12 research outputs found

    Length-Weight Relationships of the Bream Abramis Brama (Linnaeus, 1758) in Beni- Haroun Dam of Mila City (North-East Of Algeria)

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    The study of fish growth is a valuable tool in providing good understanding on the general biology and growth of fish populations, in addition to the comparison of the same fish species populations living in remote geographic areas. Thus, the present work was designed to study the age and growth of Abramis brama species newly introduced in Beni-Haroun dam (Mila department, Northeast Algeria). Here, the study was conducted on sampling of 141 individuals from July 2015 to October 2016. The age of fishes was determined according to scalimetric method, since the fish sex was determined by macroscopic method, showing that the number of females is higher (97) than that of males (44). The growth study was performed according to the mathematical method of Von Bertalanffy (1938). Based on the results of the growth parameters (L∞=40 cm; K= 0.27; t0=0.55; Ø’= 2.49. Males L∞= 35.26 cm; K = 0.32; t0= -0.49; Ø’= 2.59, combined sexes L∞=40cm; K= 0.31; t0=-0.49 years, and Ø’ = 2.69), Abramis brama can live up to five years. Moreover, the evolution of total fish weights in function of their size reveals a minor allometry (b\u3c3) (with and without distinction of sex), while the other obtained values provide good fits to Von Bertalanffy growth model

    Spatio-Temporal Variation Patterns of Bird Community in the Oasis Ecosystem of the North of Algerian Sahara

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    The spatial and temporal variation patterns of birds were investigated in the Oasis ecosystem of the North of Algeria Sahara. This contribution aimed to investigate the poorly studied bird fauna of Bousaâda oasis. The direct observation method was used for bird counts, adopted only during the breeding period. A total of 53 species of birds from 29 families and 16 orders were assessed in the different habitats of the Oasis (palm, fruit trees and, cultivated crops). The Passeriformes order was the most abundant represented by 35 species and 16 families. The relative abundance and species richness were recorded during our study period over different seasons and thought that whole surveyed stations represent all the oasis habitats. The Boussaâda oasis holds 18 resident-breeder species and is a transit zone for many migratory birds 14 and 10 species for summer and winter migrants respectively) and11 occasional visitor ones. These results confirmed the positive effects of stations and seasons on the richness and abundance of birds of Bousaâda oasis

    Evaluation of The Diversity of Durum Wheat Coleoptera (Triticum Durum Desf.) in the Region of Sigus Oum El Bouaghi (Eastern Algeria)

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    The Oum El Bouaghi region in Eastern Algeria, long considered as a cereal-growing area is nowadays a durum wheat production region par excellence. Although the damage caused by Coleoptera is very significant, studies on the knowledge of their diversity are few and remain limited for some entomological groups. Our work is the first step to evaluate the diversity of Coleoptera and the long-term impact of taking biological management measures against harmful fauna in favour of more environment friendly agriculture. To assess the beetle community, different sampling methods were combined (Barber trap, coloured traps, mowing net and sight hunting). Evaluation of the results of a single campaign showed that Coleoptera infested with durum wheat vary in abundance and diversity. We identified more than 100 species of Coleoptera belonging to 22 different families for a total number of 5698 individuals belonging mainly to the Carabidae, Curculionidae, Chrysomelidae, Scarabidae and Staphylinidae families. Although the majority of Coleoptera collected are pests of durum wheat crops (47.57%) the case of Tropinota hirta, Notaris sp or Oulema melanopus in particular, there was an interesting presence of predators (28.15%) the case of Carabidae or Staphylinidae in particular even with low relative abundance. The temporal evolution of the Coleoptera showed that the species diversity indicated a peak of abundance at the full tillering stage following an accentuated vegetative development of the host plant, and the presence of weeds. The data collected in this way constitute a basis for a preliminary knowledge of the durum wheat Coleoptera and can thus be used to design pest control strategies

    A New Species of Freshwater Amphipods Echinogammarus (Amphipoda, Gammaridae) from Algeria

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    Several samples of amphipods were obtained from six stations in the upper reach of the Youkous Stream, near Hammamet. This study describes a new species, Echinogammarus monodi n.sp., differing from other Echinogammarus species in the length of the first antenna, the setation of the third article of the mandibular palp (bearing three rows of A-setae and two rows of B-setae), the merus and carpus of pereopods 5 with long setae only, and the exopodite of uropod 3 with numerous groups of long simple setae. A full description of the new species and information about its distribution is given in this paper

    Evaluation of The Diversity of Durum Wheat Coleoptera (Triticum Durum Desf.) in the Region of Sigus Oum El Bouaghi (Eastern Algeria)

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    The Oum El Bouaghi region in Eastern Algeria, long considered as a cereal-growing area is nowadays a durum wheat production region par excellence. Although the damage caused by Coleoptera is very significant, studies on the knowledge of their diversity are few and remain limited for some entomological groups. Our work is the first step to evaluate the diversity of Coleoptera and the long-term impact of taking biological management measures against harmful fauna in favour of more environment friendly agriculture. To assess the beetle community, different sampling methods were combined (Barber trap, coloured traps, mowing net and sight hunting). Evaluation of the results of a single campaign showed that Coleoptera infested with durum wheat vary in abundance and diversity. We identified more than 100 species of Coleoptera belonging to 22 different families for a total number of 5698 individuals belonging mainly to the Carabidae, Curculionidae, Chrysomelidae, Scarabidae and Staphylinidae families. Although the majority of Coleoptera collected are pests of durum wheat crops (47.57%) the case of Tropinota hirta, Notaris sp or Oulema melanopus in particular, there was an interesting presence of predators (28.15%) the case of Carabidae or Staphylinidae in particular even with low relative abundance. The temporal evolution of the Coleoptera showed that the species diversity indicated a peak of abundance at the full tillering stage following an accentuated vegetative development of the host plant, and the presence of weeds. The data collected in this way constitute a basis for a preliminary knowledge of the durum wheat Coleoptera and can thus be used to design pest control strategies

