39 research outputs found

    Unraveling the Aqueous Alteration History and Searching for Extinct Life in Gale Crater, Mars: Mineralogical and Geochemical Results from the Mars Science Laboratory, Curiosity Rover's Instrument Payload

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    The goal of the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL), Curiosity Rover mission is to determine if Gale Crater, Mars ever had a habitable environment and to search for evidence of extinct microbial life. Gale Crater is ~155 km wide with a layered central mound (~5 km high). The Curiosity rover has traversed ~20 km from the crater floor up 350 m to the lower slopes of the central mound for over 2200 Martian solar days (sols). Curiosity's instruments have evaluated the geochemistry and mineralogy of regolith fines, eolian sediments, and sedimentary rocks to assess Gale Crater's aqueous alteration history. Results indicate that Gale Crater surface material have experienced a complex authigenetic/diagenetic history involving fluids with varying pH, redox, and salt composition. The inferred geochemical conditions were favorable for microbial habitability and if life ever existed, there was likely sufficient organic C to support a small microbial population

    Curiosity's Investigation of the Bagnold Dunes, Gale Crater: Overview of a Two-Phase Scientific Campaign

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    The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Curiosity rover landed at Gale crater in August 2012 with the goal of unravelling the climate and habitability history of ancient Mars. On its way to higher stratigraphic levels of Aeolis Mons, the crater's central mound, Curiosity crossed an active dune field informally named the Bagnold Dune Field. Curiosity's traverse through the Bagnold Dunes between December 2015 and April 2017 constituted the first in situ investigation of an active dune field on another planet. The scientific campaign at the dunes enabled a detailed study of martian eolian processes at scales that are unachievable from orbiter-based imagery, from the scale of compound bedforms down to those of individual sand grains. The eolian-science campaign was broadly divided into two main phases - a first-phase investigation near two barchan dunes along the northern trailing edge of the dune field, Namib and High Dunes, and a second-phase investigation farther south near a linear dune, the Nathan Bridges Dune, named after our beloved colleague and friend Nathan Bridges. In addition to these two phases, the Bagnold Dunes campaign included punctual investigations of isolated ripples and ripple fields further along the rover traverse away from the Bagnold Dune Field. The main goals of the scientific investigation at the Bagnold Dunes were two-fold: (I) developing a mechanistic understanding of martian eolian processes and rates from direct in situ observations of eolian structures and their dynamics, and (II) characterizing the physical properties and the chemical and mineral composition of eolian sands and dust on Mars. Significant advances in martian eolian science resulted from Curiosity's ground investigation of the active Bagnold Dunes. Altogether, results from the Bagnold Dunes campaign are key to understanding how the martian environment affects eolian processes, and will thus prove most useful to deciphering paleoenvironments from the martian eolian sedimentary record

    Source Characteristics, Chemical Weathering, and Lithification of the Stimson Sandstone and Lessons for the Martian Sedimentary Record

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    The Stimson formation is a basaltic eolian sandstone perched unconformably above the Mount Sharp group rocks in Gale crater, and it is exposed in a number of plateaus observed by the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover. Despite being one of the least geochemically and mineralogically diverse units observed by the Curiosity rover, the Stimson formation is uniquely positioned to offer significant information about sand weathering and lithification processes on Mars because of two factors: (1) the Stimson formation is the only lithologic formation on Mars for which we have a modern analog, the basaltic eolian Bagnold dunes, and (2) Curiosity obtained 33 chemistry analyses of 18 unique targets with the Alpha-Particle X-ray Spectrometer and 2 mineralogical samples of unaltered Stimson sandstone (discounting samples of Stimson altered by late-stage fluid events). Comparison between the Stimson sandstone and the Bagnold sands yields clues to source rock and lithification processes on Mars, and differences between different Stimson samples reveal weathering trends affecting the ancient dune field

    Weathering in the Forelands of Two Rapidly Retreating Alpine Glaciers of Volcanic Bedrock in the Three Sisters, Oregon, USA

