvature measurements of the PM wavefront error using the Center-of-Curvature Optical Assembly (COCOA), along with the Absolute Distance Meter Assembly (ADMA). The COCOA included an interferometer, a reflective null, an interferometer-null calibration system, coarse and fine alignment systems, and two displacement measuring interferometer systems. A multiple-wavelength interferometer was used to enable alignment and phasing of the PM segments. By combining measurements at two laser wavelengths, synthetic wavelengths up to 15 millimeters could be achieved, allowing mirror segments with millimeter-level piston errors to be phased to the nanometer level. The ADMA was used to measure and set the spacing between the PM and the focus of the COCOA null (i.e., the PM center-of-curvature) for determination of the ROC. This paper describes the COCOA, the PM test setup, the testing performed, the test results, and the performance of the COCOA in aligning & phasing the PM segments and measuring the final PM wavefront error

    The Rest-Frame Extreme Ultraviolet Spectral Properties of QSOs

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    We use a sample of 332 Hubble Space Telescope spectra of 184 QSOs with z > 0.33 to study the typical ultraviolet spectral properties of QSOs, with emphasis on the ionizing continuum. Our sample is nearly twice as large as that of Zheng et al. (1997) and provides much better spectral coverage in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV). The overall composite continuum can be described by a power law with index alpha_EUV = -1.76 +/- 0.12 (f_nu ~ nu^alpha) between 500 and 1200 Angstroms. The corresponding results for subsamples of radio-quiet and radio-loud QSOs are alpha_EUV = -1.57 +/- 0.17 and alpha_EUV = -1.96 +/- 0.12, respectively. We also derive alpha_EUV for as many individual objects in our sample as possible, totaling 39 radio-quiet and 40 radio-loud QSOs. The typical individually measured values of alpha_EUV are in good agreement with the composites. We find no evidence for evolution of alpha_EUV with redshift for either radio-loud or radio-quiet QSOs. However, we do find marginal evidence for a trend towards harder EUV spectra with increasing luminosity for radio-loud objects. An extrapolation of our radio-quiet QSO spectrum is consistent with existing X-ray data, suggesting that the ionizing continuum may be represented by a single power law. The resulting spectrum is roughly in agreement with models of the intergalactic medium photoionized by the integrated radiation from QSOs.Comment: 14 pages using emulateapj, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Wavefront-Error Performance Characterization for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Integrated Science Instrument Module (ISIM) Science Instruments

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    The science instruments (SIs) comprising the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Integrated Science Instrument Module (ISIM) were tested in three cryogenic-vacuum test campaigns in the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC)'s Space Environment Simulator (SES). In this paper, we describe the results of optical wavefront-error performance characterization of the SIs. The wavefront error is determined using image-based wavefront sensing (also known as phase retrieval), and the primary data used by this process are focus sweeps, a series of images recorded by the instrument under test in its as-used configuration, in which the focal plane is systematically changed from one image to the next. High-precision determination of the wavefront error also requires several sources of secondary data, including 1) spectrum, apodization, and wavefront-error characterization of the optical ground-support equipment (OGSE) illumination module, called the OTE Simulator (OSIM), 2) plate scale measurements made using a Pseudo-Nonredundant Mask (PNRM), and 3) pupil geometry predictions as a function of SI and field point, which are complicated because of a tricontagon-shaped outer perimeter and small holes that appear in the exit pupil due to the way that different light sources are injected into the optical path by the OGSE. One set of wavefront-error tests, for the coronagraphic channel of the Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) Longwave instruments, was performed using data from transverse translation diversity sweeps instead of focus sweeps, in which a sub-aperture is translated andor rotated across the exit pupil of the system.Several optical-performance requirements that were verified during this ISIM-level testing are levied on the uncertainties of various wavefront-error-related quantities rather than on the wavefront errors themselves. This paper also describes the methodology, based on Monte Carlo simulations of the wavefront-sensing analysis of focus-sweep data, used to establish the uncertainties of the wavefront error maps