287 research outputs found

    Frequent Item Set Mining In Data Mining: A survey

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    Data mining is process of extracting useful information from different perspectives. Frequent Item set mining is widely used in financial, retail and telecommunication industry. The major concern of these industries is faster processing of a very large amount of data. Frequent item sets are those items which are frequently occurred. So we can use different types of algorithms for this purpose. Frequent Itemset mining can be performed Apriori, FP-tree, Eclat, and RARM algorithms. For the work in this paper, we have analyzed widely used algorithms for finding frequent patterns with the purpose of discovering how these algorithms can be used to obtain frequent patterns over large transactional databases. This has been presented in the form of a comparative study of the following algorithms: Apriori, Frequent Pattern (FP) Growth, Rapid Association Rule Mining (RARM) and ECLAT algorithm frequent pattern mining algorithms. This study also focuses on each of the algorithm’s advantages, disadvantages and limitations for finding patterns among large item sets in database systems

    ENT manifestations of tuberculosis: an important aspect of ENT practice

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    Tuberculosis involving organs other than the lungsis termed as 'extra pulmonary tuberculosis'.Tuberculosis (TB) remains a worldwide publichealth problem despite the fact that the causativeorganism was discovered more than 100 yearsago. The present study was conducted to assessdifferent manifestations of tuberculosis affectingthe ear, nose and throat (ENT) in patientsattending the outpatient department in a total of520 cases of tuberculosis. One hundred and eightcases were of extra pulmonary tuberculosis. Sixtynine cases had the manifestations of TB in the ENTregion. These included patients with tuberculous cervical lymphadenopathy (91.35), laryngeal TB(4.3%), tuberculous otitis media (1.4%), nasal TB(1.4%) and oral tuberculosis (1.4%). Extrapulmonary tuberculosis constitutes about 15-20%of all tuberculosis cases as per WHO survey and itis 20.6% in the present study

    Evaluation of Left Ventricular Function, Contractility and Ejection Fraction in COPD Patients by Echocardiography

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a major cause of chronic morbidity and mortality throughout the world. According to global initiative for chronic obstructive lung disease, COPD is defined as FEV1/FVC<70% by spirometry. COPD affects pulmonary blood vessels, right ventricle as well as left ventricle, leading to development of pulmonary hypertension, cor-pulmonale, right ventricular dysfunction as well as left ventricular dysfunction. The significance of the right ventricular performance is recognized as one of the factors determining the clinical course and prognosis in COPD, but a potential role of the left ventricle is, however, less studied. The aim of this study was primarily to evaluate left ventricular function in COPD patients by echocardiography and to study the correlation between echocardiography findings and the severity of COPD based on GOLD1 criteria. A total of 100 patients were selected for this study, including 72 male patients and 28 female patients, aged 50–70 years, from outpatient department of medicine department, medical wards, TB and chest ward of Dr Baba Sahib Ambedkar Hospital, Delhi, considering the exclusion and inclusion criteria. In mild COPD group, only one patient was found to have systolic dysfunction out of 52 patients (1.92%), in moderate COPD group, 2 patients had systolic dysfunction out of 32 patients (6.25%), whereas in severe COPD, six patients had systolic dysfunction out of 16 patients (37.5%). So, in total, 9% patients had systolic dysfunction.28% of patients were found to have left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in our study. COPD patients have a high prevalence of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction, which is associated with disease severity. A clear correlation was found between value of fractional shortening (FS) of left ventricle (a measure of contractility), and severity of COPD and FS value significantly decreased as the severity of COPD increased.In this study, ejection fraction (EF) was found to be preserved in mild and moderate COPD, albeit mean EF was found to be reduced in moderate COPD. In severe COPD group, EF was significantly lowered

    Carotid Artery Intima Media Thickness in Predicting Coronary Artery Disease in Type II Diabetes Mellitus

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    Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic, common metabolic disorder characterised by high blood sugar levels over a prolonged period. Atherosclerosis involving the coronary, cerebral and peripheral (lower extremity) arteries is the predominant cause of diabetes related mortality, responsible for up to 70% of all deaths inpatients with this disease.Coronary angiography (CAG) has been considered as the gold standard for the assessment of the degree of Coronary atherosclerosis but measurement of carotid intima thickness by ultrasonography is a non invasive and quantitative method of evaluating early atherosclerosis. The aim of this study was to assess carotid artery intima media thickness and to assess any correlation between carotid artery intimal thickness and coronary artery disease in Type II DM.This study was carried out in the department of medicine, Dr. Baba saheb Ambedkar hospital, Delhi to assess carotid intima media thickness (CIMT) as a risk factor for CAD in type II diabetes using Ultrasound B scan to assess CIMT.In this study, 30 patients of DM type II with CAD, 30 patients of DM type II without CAD & 30 patients were age and sex matched controls who did not have any disease.Mean CIMT was found to be significantly increased in DM type 2 with CAD group as compared to DM type 2 without CAD and the difference was found to be statistically significant (P<0.001). Also the mean CIMT was significantly increased in DM type 2 with and without CAD as compared to controls and the difference was statistically significant.Also, patients with more than 3 cardiovascular risk factors had significantly greater CIMT than patients who had less than 3 cardiovascular risk factors and the difference was statistically significant
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