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    The glaciers of the Three Sisters volcanoes in Cascadia have retreated dramatically over the past century. In order to understand ongoing chemical weathering and solute transport in the proglacial valleys, waters were sampled from glacier outwash streams, local snowmelt, and proglacial springs and lakes at Collier and Diller Glaciers. To understand weathering and transport processes in the proglacial plains, infrared orbital remote sensing data was used to map compositional variability and highlight weathering products, which were then ground-truthed with laboratory mineralogical and chemical analyses of sediments. The hydrochemistry is significantly affected by a sub- and proglacial mafic weathering system lacking carbonate minerals. Here we report major ion concentrations in meltwaters for the summer 2016 and 2017 melt seasons. Total cation concentrations range from 3 to 250 eq/l and dissolved bicarbonate concentrations range from 2 to 200 eq/l. Other dissolved anions are negligible compared to bicarbonate. Dissolved silica concentrations range from 2 to 260 mol/l, comparable to total dissolved cation concentrations. The highest cation and silica concentrations were measured in moraine-sourced springs. Compositional remote sensing analysis identified alteration zones in the proglacial plains at both Collier and Diller indicating potential hydrated silica. This analysis is consistent with laboratory analysis of sediment samples, which indicate the presence of poorly crystalline phases weathering products, including hydrated silica. Weathered materials are preferentially deposited on moraines due to aeolian and glacial transport, as well as intra-moraine alteration, and at abandoned stream terraces due to fluvial transport. Geochemical measurements indicate that the predominant form of chemical weathering in these periglacial mafic systems is the carbonation of feldspar as well as reactive volcanic glass. The presence of poorly crystalline silicates, as indicated by remote sensing datasets and laboratory analysis, is consistent with rapid weathering of feldspars and glass and formation of Fe-Al-Si-bearing mineraloids in these proglacial valleys. This weathering regime has wide-ranging implications for atmospheric CO2 drawdown due to cold-climate volcanic rock weathering

    Nanophase Carbonates on Mars: Implications for Carbonate Formation and Habitability

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    Despite having an atmosphere composed primarily of CO2 and evidence for abundant water in the past, carbonate minerals have only been discovered in small amounts in martian dust [1], in outcrops of very limited extent [2, 3], in soils in the Northern Plains (the landing site of the 2007 Phoenix Mars Scout Mission) [4] and may have recently been detected in aeolian material and drilled and powdered sedimentary rock in Gale Crater (the Mars Science Laboratory [MSL] landing site) [5]. Thermal analysis of martian soils by instruments on Phoenix and MSL has demonstrated a release of CO2 at temperatures as low as 250-300 degC, much lower than the traditional decomposition temperatures of calcium or magnesium carbonates. Thermal decomposition temperature can depend on a number of factors such as instrument pressure and ramp rate, and sample particle size [6]. However, if the CO2 released at low temperatures is from carbonates, small particle size is the only effect that could have such a large impact on decomposition temperature, implying the presence of extremely fine-grained (i.e., "nanophase" or clay-sized) carbonates. We hypothesize that this lower temperature release is the signature of small particle-sized (clay-sized) carbonates formed by the weathering of primary minerals in dust or soils through interactions with atmospheric water and carbon dioxide and that this process may persist under current martian conditions. Preliminary work has shown that clay-sized carbonate grains can decompose at much lower temperatures than previously thought. The first work took carbonate, decomposed it to CaO, then flowed CO2 over these samples held at temperatures >100 degC to reform carbonates. Thermal analysis confirmed that carbonates were indeed formed and transmission electron microsopy was used to determine crystal sized were on the order of 10 nm. The next step used minerals such as diopside and wollastonite that were sealed in a glass tube with a CO2 and H2O source. After reacting these materials for a number of hours, thermal analysis demonstrated the formations of carbonates that decomposed at temperatures as low as 500 degC [7]. Further work is underway to carry out the weathering process under more Mars-like conditions (low pressure and low temperature) to determine if the carbonate decomposition temperature can be shifted to even lower temperatures, consistent with what has been detected by thermal analysis instruments on Mars

