475 research outputs found

    The Iron Catalyzed Reaction between Nitrosyl Disulfonate and Hydroxylamine Monosulfonate Ions

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    Potassium nitrosyl disulfonate, K2NO(SO3)2, is noteworthy because the solid salt is orange in color and diamagnetic while its neutral aqueous solutions are purple in color and paramagnetic. These neutral solutions hydrolyze slowly to form N2O and hydroxylamine sulfonates; on the addition of acid the rate of hydrolysis is markedly increased. The mechanism of the hydrolytic reaction is unexpectedly complex as was found by Murib and Ritter [1] and, independently, by us. In order to obtain a more comprehensive picture of the mechanism of the hydrolytic reaction we have explored additional reactions which may play a part in the hydrolysis

    Impact of LSP Character on Slepton Reach at the LHC

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    Searches for supersymmetry at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have significantly constrained the parameter space associated with colored superpartners, whereas the constraints on color-singlet superpartners are considerably less severe. In this study, we investigate the dependence of slepton decay branching fractions on the nature of the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP). In particular, in the Higgsino-like LSP scenarios, both decay branching fractions of ~L\tilde\ell_L and ν~\tilde\nu_\ell depend strongly on the sign and value of M1/M2M_1/M_2, which has strong implications for the reach of dilepton plus MET searches for slepton pair production. We extend the experimental results for same flavor, opposite sign dilepton plus MET searches at the 8 TeV LHC to various LSP scenarios. We find that the LHC bounds on sleptons are strongly enhanced for a non-Bino-like LSP: the 95% C.L. limit for m~Lm_{\tilde\ell_L} extends from 300 GeV for a Bino-like LSP to about 370 GeV for a Wino-like LSP. The bound for ~L\tilde\ell_L with a Higgsino-like LSP is the strongest (~ 490 GeV) for M1/M2M_1/M_2 ~ tan2θW-\tan^2\theta_W and is the weakest (~ 220 GeV) for M1/M2M_1/M_2 ~ tan2θW\tan^2\theta_W. We also calculate prospective slepton search reaches at the 14 TeV LHC. With 100 fb1^{-1} integrated luminosity, the projected 95% C.L. mass reach for the left-handed slepton varies from 550 (670) GeV for a Bino-like (Wino-like) LSP to 900 (390) GeV for a Higgsino-like LSP under the most optimistic (pessimistic) scenario. The reach for the right-handed slepton is about 440 GeV. The corresponding 5σ\sigma discovery sensitivity is about 100 GeV smaller. For 300 fb1^{-1} integrated luminosity, the reach is about 50 - 100 GeV higher.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figure

    Iron-Catalyzed Reaction between Nitrosyl Disulfonate and Hydroxylamine Monosulfonate Ions

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    An investigation of the kinetics of the iron-catalyzed reaction between the purple-colored, paramagnetic nitrosyl disulfonate (ON(SO3)2 = ) ions and hydroxylamine monosulfonate (HONHSO3---) ions has been made. [W. J. Ramsey and D. M. Yost, J. Chem. Phys. 21, 957 (1953)]. At a temperature of 20°C, an ionic strength of 0.026, and total added iron concentrations less than 3.5×10^—7 VF, the initial rate of disappearance of ON(SO3)2 = is well represented by the equation: [dformula -((d(ON(SO[sub 3])[sub 2] [equals sign] ))/dt) [equals sign] 2{((k[sub 2]h[sub 1](H[sup +]) + k[sub 3]h[sub 1]h[sub 2])/((H[sup +])[sup 2] + h[sub 1](H[sup +]) + h[sub 1]h[sub 2]))}(Sigma Fe[sup +3])(HONHSO[sub 3][sup -]),] where h1 and h2 are the first and second hydrolysis constants for ferric iron and where k2 and k3 are the specific second-order rate constants for the reactions of HONHSO3--- with Fe(OH) + + and Fe(OH)2 + , respectively. Under the above conditions, and if a value of 3×10^—3 is assumed for h1; h2, k2, and k3 have the values, 7×10^—4 l·mole^—1, 13.7±1.0×10^4 l·mole^—1·min^—1, and 1.5±0.5×10^4 l·mole^—1·min^—1, respectively

    Wills, Trusts, and Estates

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    The 2019 Virginia General Assembly did not enact any major new legislation, but it did pass several significant amendments. Among the most useful was an amendment to the Virginia Uniform Transfers to Minors Act which extended the maximum age for custodianships from twenty-one to twenty-five. The legislature also decided to cease imposing income taxes on estates and trusts whose sole connection to the Commonwealth is that they are being administered here. It responded to two recent court cases involving the required execution formalities for leases and the right to award attorneys’ fees in actions involving an agent’s breach of fiduciary duty under a power of attorney. Among other legislative actions, the General Assembly modernized the recordation tax exemption for certain deeds of distribution; dealt with issues affecting Virginia’s small estate, wrongful death, and property tax exemption statutes; made it easier for financial institutions to combat financial exploitation of the elderly; strengthened the enforcement of reporting requirements for guardians; and protected circuit court clerks who disclose probate tax return information to the commissioner of accounts or who destroy wills they have been holding for 100 years or more

