42 research outputs found

    Primena pasivnog dizajna kao strategije za unapređenje energetske efikasnosti školskih zgrada

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    The importance of school buildings is considerable due to their function, character, purpose, and architectural design, and their refurbishment could lead to significantly better building energy performance. The current research was carried out on select school buildings and is based on a parametric study of the application of energy refurbishment of the thermal envelope (ERTE) and of select passive design systems (PD). The research analyzes the relevant parameters of planning and designing a Trombe wall system (TW), double skin facades (DSF), a green roof (GR), and shading – blinds (BL). In order to determine any possible benefits for increased energy-efficient heating and cooling, models of school buildings were designed using the EnergyPlus software. Climate data which represent a typical meteorological year for the city of Niš were used in the simulation. During modeling, the architectural features of the building were adhered to, as was the layout, the purpose, and the means of using the indoor space. The simulation results indicate that the individual application of the TW, DSF, and GR on the school building models leads to increased energy-efficient heating with decreased energy-efficient cooling. In contrast, the application of BL, independently or in combination with other PD systems, results in the significant increase in energy-efficient cooling. Adequate application of ERTE in combination with TW, DSF, and GR leads to increased energy-efficient heating, while application of ERTE in combination with BL and PD systems leads to the significant increase in energy-efficient cooling. Measures for increased energy-efficient heating and cooling include applying the TW+GR or the DSF+GR system, combined with BL, which confirms that combining numerous PD systems can contribute to significant energy efficiency improvements for the school building models. The application of proper thermal mass and glazing systems significantly increases energy - efficient heating. The application of a TW system, whose thermal mass is either a masonry wall or a 0,25m thick concrete wall, as well as the use of single glazing instead of triple glazing significantly increases energy-efficient heating. The application of a DSF system with an intermediate cavity 0,3 m wide and triple glazing leads to significantly increased energy-efficient heating, compared to applying a DSF system with an intermediate cavity 0.4 m or 0,5 m wide and single glazing. The results confirm that the application of a shading system significantly contributes to increased energy-efficient cooling for the building models. Application of a ventilated TW compared to a non-ventilated one, as well as of a ventilated DSF compared to a non-ventilated one, leads to a significant increase in energy-efficient cooling for the building models. The simulation results offer insight into which parameters provide significant energy efficiency for heating and cooling buildings and confirm the benefits of applying ERTE measures and select PD systems. The applied methodology could be modified, improved, and used in regions with similar climatic characteristics, which would provide a new approach to a decision-making process curbed by limited resources

    Quadcopter altitude estimation using low-cost barometric, infrared, ultrasonic and LIDAR sensors

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja je procena različitih low-cost senzora za merenje visine leta bespilotne letelice sa više rotora na malim visinama. Primenjene su metode filtriranja podataka i druge metode u cilju optimizacije performansi i tačnosti merenja senzora. Izvšrena su merenja visine leta, a podaci su uskladišteni za kasniju analizu u odnosu na stvarnu visinu leta. Izračunati su stepeni korelacije i srednja kvadratna greška u merenju senzora sa ciljem procene rada senzora. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja moguće je odrediti izbor adekvatnog senzora za ovu specifičnu primenu. Ovo istraživanje je pokazalo da je u uslovima ovog eksperimenta najbolje rezultate imao lidar senzor Garmin LIDAR-Lite V3HP i senzor Bosch Sensortech BME280 sa mogućnošću istovremenog merenja vlažnosti vazduha, atmosferskog pritiska i temperature.The goal of this research is to assess the different low-cost sensors for flight altitude measuring of a multirotor UAV at low altitude flight. For optimizing the sensor performances and accuracy, data filtering and other methods were applied. The flight altitude data were collected and stored for later analysis with reference to the true altitude. The correlation coefficient and the mean squared error were calculated in order to assess the sensors' performance. On the basis of the results of the study, it was possible to determine the choice of the adequate sensor for this specific use. The study showed that the best characteristics for this experiment conditions had the Garmin LIDAR-Lite V3HP sensor and the Bosch Sensortech BME280 that combined air humidity, atmospheric pressure, and air temperature sensor

    Quadcopter altitude estimation using low-cost barometric, infrared, ultrasonic and LIDAR sensors

