2 research outputs found

    Satisfaction, trust, and loyalty in online banking customers: The case of Spain and Portugal Proyecto

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    The evolution of the Digital Economy with the new digital technologies is happening very fast, leading to more intense competition in different sectors of the economy. Banks are not exception and are also betting in the use of digital and artificial intelligence, replacing traditional approaches of banking. In this study, we analyse customers satisfaction, loyalty, and trust, using the results of a survey carried out with relevant statistical samples in Spain and Portugal. In previous studies made in the Portuguese banking market, it has been demonstrated that the most relevant element for customer satisfaction and loyalty to their main banking institution is trust and, in this study, we will analyse these indicators for customers in both countries, considering the significant change in the way of doing banking that is taking place, with different approaches to the customer, implemented by the banks, replacing human contact in the branches by the use of digital technologies, and we will analyse the impact that these new approaches are having on customers in Spain and Portugal

    An谩lisis de la situaci贸n del emprendimiento en Extremadura

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    Dentro de este segundo libro titulado "An谩lisis de la situaci贸n del emprendimiento en Extremadura", de la colecci贸n Estudios de la actividad emprendedora y de la competitividad de la PYME, se realiza una visi贸n no solo regional, sino tambi茅n nacional e internacional m谩s importante sobre el emprendimiento, teniendo el objetivo que est茅 disponible para el mayor p煤blico posible la informaci贸n de alta calidad sobre la iniciativa emprendedora. Dicha iniciativa se encuentra respaldada tambi茅n por la composici贸n de las empresas que determinan la competitividad de la regi贸n, caracterizada por un peso elevado de las peque帽as y medianas empresas, que dinamizan la actividad empresarial, el crecimiento y el empleo. Entre los principales indicadores a destacar en este libro podemos citar, la TEA (Tasa de Actividad Emprendedora), que en su composici贸n se incluye al empresario naciente y al nuevo, permite comparar a trav茅s de los atributos individuales (caracter铆sticas demogr谩ficas: sexo, edad, nivel de renta, nivel de estudios, etc.), las auto-percepciones (capacidades percibidas, oportunidades percibidas, miedo al fracaso) y los motivos para iniciar un negocio (es decir, necesidad vs. oportunidad) entre otros, c贸mo han evolucionado (pudiendo incluirse el abandono del negocio por distintas causas entre otros factores). Otro de los aspectos clave que se presentan en este libro confieren a la situaci贸n del ecosistema emprendedor, donde los expertos siguen haciendo 茅nfasis en la necesidad de seguir fortaleciendo las pol铆ticas gubernamentales, el apoyo financiero y la educaci贸n y formaci贸n emprendedora. Fortalezas que, a su vez, permitan generar nuevos esquemas donde la revisi贸n de las pol铆ticas fiscales para lograr reducciones en las cuotas de aut贸nomos, la implantaci贸n de mayores contenidos formativos en materia de emprendimiento que permitan la retenci贸n del talento universitario, y la financiaci贸n p煤blico-privada orientada a la reactivaci贸n del tejido empresarial, resulten las piezas clave en la regi贸n de Extremadura.Within this second book entitled "Analysis of the situation of entrepreneurship in Extremadura", from the collection Studies on entrepreneurial activity and competitiveness of SMEs, not only a regional, but also the most important national and international overview of entrepreneurship is provided, with the aim of making high quality information on entrepreneurial initiative available to the widest possible public. This initiative is also supported by the composition of the companies that determine the competitiveness of the region, characterised by a high proportion of small and medium-sized enterprises, which drive business activity, growth and employment. Among the main indicators to be highlighted in this book, we can mention the TEA (Entrepreneurial Activity Rate), which in its composition includes the new entrepreneur and the new entrepreneur, allowing comparison through individual attributes (demographic characteristics: sex, age, income level, level of studies, etc.), self-perceptions (perceived capabilities, perceived opportunities, fear of failure) and the reasons for starting a business (i.e. need vs. opportunity) among others, how they have evolved (which may include the abandonment of the business for various reasons among other factors). Another key aspect presented in this book is the situation of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, where experts continue to emphasise the need to continue strengthening government policies, financial support and entrepreneurial education and training. Strengths that, in turn, allow for the generation of new schemes where the revision of tax policies to achieve reductions in self-employed quotas, the implementation of greater training content in entrepreneurship that allows for the retention of university talent, and public-private financing aimed at reactivating the business fabric, are the key elements in the region of Extremadura.Proyecto GEM Extremadura, Fundaci贸n Xavier de Salas, Universidad de Extremadura y Ministerio de Industria, Energia y TurismopeerReviewe