    Spectral Properties of Hydrated Poorly Crystalline Materials for Spectral Analysis of the Moon and Mars

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    Visible/near-infrared (VNIR) reflectance spectra of both Mars [1] and the Moon [2] include hydration bands that vary across the planet and are not well explained in some cases. Poorly crystalline phases have been found at ~30-70 wt.% by CheMin in Gale crater, Mars in all samples measured to date [3]. Here we report on VNIR reflectance spectra of a large collection of amorphous and poorly crystalline materials. These include opal, allophane, imogolite, iron hydroxides/ oxyhydroxides (FeOx), and several synthetic materials containing Si, Al and/or Fe. All of these contain hydration bands due to water and OH that can be used to identify these materials remotely on planetary bodies

    X-ray Amorphous and Poorly Crystalline Fe-Containing Phases in Terrestrial Field Environments and Implications for Materials Detected on Mars

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    Recent analyses of X-ray diffraction (XRD) data from the CheMin instrument using the FULLPAT program have documented the presence of X-ray amorphous materials at multiple sites within Gale Crater, Mars. These materials are believed to be to be iron-rich based on chemical data, and at least some of them are believed to be weathering products based on volatile contents. However, the characteristics of these proposed Fe-rich weathering products remain poorly understood. To better understand these X-ray amorphous materials on Mars, we are 1) examining weathering products formed on Fe-rich parent material in terrestrial soils across a range of climatic conditions, and 2) performing burial experiments of Fe- and Mg- rich olivine in these soils. We describe each of these approaches below

    Aqueous Processes and Microbial Habitability of Gale Crater Sediments from the Blunts Point to the Glenn Torridon Clay Unit

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    A driving factor for sending the Mars Science Laboratory, Curiosity rover to Gale Crater was the orbital detection of clay minerals in the Glen Torridon (GT) clay unit. Clay mineral detections in GT suggested a past aqueous environment that was habitable, and could contain organic evidence of past microbiology. The mission of the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument onboard Curiosity was to detect organic evidence of past microbiology and to detect volatile bearing mineralogy that can inform on whether past geochemical conditions would have supported microbiological activity. The objective of this work was to 1) evaluate the depositional/alteration conditions of Blunts Point (BP) to GT sediments 2) search for evidence of organics, and 3) evaluate microbial habitability in the BP, Vera Rubin Ridge (VRR), and GT sedimentary rock

    Overview of SAND-E: Semi-Autonomous Navigation for Detrital Environments

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    Rovers are the state of the art for the exploration and detection of past habitability and life on other worlds. One of the most basic functions of a rover is terrain navigation. Information collected by the rover is used autonomously to mitigate terrain hazards such large rocks, while humans qualitatively assess hazardous geologic terrain such as soil type and degree of rock cover. Planetary scientists use the same information to select targets such as drill sites, and for basic scientific analysis such as characterization of rock outcrops. Although the data is complementary, data from terrain analysis for navigation and terrain analysis for scientific investigations are poorly integrated. The lack of integration creates science and operation inefficiencies that limit exploration of habitable environments. As new modes of exploration come online, such as unmanned aerial systems (UAS) (e.g., the Mars Helicopter Scout and Titan Dragonfly), a need exists to integrate terrain data and science analysis to improve operational and scientific outcomes during exploration. We present an overview of a project aimed at evaluating the effectiveness and capability rover and UAS-based semi-automated terrain analysis using the Automated Soil Assessment Systems (ASAS) developed by Mission Control Space Services for navigating, selecting targets for sampling, and characterizing mafic detrital sediments along glacio-fluvial-aeolian sand transport pathways in Iceland. We describe recent advances in automated terrain analysis in sandy environments and scientific uses of terrain assessment from sandy environments. We assess fluvial and aeolian terrains in Iceland and show how terrain analysis data can inform scientific characterization of these environments