135 research outputs found

    Energy Expenditure and Nutritional Status of Sailors During One Month of Extensive Physical Training

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    The present study was conducted to determine nutritional requirements during extensive physical training by sailors of Indian Navy. A total of 37 sailors who were undergoing physical trainers course at training establishment of Indian Navy participated in this study. Energy expenditure, energy intakes, nutrient status and body composition changes during one month of training were recorded. Mean energy expenditure was found to be 4035 ±733 kcal/day and an average intake of 4478 ±340 kcal/day with sufficient amount of micro and macronutrients. The level of vitamin and minerals in blood and their excretion were in the normal range. Body composition was also maintained with a marginal decrease in body fat content. Increase in grip strength of passive hand was observed (Basal: 41.5 ± 8.8 kg, after 1 month of training:  46.5 ± 6.1 kg). Results indicate adequate nutritional support from the diet and positive effects of the training on healt

    Advent of artificial intelligence in orthognathic surgery: Advancements and challenges

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    Orthognathic surgery is a procedure used to correct facial deformities and jaw bone misalignment. The use of technology, specifically virtual surgical planning (VSP), has become increasingly prevalent in preoperative planning for orthognathic surgery. High-resolution computed tomography (CT) imaging has enabled computer-aided modelling. Artificial intelligence (AI) implementation has transformed orthognathic surgery methodology. This article highlights the latest market trends and modern-day advancements in the field, including the conventional and surgery first approach for orthognathic surgery. The use of computer-aided surgical simulation (CASS) in VSP for orthognathic surgery was studied. The different software used for orthognathic surgical planning and the detailed protocol followed during the surgery, including the preoperative procedure were discussed along with utilisation of 3-dimension cone-beam computed tomography (3D CBCT) images for surgical planning. The implementation of VSP with CASS had significantly enhanced the accuracy and efficiency of orthognathic surgery for dentofacial deformity correction. The use of technology allowed improved preoperative planning, resulting in better outcomes for patients. The study of different software for orthognathic surgical planning and the protocol followed during surgery has provided valuable insight into the surgery. The continued advancement of technology in orthognathic surgery is promising for the field and for the patients

    Varietal threat index for monitoring crop diversity on farms in five agro-ecological regions in India

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    Our knowledge about the status of agrobiodiversity on farms is still very limited. While several studies to assess the crop genetic diversity on farms have been undertaken, there are no systematic documentation and monitoring practices for varietal diversity in space and time. Achieve ment of the agrobiodiversity Aichi Target 13, established under the Biodiversity Strategy Plan 2011–2020, have failed due to the lack of existing data on varietal diversity at country, regional and global levels. Here, we propose a method for calculating the Varietal Threat Index using the four-cell analysis (FCA) participatory methodology at different geographical scales to monitor changes in the varietal diversity on farms and to compare between areas. We tested the method with datasets collected from the UN-Environment GEF project implemented in India, in which data on crop and varietal diversity were collected across seven states in India, covering five agroecological regions. Results showed that landraces are still commonly grown in the study sites, especially in the central and western regions, and that more than 50% of landraces are considered threatened, suggesting that conservation interventions are required to prevent large-scale genetic erosion. A long-term monitoring framework for varietal diversity in India is proposed

    Agroecological Approach to Farming for Sustainable Development: The Indian Scenario

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    Agroecology is the application of ecological principles to agricultural systems and practices and the application of social justice principles to whole food systems. Agroecological farming, an unfamiliar concept to those who treat agriculture and ecology as separate subjects, refers to farming for producing food, employment and economic benefits in addition to cultural, social and environmental services and benefits. Additionally, agroecology empowers farming communities, as the key agents of change, and addresses the root cause of problems of unsustainable agricultural systems in an integrated way and provides holistic and long-term solutions to transform the food and agricultural systems. As agroecology is at the forefront of transforming farming and food system sustainability, the present chapter specifically explores the state of Indian traditional farming agroecosystems, evidence collected under the ongoing Indian UNEP-GEF project “Mainstreaming agricultural biodiversity conservation and utilization in agricultural sector to ensure ecosystem services and reduce vulnerability”. We discuss traditional Indian farming in view of FAO’s 10 principles of Agroecology which is key to help policymakers, practitioners and stakeholders, in planning, managing and evaluating agroecological transitions

