48 research outputs found


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    PT. Albasi Priangan Lestari adalah perusahaan industri yang bergerak di bidang manufaktur perusahaan ini salah satu produsen kayu dengan produksi Bare Core, Blockboard dan Plywood.. Saat ini di PT. Albasi Priangan Lestari mengalami kekurangan program K3 (kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja) program keselamatan kerja harus diterapkan setiap perusahaan agar terhindar dari kecelakaan-kecelakaan yang akan mencederai para pekerja. Oleh sebab itu, diperlukan rencana yang tepat untuk perbaikan program kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja di PT. Albasi Priangan Lestari. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode fault tree analysis terhadap kecelakaan kerja yang terjadi di perusahaan PT. Albasi Priangan Lestari selama 2 tahun terakhir dari tahun 2019-2020, untuk mencari akar permasalahan yang terjadi pada proses produksi.yang dihasilkan yaitu metode (FTA) ini menunjukan bahwa banyak faktor yang menjadi permasalahan, yakni permaslahan pada program K3. Dalam penelitian ini terlebih dahulu dilakukan perhitungan jumlah kecelakaan kerja bulan/tahun setelah dilakukan perhitungan tersebut dilanjutkan ke perhitungan jumlah tenaga kerja di bagian produksi dan jam kerja kemudian dilakukan perhitungan kecelakaan kerja dan jumlah hari hilang setelah itu data – data tersebut akan di hitung untuk perhitungan tingkat frekuensi/kekerapan kecelakaan kerja dan tingkat severity/keparahan kecelakaan kerja setelah mengetahui kemudian dilakukan fault tree analysis untuk mengidentifikasi potensi penyebab kecelakaan kerja yang terjadi pada tiap part yang akan dikaji sehingga diperoleh penyebab secara umum yang menyebabkan kecelakaan kerja, Dari bagan Fault Tree Analysis masing – masing kecelakaan kerja yang sudah di buat, maka dicari minimal cut set untuk mengetahui akar permasalahan dari penyebab kecelakaan kerja serpihan kayu. Langkah tersebut menerangkan semua urutan sebab dan akibat kejadian yang menyebabkan terjadinya kecelakaan kerja. Kata kunci : Tingkat frekuensi/kekerapan kecelakaan kerja, Tingkat Severity/keparahan kecelakaan kerja, Fault Tree Analysis, Minimal Cut Se

    Pastoral Risk Management in Southern Ethiopia: Observations from Pilot Projects based on Participatory Community Assessments

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    The Borana pastoral system has come under increasing pressure as human populations grow and per capita availability of resources declines. Livestock exhibit large, periodic die-offs that threaten wealth accumulation and food security. Several types of interventions may improve risk management here. For example, there may be opportunity for some pastoralists to diversify their livelihoods. Here we report on a community-based process involving pilot projects begun since 2000. We have embraced Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and Action Research (AR) as tools for investigation and empowerment of local people. Full PRAs were conducted for semi-settled communities, located near towns, to identify priority needs and self-help capabilities. Communities selected interventions for implementation in partnership with local development agents as part of Community Action Plans (CAPs). Preliminary observations suggest that these people see income diversification as a major issue. To this end they have a high interest in non-formal education, micro-savings and credit associations, and micro-enterprise development. Newly formed women’s groups have taken the lead in adopting innovations. Our experience confirms that risk-management interventions are in demand here, and that the people are dedicated and capable of novel achievements. Pastoralists also exhibit much enthusiasm when allowed to lead their own development initiatives

    Letter from F[rancis] J. Garrison to John Muir, 1910 Jun 20.

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    HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY4 PARK STREET BOSTONJune 20, 1910.John Muir, Esq.,Martinez, Cal.Dear Mr. Muir:We are enclosing herewith duplicate contracts for the publication in book form next spring of your First Summer in the Sierras after the Atlantic has published some chapters. Will you kindly return one of these to us with your signature?We had the pleasure of a call from Mr. Burroughs last week, and he told us how you had been tempting him to go to South America with you, but apparently he is more likely to turn his face eastward and cross the Atlantic, if he leaves the country at all.Yours very truly,Houghton Miffl in Company.[illegible]04802https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/jmcl/32469/thumbnail.jp

    Letter from F[rancis] J. Garrison to John Muir, 1909 May 14.