    Spatio-Temporal Variation Patterns of Bird Community in the Oasis Ecosystem of the North of Algerian Sahara

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    The spatial and temporal variation patterns of birds were investigated in the Oasis ecosystem of the North of Algeria Sahara. This contribution aimed to investigate the poorly studied bird fauna of Bousaâda oasis. The direct observation method was used for bird counts, adopted only during the breeding period. A total of 53 species of birds from 29 families and 16 orders were assessed in the different habitats of the Oasis (palm, fruit trees and, cultivated crops). The Passeriformes order was the most abundant represented by 35 species and 16 families. The relative abundance and species richness were recorded during our study period over different seasons and thought that whole surveyed stations represent all the oasis habitats. The Boussaâda oasis holds 18 resident-breeder species and is a transit zone for many migratory birds 14 and 10 species for summer and winter migrants respectively) and11 occasional visitor ones. These results confirmed the positive effects of stations and seasons on the richness and abundance of birds of Bousaâda oasis

    A New Species of Freshwater Amphipods Echinogammarus (Amphipoda, Gammaridae) from Algeria

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    International audienceSeveral samples of amphipods were obtained from six stations in the upper reach of the Youkous Stream, near Hammamet. This study describes a new species, Echinogammarus monodi n.sp., differing from other Echinogammarus species in the length of the first antenna, the setation of the third article of the mandibular palp (bearing three rows of A-setae and two rows of B-setae), the merus and carpus of pereopods 5 with long setae only, and the exopodite of uropod 3 with numerous groups of long simple setae. A full description of the new species and information about its distribution is given in this paper

    Diversity, Ecology and Therapeutic Properties of the Medicinal Plants in Ziban Region (Algeria)

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    With the aim to assess the floristic population diversity, distribution and therapeutic properties in the Ziban region (Algeria), a survey was conducted along two successive study years in the main area. The objective of this study was to contribute to the knowledge and description of this plant groups with exhaustive inventory spontaneous vegetation. In order to study the dynamics of medicinal plants, we used a quantitative method based essentially on the classic technique of linear surveys and floristic inventory using the minimum area method. The results showed that the floristic procession of medicinal plants is represented by 21 species belonging to the 13 families, with a total of 31 species for the 08 study stations, which represents 68% of the total procession. The results obtained showed that the overall recovery is higher at the Ain Ben Noui station with 69%, even if the clumps of Aristida pungens, Atractylis serratuloides and Atriplexhalimus are isolated and scattered. The lowest overall coverage at the Oumache station is less than 21%, as it is an area with sandy soils. The species that contribute most to the recovery of mobile sand accumulations is Astragalus armatus with a rate of 76.19% at the Ain Ben Noui station. Frequency results allowed us to say that Atriplex halimus and Zizyphus lotus are the ubiquitous species (100% of the surveys). On the other hand, Nitraria retusa, Teucrium polium, Shismus barbatus, Sueda mollis and Halocnemum strobilaceum are the species present in only one survey

    Impact of Anthropic Pressure on the Quality and Diversity of Groundwater in the Region of Sighus Oum-El-Bouaghi and El Rahmounia, Algeria.

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    Groundwater of Oum-El-Bouaghi and its surroundings hosts a variety of microflora and fauna. This study investigated the relationship between the effect of human activity and the biodiversity and distribution of aquatic fauna in two semi-arid regions Sighus region (Oum-El-Bouaghi) and El Rahmouni (Constantine) in north-eastern Algeria. Fourteen wells and six springs were studied in two hydrographic basins, that of Constantine and Seybouse Melegue. Significant differences were revealed between the wells and springs in the two watersheds, making it possible to distinguish four groups of wells and two groups of springs. The overall faunal richness of the stations appeared to be weakly correlated with water quality, but on the other hand, the specific richness of the stygoby fauna, and even more so the abundance of stygoby species, decreased when water quality deteriorated

    Groundwater Quality in Two Semi-Arid Areas of Algeria: Impact of Water Pollution on Biodiversity

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    The biodiversity and quality of subterranean waters were comparatively studied in the Tarf plain near Oum-El-Bouaghi and in the Ksar S’bahi in Oum-El-Bouaghi, in North-eastern Algeria. For this purpose, physicochemical and faunistic analyses were carried out on the water of ten stations located in the area of Tarf, and thirteen in the area of S’bahi. In the wells of Tarf, the average stygobiologic diversity was relatively high in the wells located upstream the dumping site from the city where the groundwater presented low contents of nitrates and orthophosphates. In contrast, the wells located in the spreading zone of Tarf wastewaters were characterized by the scarcity or the absence of stygobic species; in these latter wells, the water was highly polluted. It was rich in nitrates, nitrites, ammonium, and the conductivity was rather high. In the area of S’bahi, the faunistic inventory recorded ten species, some of which were living in hot springs. The subterranean water was highly mineralized. In the two studied areas, biodiversity decreased when well water was locally polluted