70 research outputs found

    Технологія збирання кормових буряків

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    Mechanized harvesting of fodder beet of high-yielding varieties without significant losses and damage to root crops is a complex technological process. Significant deviations of fodder beets relative to the centerline of the row and the considerable width of the row of root crops make significant adjustments during their mechanized digging. Therefore, the choice of method and technology of harvesting fodder beet is an urgent task. The substantiation of the technological process of splitting the field of fodder beets into bends during their mechanized harvesting and the technical means for its realization are given. The structural features of the working bodies and the principle of their work are described.Key words: root harvester, bend, rotary strip, rows of root crops, field breakdown, root rectifier.Механізоване збирання кормових буряків високоврожайних сортів без суттєвих втрат і пошкодження коренеплодів є складним технологічним процесом. Значні відхилення кормових буряків відносно осьової лінії рядка та значна ширина рядка коренеплодів вносить значні корективи під час їх механізованого викопування. Тому вибір способу та технології збирання кормових буряків є актуальним завданням. Наведено обґрунтування технологічного процесу розбивки поля кормових буряків на загінки при їх механізованому збиранні та технічних засобів для його реалізації. Описано конструктивні особливості робочих органів і принцип їх роботи.Ключові слова: коренезбиральна машина, загінка, поворотна смуга, рядки коренеплодів, розбивка поля, корененапрямник

    Financial liberalisation in Sri Lanka: an econometric analysis

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    This study examines the impact of financial liberalisation on macroeconomic issues such as saving, investment, financial performance, financial sector widening, gross domestic product, and the money demands of Sri Lanka over the time series annual data from 1963 to 2005. Financial liberalisation in Sri Lanka commenced in since 1977 with most of the effort being made up to 1995. This study is based on empirical analysis using the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) base Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach of cointegration, and includes a causality test. This study contributes primarily where an evaluation of financial liberalisation impacts the financial liberalisation index as a proxy of financial liberalisation. The financial liberalisation index has been constructed with 13 policy instruments for its phase of implementation in the Sri Lankan economy. The unit root tests were conducted by applying the DF (Dickey-Fuller), ADF (Augmented Dickey-Fuller) and PP (Phillips-Perron) methods. The cointegration tests were conducted to find out the long-run relationship among the variables concerned, and the ECM (Error Correction Model) version of ARDL was applied to test the speed of adjustment to equilibrium. The empirical test results suggest that financial liberalisation in Sri Lanka has a mixed impact in the short term. The average population per bank branch, real interest rates, and real gross domestic product are key variables for widening the financial sector, while real gross domestic product was also a significant contributor towards widening the financial sector, which shows that economic growth fosters the country\u27s financial sectors. The results showed that financial liberalisation did not widen the financial sector in the long term although it did in the short term through income led interest rates, savings, and investments. The results also show that financial liberalisation did not improve the financial performance of the economy, as was expected. Our results reveal that financial liberalisation cannot by itself enhance economic growth in Sri Lanka unless followed by proper strategies with suitable sequential procedures. The relationship between real narrow money and real broad money demand is studied with the conclusion being that the real lending rate has a significantly positive association while financial liberalisation has a significantly negative association within the narrow money demand over the long term. With broad money, the real gross domestic product and real lending rate are the key variables that have a positive association with the demand for broad money. Financial liberalisation has a significantly negative impact which means that an expansion in the demand for money is possible if economic growth is enhanced, which in turn increases real income, not by financial liberalisation as it has occurred. This study found that in Sri Lanka the one-way causal relationship between economic growth and financial performance, based on the empirical results, showed that economic growth causes financial development and financial performance


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    Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) are important pathogens and can cause significant yield losses on rice and wheat. However, information on the biology and impact of these nematodes on the productivity of rice-wheat systems in Nepal is limited. Identity of 33 isolates of root-knot nematode collected from rice-wheat fields throughout the production regions in Nepal was determined using morphometric measurements of larvae, perineal pattern analysis of mature females, host range tests, symptoms observed on infected roots, and internally transcribed spacer region sequences. Results obtained suggested that all the collected isolates of root-knot nematode were M. graminicola, with minor variation in larval measurements, perineal patterns and ITS sequences between isolates collected from the hill and Terai regions. Also, significant variation in the aggressiveness of the isolates was observed on the rice cultivars Labelle and LA 110. In addition, a significant variety by isolate interaction was observed in selected rice and wheat germplasm tested. Generally, root-galling severity and reproduction of the isolates of M. graminicola were higher on rice than wheat. Greenhouse experiments were conducted to verify an effective protocol for assessing the reaction of large number of rice and wheat germplasms for resistance to M. graminicola. The effects of inoculum density, inoculation methods, size of planting container, incubation time, and planting seeds or seedlings on the infection and reproduction of M. graminicola in rice and wheat were determined. Based on the results of these tests, the protocol adopted for screening rice and wheat germplasm for resistance to M. graminicola was planting seeds in 10- cm pots filled with pasteurized soil (500 cc) infested with 2 or 10 eggs of M. graminicola/cc soil, and then incubating for 60 days in a greenhouse at 25 C. The reaction of 150 and 74 germplasms of rice and wheat, respectively was assessed by determining the root-galling severity and reproduction of the most aggressive isolates of M. graminicola. All the rice and wheat germplasms tested were susceptible to M. graminicola. However, significant differences in the level of susceptibility of rice and wheat germplasms were observed, as suggested by the ranges in root-galling severity and reproductive values recorded