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    HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY4 PARK STREET BOSTONMay 14, 1909.John Muir, Esq.,Martinez, California.Dear Mr. Muir:We have heard indirectly that when you saw for the first time, the other day in San Francisco, a copy of the volume which we have recently published under the title In American Fields and Forests , and which contains two selections from your Our National Parks , you were surprised that we had said nothing to you about it, and we wish to explain why we did not communicate with you in advance. The book was put together very hastily in the hope of securing an order for it from one of the Western reading circles, and it was very doubtful at the time whether anything would come of it. Pending the result of our campaign in that direction, we issued a small edition through the trade, but did not look for much sale in that channel, and we thought it better, therefore, not to write you about the undertaking until we could say something at once definite and pleasing with regard to it.We are happy now to say that we have succeeded in securing the adoption by the reading circle aforesaid, and that the trade edition has also received a more friendly reception than we had anticipated, and when we render you our next semi-annual royalty account for Our National Parks , we shall include also an accounting for the use of your two chapters in this new volume; for we have proposed from the start to pay you and the other writers from whom we have taken excerpts a proper price for the use of your and their material. This is one of those cases, which occur from time to time, where we are able to get a by-product,”04570https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/jmcl/31708/thumbnail.jp

    Letter from F[rancis] J. Garrison to John Muir, 1908 Aug 28.

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    HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY4 PARK STREET BOSTONAugust 28f 1908John Muir, Esq.Martinez Calif.Dear Mr. Muir:We are sending you our half-yearly account of the sales of Our National Parks , which have amounted to 188 copies. This is somewhat less than for the corresponding period of a year ago but we are hoping that the new edition of the boot which we propose to bring out next year, with a good many very beautiful illustrations from photographs by our friend Mr. Gleason, will serve to give the book a fresh impetus and a still wider sale and circulation.We shall ere long be sending you proofs of Stickeen, which we are planning to bring out ill the early spring and we shall also send you shortly a formal contract for the publication.Yours very truly,Houghton If Mifflin Company[ILLEGIBLE]04271https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/jmcl/30659/thumbnail.jp

    Letter from F[rancis] J. Garrison to John Muir, 1909 May 14.

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    HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY4 PARK STREET BOSTONMay 14, 1909.John Muir, Esq.,Martinez, California.Dear Mr. Muir:We have heard indirectly that when you saw for the first time, the other day in San Francisco, a copy of the volume which we have recently published under the title In American Fields and Forests , and which contains two selections from your Our National Parks , you were surprised that we had said nothing to you about it, and we wish to explain why we did not communicate with you in advance. The book was put together very hastily in the hope of securing an order for it from one of the Western reading circles, and it was very doubtful at the time whether anything would come of it. Pending the result of our campaign in that direction, we issued a small edition through the trade, but did not look for much sale in that channel, and we thought it better, therefore, not to write you about the undertaking until we could say something at once definite and pleasing with regard to it.We are happy now to say that we have succeeded in securing the adoption by the reading circle aforesaid, and that the trade edition has also received a more friendly reception than we had anticipated, and when we render you our next semi-annual royalty account for Our National Parks , we shall include also an accounting for the use of your two chapters in this new volume; for we have proposed from the start to pay you and the other writers from whom we have taken excerpts a proper price for the use of your and their material. This is one of those cases, which occur from time to time, where we are able to get a by-product,”04570https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/jmcl/31708/thumbnail.jp

    Letter from F[rancis] J. G[arrison] to John Muir, 1909 May 22.

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    HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY4 PARK STREET BOSTONMay 22, 1909.John Muir, Esq.,Martinez, California.Dear Mr. Muir:We are sending you by this mail advance proofs of 22 of the 32 engravings from Mr. Gleason\u27s photographs which are to illustrate the new edition of Our National Parks , and hope that you will like them,We understand from our Mr. Ticknor that you are not especially enthusiastic about adding Mr. Chamberlain\u27s statistical matter about the Parks as an appendix to the volume, and we do not for a moment wish to urge it if you do not care for it. When he brought it to us, we thought it might be interesting, but we are perfectly willing to dispense with it if you would prefer to omit it.Yours very truly,Houghton Mifflin Company.F.J.G.04506https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/jmcl/31046/thumbnail.jp

    Letter from F[rancis] H. Allen to John Muir, 1912 Dec 4.

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    EDITORIAL ROOMSHOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY4 PARK STREET . BOSTONDecember 4th, 1912.Dear Mr. Muir,Have you, by chance, an early portrait of yourself which could appropriately serve as the frontispiece for The Story of My Boyhood and Youth ? If you have, we shall be very glad if you will send us a copy at once for reproduction.Yours very truly,[illegible]John Muir, Esq.FHA/T05311https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/jmcl/33653/thumbnail.jp

    Letter from F[rancis] J. Garrison to John Muir, 1910 Jun 20.

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    HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY4 PARK STREET BOSTONJune 20, 1910.John Muir, Esq.,Martinez, Cal.Dear Mr. Muir:We are enclosing herewith duplicate contracts for the publication in book form next spring of your First Summer in the Sierras after the Atlantic has published some chapters. Will you kindly return one of these to us with your signature?We had the pleasure of a call from Mr. Burroughs last week, and he told us how you had been tempting him to go to South America with you, but apparently he is more likely to turn his face eastward and cross the Atlantic, if he leaves the country at all.Yours very truly,Houghton Miffl in Company.[illegible]04802https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/jmcl/32469/thumbnail.jp