    Wills, Trusts, and Estates

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    Wills, Trusts, and Estates

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    The 2020 Virginia General Assembly addressed a wide variety of matters affecting wills, trusts, and estates, ranging from a new article of the Virginia Uniform Trust Code and an expanded partition procedure to a $2 increase in the circuit court clerk’s recordation fees. Among the most helpful were new rules that clarify and expand the powers and responsibilities of non-trustees who may direct the trustee on certain issues and a revised procedure for partitioning real property while protecting the rights and interests of co-owners. The legislature also dealt with fiduciary issues, including express authorization for multiple-party bank accounts, additional duties for children’s guardians ad litem, relationships that may disqualify a lawyer as guardian or conservator, protections against suspected financial abuse of adults, reliance on qualification certificates, and requirements for certain fiduciaries’ accounts. The General Assembly also authorized beneficiary designations for ABLE savings accounts, allowed the substitution of a bank for a related trust company in multiple fiduciary roles, broadened disclosure rules for certain gifts to state colleges and universities, expanded the list of documents a notary may accept as identification, and allowed transfer on death (“T.O.D.”) designations for motor vehicles with multiple owners

    Wills, Trusts, and Estates

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    The 2018 Virginia General Assembly enacted legislation to conform the interpretation of wills with trusts, revised the recent trust decanting and augmented estate statutes, and provided a procedure for resolving doctor/patient disputes over appropriate medical care. It also confirmed the creditor protection available for life insurance and annuities, and addressed certain entities’ eligibility for real and personal property tax exemptions, annual disclosures of charitable organizations’ administrative and charitable service expenses, virtual nonstock corporation member meetings, bank directors’ stock holdings, the disposition of unused tax credits at the taxpayer’s death, and fiduciary qualification without surety. The Supreme Court of Virginia handed down eight recent decisions addressing the presumption of undue influence, requirements for estoppel and preclusion, the signature requirement for a proper codicil, trust governing law and interpretation, the fiduciary duties of agents, the jurisdiction of Commissioners of Accounts, and appraisal requirements for state tax credits

    Wills, Trusts, and Estates

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    The Supreme Court of Virginia has handed down seven recent decisions addressing the authority of an agent to change the principal\u27s estate plan, legal malpractice claims in estate planning, rights of incapacitated adults, limits of the constructive trust doctrine, effects of a reversionary clause in a deed, ownership of an engagement ring, and proof of undue influence. The 2017 Virginia General Assembly clarified rules on legal malpractice and tenancies by the entireties, adopted the Uniform Trust Decanting Act and the Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act, and expanded provisions governing estate administration, life insurance, and advance medical directives. Other legislation affecting wills, trusts, and estates included clarifications and technical corrections relating to augmented estate claims, non-exoneration of encumbered property, administration procedures, life insurance, adult financial exploitation, death certificate amendments, and spousal exemptions from real estate tax

    Wills, Trusts, and Estates

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    The 2018 Virginia General Assembly enacted legislation to conform the interpretation of wills with trusts, revised the recent trust decanting and augmented estate statutes, and provided a procedure for resolving doctor/patient disputes over appropriate medical care. It also confirmed the creditor protection available for life insurance and annuities, and addressed certain entities’ eligibility for real and personal property tax exemptions, annual disclosures of charitable organizations’ administrative and charitable service expenses, virtual nonstock corporation member meetings, bank directors’ stock holdings, the disposition of unused tax credits at the taxpayer’s death, and fiduciary qualification without surety. The Supreme Court of Virginia handed down eight recent decisions addressing the presumption of undue influence, requirements for estoppel and preclusion, the signature requirement for a proper codicil, trust governing law and interpretation, the fiduciary duties of agents, the jurisdiction of Commissioners of Accounts, and appraisal requirements for state tax credits

    Wills, Trusts, and Estates

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    The Supreme Court of Virginia has handed down seven recent decisions addressing the authority of an agent to change the principal\u27s estate plan, legal malpractice claims in estate planning, rights of incapacitated adults, limits of the constructive trust doctrine, effects of a reversionary clause in a deed, ownership of an engagement ring, and proof of undue influence. The 2017 Virginia General Assembly clarified rules on legal malpractice and tenancies by the entireties, adopted the Uniform Trust Decanting Act and the Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act, and expanded provisions governing estate administration, life insurance, and advance medical directives. Other legislation affecting wills, trusts, and estates included clarifications and technical corrections relating to augmented estate claims, non-exoneration of encumbered property, administration procedures, life insurance, adult financial exploitation, death certificate amendments, and spousal exemptions from real estate tax