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja je procena različitih low-cost senzora za merenje visine leta bespilotne letelice sa više rotora na malim visinama. Primenjene su metode filtriranja podataka i druge metode u cilju optimizacije performansi i tačnosti merenja senzora. Izvšrena su merenja visine leta, a podaci su uskladišteni za kasniju analizu u odnosu na stvarnu visinu leta. Izračunati su stepeni korelacije i srednja kvadratna greška u merenju senzora sa ciljem procene rada senzora. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja moguće je odrediti izbor adekvatnog senzora za ovu specifičnu primenu. Ovo istraživanje je pokazalo da je u uslovima ovog eksperimenta najbolje rezultate imao lidar senzor Garmin LIDAR-Lite V3HP i senzor Bosch Sensortech BME280 sa mogućnošću istovremenog merenja vlažnosti vazduha, atmosferskog pritiska i temperature.The goal of this research is to assess the different low-cost sensors for flight altitude measuring of a multirotor UAV at low altitude flight. For optimizing the sensor performances and accuracy, data filtering and other methods were applied. The flight altitude data were collected and stored for later analysis with reference to the true altitude. The correlation coefficient and the mean squared error were calculated in order to assess the sensors' performance. On the basis of the results of the study, it was possible to determine the choice of the adequate sensor for this specific use. The study showed that the best characteristics for this experiment conditions had the Garmin LIDAR-Lite V3HP sensor and the Bosch Sensortech BME280 that combined air humidity, atmospheric pressure, and air temperature sensor

    Psychological counceling center for students need, desire, necessity

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    The period of studying is a time of actualization of the capacities of the individual in almost every aspect of life. The students face changes related to the stage of development they are going through, and to which new requests of adaptation are added during professional qualification. The increased rate of psychological problems shows a necessity for existence of student services that provide psychological help. The research results point out the positive effect of counseling and the importance of university coun­seling services for the students, the effect on their academic success, subjective welfare and their remaining at the faculty. The pilot-project 'Psychological Counseling Center for Students' at the University of Nis is one of the largest and most permanent projects of this kind among univer­sities of the region. The services of the counseling are completely free, and they are realized through three sectors: Counseling, Education and the Research Sector. Work reports of The Counseling service show that there is a need for this kind of psychological services and that the students are interested in attending seminars and debates where different aspects of mental health would be considered. The institutionalization of the above mentioned project, with the possible expansion of the network of psychological counseling services of this type in the region would give greater effects and contribute to the more comprehensive work concerning protection and improvement of the mental health of the students not only in Serbia, but also in surrounding countries

    Methodology for the Reduction of Impervious Urban Surfaces by Soil Infiltration Potential Analysis

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    Dinamičan razvoj urbanih sadržaja značajno smanjuje raspoložive prirodne infiltracione površine. Da se ovaj trend smanji, a po mogućnosti i usmjeri u obrnutom pravcu, tendencija je primjene obrasca održivog, integralnog upravljanja gradskim vodama. Ključni cilj je održati ili obnoviti lokalni vodni bilans što je moguće bliži prirodnom. Pri tome, lokalna infiltracija i isparavanje dobijaju primarnu ulogu u redukciji oticaja. Uz umanjenje oticaja treba osigurati uslove za poboljšanje njegovog kvaliteta poštujući principe revitalizacije životne sredine i zaštite ekosistema. Prirodi bliska rješena (Nature Based Solutions - NBS), čiji su ciljevi zaštita, održivo upravljanje i obnavljanje prirodnih ili modifikovanih ekosistema, jedan su od uspješnih modela za ostvarenje prethodno navedenih zadataka. U ovom radu prikazane su teoretske osnove i primjena metodologije izrade mape infiltracionog potencijala područja i potencijala redukcije vještačkih nepropusnih površina. Analizirana su NBS rješenja usmjerena lokalnom infiltracionom potencijalu na primjeru izgrađenog naselja u Hamburgu. Korišćene su odgovarajuće GIS podloge i urađena njihova dodatna analiza i sistematizacija. Ove analize mogu da budu korisne za veća naselja sa značajnom urbanizacijom, za planiranje dodatnih mjera zaštite od poplava usljed obilnih padavina. Sprovedene analize sa korišćenjem infiltracije u decentralizaciji odvodnje atmosferskih voda mogu biti upotrijebljene za prostorno planiranje novih naselja. Time se u početnoj fazi prostorna organizacija u određenoj mjeri prilagođava zaštiti od poplava usljed obilnih padavina. Moguća je primjena metodologije i na područja sa slabijim fondom podataka, ali uz dorade i poboljšanja raspoloživih podloga.Dynamic development of urban facilities significantly reduces the available natural infiltration surfaces. Sustainable integrated water management in cities aims to reduce this trend, and, if possible, reverse it. The key goal is to maintain or restore local water balance as close as possible to the natural balance. At the same time, local infiltration and evaporation play a primary role in reducing runoff. In addition to reducing runoff, the conditions for improving its quality should be ensured, respecting the principles of environmental revitalization and ecosystem protection. Nature-based solutions (NBS), whose goals are the protection, sustainable management and restoration of natural or modified ecosystems, are one of the successful models for achieving the these tasks. This paper presents theoretical foundations and application of the methodology for creating a map of the infiltration potential of an area and the reduction potential of artificial impervious surfaces. We analysed NBSs focused on the local infiltration potential using the example of a settlement in Hamburg. Appropriate GIS data were used and their additional analyses and consolidation was carried out. These analyses can be useful when planning additional flood protection measures during heavy rainfall for larger settlements with significant urbanization. The conducted analyses, which included infiltration in decentralized storm water system, can be used for spatial planning of new settlements. In this way, spatial organization is adapted to a certain extent to protection against floods caused by heavy rainfall in the initial phase. It is possible to apply the methodology to areas with a weaker data base but with refinements and improvements to the available data.M51, Originalni naučni rad, UDK: 532.570.

