27 research outputs found

    Testing for Unit Roots: Mexico's GDP

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    The study presents an analysis of the stochastic nature of the gross domestic product of Mexico for the period 1900-2001. Several specifications to test for the existence of unit roots are presented. The conventional tests, Dickey Fuller, Augmented Dickey Fuller and Phillips Perron, indicate that the series is nonstationary and integrated of order 1. The result is robust to the inclusion of exogenously and endogenously determined structural breaks. Interestingly, when structural breaks are determined endogenously, a structural break in 1907 is identified. We interpret this results as suggesting that setting the date of a structural break ex-ante might not be the most efficient procedure when testing for unit roots.Unit Root tests, structural Break and gross domestic product of Mexico.

    The Determinants of Income Inequality: The Role of Education

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    The economics literature reports mixed evidence on the importance of education as a determinant of income inequality. In this document we shed light on the debate by testing this relationship for a sample of developing and developed countries from 1990 to 2014. We control for country specific characteristics including trade openness, unemployment, foreign direct investment, and the share of elderly population. The results of robust panel data estimations unequivocally find that education is negatively and significantly associated with income inequality.JEL Codes - O1; O15; O5

    Synchronization of the Mexican and the U.S. Economies: The Case of the Manufacturing Sector. Sincronización entre las economías de México y Estados Unidos: el caso del Sector Manufacturero.

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    Es elevada la dependencia entre la industria maquiladora de exportación de México y el desempeño de la economía de Estados Unidos; sin embargo, son relativamente escasas las investigaciones que dan cuenta del comportamiento de otras industrias y su relación con el mercado del país septentrional. Los autores realizan un análisis comparativo entre los mercados laborales de las industrias manufactureras de ambos países. The study is centered on the synchronization between the economies of Mexico and the United States with special reference to the manufacturing sector. The authors examine the dependency between the assembly plant industry for export in Mexico and the performance of the economy of the United States. The authors also make a comparative analysis between the labor markets of the manufacturing industries in both countries.Mexico, United States, Labor Markets, manufacturing


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    Formal analysis of economic synchronization in North America is scarce. In this document we conduct an econometric exercise to determine the existence of common movements at short-run and long-run horizons among the gross domestic products of Canada, Mexico and the United States. Cointegration and common features tests suggest a significant degree of economic interdependence. In particular, for the sample period 1980-2006 we identify the existence of a common trend and two common cycles. Interestingly, we find that the North American economies have been highly synchronized since the 1980’s; a common trend and a common cycle are identified for the sub-sample period 1980-1993. We conclude that the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was not the trigger that prompted economic integration, but primarily an event that contributed to strengthen a process that had already begun.economic synchronization, cointegration, comovements.