3 research outputs found
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Emerald'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Managers' Reference Book Shelf
- Author
- Administrative Management Society
- Aljian G.W.
- American Management Association
- b) American Management Association
- b) American Society for Personnel Administration.
- b) Public Personnel Association
- Baker R.
- Banki Ivan S
- Bureau of National Affairs Washington, D.C.
- Commerce Clearing House Chicago
- Conference Board
- Craig Robert L
- Dartnell Corporation
- Emeri D.
- Employment Survey
- Equal Opportunity Publications Inc
- Equal Opportunity Publications Inc
- Executive Sciences Institute
- Executive Sciences Institute
- Fetridge W.H.
- French D.
- George C.S.
- Green J.H.
- Heyel C.
- Heyel Carl
- Holbert Neil
- Human Resources Abstracts
- International Federation of Operational Research Societies.
- International Statistical Institute
- Johannsen H.
- Juran J.M.
- M. Balachandran
- Management Contents Skokie
- Mixon S.R.
- Ohio State University
- Personnel Management Abstracts
- Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs
- Ralston Anthony
- Rand Abstracts
- Roberts H.S.
- Rock M.L.
- Schabacker J.C.
- See
- See
- See
- Seminar Locator
- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
- Work Related Abstracts
- Publication venue
- 'Emerald'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Information Sources in Aging: An Annotated Bibliography
- Author
- a n d H u m a n Development Medical Center Box 3003 D u r h a m
- Abstracts Wichita
- Affairs Information Service Bulletin New York
- Ageing International
- Ageing London
- Aging
- Aging Beverly Hills
- Aging News
- Anthropology
- Ave
- Betty Turock
- Beverly Hills Calif
- Business Periodicals Index New
- C r e a t e d by the Department of Health.
- Center 1909K St. NW Rm. 600 Washington
- Center 22 Park Place Johnson City
- CIS (Congressional Information Service) Index to Publications of the United States Congress.
- Congress
- Congress Senate
- Current Contents
- Current Literatureon Aging
- Current Urban Documents Westport
- Development
- Documents
- Documents
- Dupont Circle
- East-West Hwy
- East-West Hwy Hyattsville
- Education Phoenix
- Education Washington
- Educational Gerontology
- Excerpta Medica
- Experimental Aging Research Mt.
- Experimental Gerontology
- Experimental Gerontology New York
- Federal Domestic Assistance Washington
- Geriatrics
- Geriatrics Minneapolis
- Gerontological Abstracts Ann Arbor
- Gerontological Nursing
- Gerontology
- Gerontology
- Glendale Calif
- Government Publications Storrs
- Hospital LiteratureIndex Chicago
- However
- Human Development
- Human Services Abstracts Project SHARE U.S
- Inc. (NCOA) 1828 L St. NW Suite 306 Washington
- Index Medicus Washington
- Information Resources
- Journal of Long Term Care Administration
- Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
- Katz William
- KWIC/ASTRA Training Resources in Aging C e n t e r for the Study of Aging a n d Human Development Duke University Medical Center
- Long Term Care and Health Services Administration Quarterly.
- Louisville Ky.
- Minority Aging
- N a t i o n a l C l e a r i n g h o u s e for Mental Health Information (NCMHI) N a t i o n a l Institute of Mental Health 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville
- N a t i o n a l C l e a r i n g h o u s e on Aging (NCA) Administration on Aging (AoA) 330 I n d e p e n d e n c e Ave. SW W a s h i n g t o n .
- National Hospice Organization 765 Prospect St. New Haven CT 06511 National Institute on Aging Division of Communication National Institutes of Health 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda
- Nursing Homes
- Older American Reports Washington
- Omega
- Parklawn Dr Rockville
- Periodicals Gerontopics
- Pesaitis Patricia
- Psychological Abstracts
- Rm Universal North
- Rockville
- Rockville
- Sage Urban Studies Abstracts Beverly Hills
- Selected Rand Abstracts
- Services American Statistical Index
- Shock
- Social Sciences Index New
- Social Security Bulletin
- Sociological Abstracts San Diego
- St
- St
- St
- St
- St NW
- St NW
- St NW
- St NW
- St NW
- St NW.
- The Gerontologist
- Urban Affairs Abstracts Washington
- W o m e n University of Maryland C e n t e r on Aging C o l l e g e
- Washington D.C.
- Wilshire Blvd
- Women's Studies Abstracts
- Publication venue
- 'Emerald'
- Publication date
- Field of study