    Modeliranje infiltracije kišnog oticaja

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    An experimental catchment has been established at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Belgrade to study urban stormwater runoff generation processes as well as measures for water quality improvements and volume decrease. One of such measures is construction of infiltration basins or soakways that receive stormwater runoff and gradually infiltrate it into the ground. Infiltration is modelled in two ways: by a simplified method and by a method based on sharp wetting front. Both models have been calibrated on data from hydraulic challenge tests with clean water. The paper compares the two modelling approaches and sets boundaries in their usage.Zbornik radova Građevinskog fakultet

    Coupled groundwater hydrodynamic and pollution transport modelling using Cellular Automata approach

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    High urbanization puts many groundwater resources at risk of quality deterioration. Analyzing all viable potential groundwater contamination scenarios for good decision making requires reliable tool. Coupling several complex models in integrated modelling can often fail to perform in reasonable time. Possible solution in that case could be usage of simplified models in order to speed up long-term continuous calculations and simulations. The paper presents the application of the Cellular Automata (CA) approach in modelling of the contaminant transport under unsteady groundwater conditions. It compares the results obtained using coupled CA models with well-known analytical solutions and standard methods used for pollution transport modelling in groundwater conditions, such as coupled MODFLOW and MT3DMS. Results obtained in this paper show that CA approach can be satisfactorily used for simulations of unsteady groundwater conditions, caused by surface-groundwater interaction, and pollution transport, especially in diffusion dominant cases, gaining the reduction of simulation time up to 10 times

    A portable air quality monitor based on low-cost sensors

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    National systems of automatic air quality monitoring are based on automatic measuring instruments that are installed in stationary air quality monitoring stations. Substantial financial resources are required for the procurement, installation, calibration, and maintenance of such measuring devices. For this reason, existing national and local air quality monitoring networks are not able to provide a high temporal and spatial resolution of measurement results. In the last decade, as a possible alternative to the conventional approach to air quality monitoring, real-time monitoring systems using low-cost sensors and sensor plat-forms have begun to be applied. This paper describes the basic characteristics of a portable air quality monitor PAQMAN 2020 based on low-cost sensors. Part of the results of comparative measurements of this device with the reference instruments is presented in the paper

    Personality traits, self-esteem and menstrual cycle as correlates of consumer impulsiveness and regret

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    The paper examines consumer impulsiveness and post-purchase dissonance among female students as well as their relationship with personality traits, self-esteem and menstrual cycle. The study involved 253 female students pursuing Bachelor's, Master's and PhD degrees at the Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Technical Sciences and Faculty of Arts of the University of Priština in Kosovska Mitrovica. The instruments used in the study were the impulsiveness scale, the consumer regret scale, and the self-esteem scale. The analysis indicated that these are highly reliable instruments whose items can be regarded as homogeneous and representative. The results obtained show that consumer impulsiveness among the female students is at an average level, whereas the post-purchase regret is at a lower level compared to the theoretical average. In addition, a positive correlation was found between consumer impulsiveness and neuroticism, while self-esteem has a negative correlation with consumer impulsiveness and is its significant predictor. On the other hand, there is a negative relationship between post-purchase regret and cooperativeness, conscientiousness, openness to experience, and self-esteem. Conscientiousness and self-esteem can also be identified as predictors of post-purchase regret among female students, with self-esteem having a greater independent contribution

    Modifying the Green-Ampt Method to Model Different Types of Infiltration Systems

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    The uncertainty of the input data for infiltration systems (e.g. estimates of stormwater flow, pollution, terrain characteristics) favors the use of simple physically based models, such as the Green-Ampt method. The modification of the method, presented in this paper refers to the introduction of a time-changing ponding depth, which allows for continuous calculation of the position of the wetting front in the system, without changes in the boundary conditions at every time step (an analytical solution). Initial testing shows promising results for the infiltration basin, and future results will include testing of a biofiltration unit.ICUD 2017 - 14th IWA/IAHR International Conference on Urban Drainage - september, 10-15. , Prague, Czech Republi