    First aid knowledge among health assigned teachers of primary schools

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    Background: Every parents of a child knows that it is hard enough to keep their child safe at home but when child goes off to school there is a whole new set up of challenges. Parents totally entrust their children to the schools. They rely on the teachers as their second parents in the institute for learning. They know for a fact that their educators will want no harm to come their way. While they are busy working, they fully believe that their children are well cared for. On the other hand, the teachers have the responsibility to keep an eye on their students. They should make sure that they are comfortable and secured within the four walls of their school. This then calls for their ability to handle even the most stressful situations. So much more, the school staff, especially the health teacher has to be equipped with the knowledge of first aid.Methods: Non-experimental survey study was conducted to assess the knowledge of first-aid among Health assigned teacher working in selected schools of Dehradun city. Using purposive sampling technique 40 samples of different schools of Dehradun city was adopted to select the area.Results: Result shows that the majority of health assign teachers were having average knowledge about first aid i.e. 29 (72.5%) and 10 (25%) were having good knowledge and 1 (2.5%) was having poor knowledge regarding first aid. Majority of participant were female 21 (52.5%). The educational status of most participants was post graduate (67.5%). Majority of the schools were private 25 (62.5%). There is no significant association between socio-demographic variables i.e. Gender, level of schools, year of experience as a health assigned teacher and education provided by teacher, but qualifications of teachers and type of schools was found to have a significant association.(p> 0.05).Conclusions: First aid is the assistance given to any person suffering a sudden illness or injury, with care it is provided to preserve life and to prevent the condition from worsening, and for promoting recovery. It is important that health assigned teachers are equipped with strong, professional competencies. In order for health promotion actions to be sustainable in schools, teachers must be capable, competent and skilled health educators. As they are at prime position to contribute to a nations health gain through the provision of health education for future adults. Based on findings we can say that the health assigned teachers are having average knowledge regarding first aid. Therefore, the health assigned teachers must be equipped with appropriate and upgraded knowledge

    Autophagy induction by Scutellaria flavones in cancer: recent advances

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    In parallel with a steady rise in cancer incidence worldwide, the scientific community is increasingly focused on finding novel, safer and more efficient modalities for managing this disease. Over the past decades, natural products have been described as a significant source of new structural leads for novel drug candidates. Scutellaria root is one of the most studied natural products because of its anticancer potential. Besides just describing the cytotoxic properties of plant constituents, their molecular mechanisms of action in different cancer types are equally important. Therefore, this review article focuses on the role of the Scutellaria flavones wogonin, baicalein, baicalin, scutellarein and scutellarin in regulating the autophagic machinery in diverse cancer models, highlighting these molecules as potential lead compounds for the fight against malignant neoplasms. The knowledge that autophagy can function as a dual-edged sword, acting in both a pro- and antitumorigenic manner, further complicates the issue, revealing an amazing property of flavonoids that behave either as anti- or proautophagic agents

    Acid Peptic Disease among Patients with Acute Abdomen Visiting the Department of Emergency Medicine in a Tertiary Care Centre

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    Introduction: Acid peptic disease is caused by excessive acid secretion or weakened mucosal defense. Symptoms include epigastric pain, bloating, and nausea. Factors like gastric acid, Helicobacter pylori infection, alcohol consumption, smoking, and stress contribute to peptic ulcers. Imbalances between offensive and defensive factors can lead to ulcers. Acid-related disorders impact the quality of life and mortality. Accurate diagnosis and prompt treatment are vital. This study aimed to find out the prevalence of acid peptic disease among patients with acute abdomen in the Department of Emergency Medicine in a tertiary care centre. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted from 2 April 2022 and 2 April 2023 among the patients presented in the Department of Emergency Medicine in a tertiary care centre. Ethical approval was obtained from the Institutional Review Committee. All patients presenting with acute abdominal pain in the Emergency Department were included in the study. Patients not giving consent were excluded from the study. Convenience sampling method was used. The point estimate was calculated at a 95% Confidence Interval. Results: Out of the 400 patients with acute abdomen, the prevalence of acid peptic disease was found to be 87 (21.75%) (17.71-25.79, 95% Confidence Interval). Conclusions: The prevalence of acid peptic disease among patients with acute abdomen was found to be lower than in other studies performed in similar settings

    Farm diversification strategies, dietary diversity and farm size: results from a cross-country sample in South and Southeast Asia

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    South and Southeast Asia host almost half of the world's undernourished people. Food and agricultural systems in these regions are highly dependent on the production and consumption of staple cereals such as rice, maize and wheat. More diverse farming systems can potentially improve rural people's nutrition, while reducing the environmental impact of agriculture. Yet, it remains uncertain whether farm diversification is always the most suitable and viable strategy for all types of smallholder farms. We use generalised linear regression models to analyse the farm diversification strategies of 4772 rural households in Cambodia, India, Lao PDR and Vietnam. Our analysis is twofold and focuses first on drivers of farm diversification, and second, on the impacts of farm diversification and other livelihood strategies on dietary diversity. We find that (1) farm diversification is significantly influenced by environmental and climate variables, including rainfall patterns, as well as household and farm characteristics such as farm size and education level; and (2) farm diversification, market orientation and off-farm income generation are all strategies that can improve household and individual dietary diversity. However, their relative effects resulted influenced by farm size. Specifically, the positive effect of farm diversification on dietary diversity was larger for smaller farms, while it decreased for farms of larger size that may improve their diet more by increasing their engagement in off-farm activities and markets. These findings highlight that characteristics such as farm size can represent substantial determinants in production and consumption decisions, suggesting the importance of understanding and considering the type of farm and the situational context of analysis when targeting interventions for improving smallholder farm livelihoods