5,592 research outputs found

    On the Generalized Kramers Problem with Oscillatory Memory Friction

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    The time-dependent transmission coefficient for the Kramers problem exhibits different behaviors in different parameter regimes. In the high friction regime it decays monotonically ("non-adiabatic"), and in the low friction regime it decays in an oscillatory fashion ("energy-diffusion-limited"). The generalized Kramers problem with an exponential memory friction exhibits an additional oscillatory behavior in the high friction regime ("caging"). In this paper we consider an oscillatory memory kernel, which can be associated with a model in which the reaction coordinate is linearly coupled to a nonreactive coordinate, which is in turn coupled to a heat bath. We recover the non-adiabatic and energy-diffusion-limited behaviors of the transmission coefficient in appropriate parameter regimes, and find that caging is not observed with an oscillatory memory kernel. Most interestingly, we identify a new regime in which the time-dependent transmission coefficient decays via a series of rather sharp steps followed by plateaus ("stair-like"). We explain this regime and its dependence on the various parameters of the system

    Troubled savings and loan institutions: voluntary restructuring under insolvency

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    Regulatory agencies are unwilling or unable to close thrift institutions immediately upon insolvency. Instead, they have progressively reduced the thrift capital requirement, refrained from enforcing that requirement, and allowed thrifts to hold more nonmortgage loans in the hope that the industry would recover. According to this study, only 13 percent of the largest 300 firms eventually recovered between the end of 1979 and the end of 1989. When the thrift crisis surfaced in the early 1980s, the firms that ultimately recovered operated in a fashion similar to those that eventually failed. But in the mid-1980s, recovered thrifts pursued a risk-minimizing strategy, while nonrecovered thrifts pursued a risky, high-growth strategy. We find no evidence that managers of unsuccessful firms consumed more perquisites than their successful counterparts.Savings and loan associations

    Optical properties of apple skin and flesh in the wavelength range from 350 to 2200 nm

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    Optical measurement of fruit quality is challenging due to the presence of a skin around the fruit flesh and the multiple scattering by the structured tissues. To gain insight in the light-tissue interaction, the optical properties of apple skin and flesh tissue are estimated in the 350-2200nm range for three cultivars. For this purpose, single integrating sphere measurements are combined with inverse adding- doubling. The observed absorption coefficient spectra are dominated by water in the near infrared and by pigments and chlorophyll in the visible region, whose concentrations are much higher in skin tissue. The scattering coefficient spectra show the monotonic decrease with increasing wavelength typical for biological tissues with skin tissue being approximately three times more scattering than flesh tissue. Comparison to the values from time-resolved spectroscopy reported in literature showed comparable profiles for the optical properties, but overestimation of the absorption coefficient values, due to light losses

    A third‐order velocity correction scheme obtained at the discrete level

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    In this work we explore a velocity correction method that introduces the splitting at the discrete level. In order to do so, the algebraic continuity equation is transformed into a discrete pressure Poisson equation and a velocity extrapolation is used. In Badia et al. (IJNMF, 2008, p. 351), where the method was introduced, the discrete Laplacian that appears in the pressure Poisson equation is approximated by a continuous one using an extrapolation for the pressure. In this work we explore the possibility of actually solving the discrete Laplacian. This introduces significant differences because the pressure extrapolation is avoided and only a velocity extrapolation is needed. Our numerical results indicate that it is the second‐order pressure extrapolation which makes third‐order methods unstable. Instead, second‐order velocity extrapolations do not lead to instabilities. Avoiding the pressure extrapolation allows to obtain stable solutions in problems that become unstable when the Laplacian is approximated. A comparison with a pressure correction scheme is also presented to verify the well‐known fact that the use of a second order pressure extrapolation leads to instabilities. Therefore we conclude that it is the combination of a velocity correction scheme with a discrete Laplacian that allows to obtain a stable third‐order scheme by avoiding the pressure extrapolation

    Slow light enabled wavelength demultiplexing

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    Photonic crystal waveguides supporting band gap guided modes hold great potential to tailor the group velocity of propagating light. We propose and explore different wavelength demultiplexer design approaches that utilize slow light concept. By altering the dielectric filling factors of each waveguide segment, one can show that different frequencies can be separated and extracted at different locations along the cascaded waveguide. Furthermore, to eliminate the inherent reflection loss of such a design, a composite structure involving a tapered waveguide with a side-coupled resonator is also presented. Such a structure features not only a forward propagating wave but also a backward propagating wave acting as a feedback mechanism for the drop channels. We show that by careful design of the waveguide and the resonator, the destructive and instructive interference of these waves can effectively eliminate the reflection loss and increase the coupling efficiency, respectively. Numerical and experimental verification of the proposed structures show that the targeted frequencies can be coupled out with low cross-talks and moderate quality factors, while maintaining a compact size. © 2016 IEEE.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Generalizing Refinement Operators to Learn Prenex Conjunctive Normal Forms

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    Inductive Logic Programming considers almost exclusively universally quantied theories. To add expressiveness, prenex conjunctive normal forms (PCNF) with existential variables should also be considered. ILP mostly uses learning with refinement operators. To extend refinement operators to PCNF, we should first do so with substitutions. However, applying a classic substitution to a PCNF with existential variables, one often obtains a generalization rather than a specialization. In this article we define substitutions that specialize a given PCNF and a weakly complete downward refinement operator. Moreover, we analyze the complexities of this operator in different types of languages and search spaces. In this way we lay a foundation for learning systems on PCNF. Based on this operator, we have implemented a simple learning system PCL on some type of PCNF.learning;PCNF;completeness;refinement;substitutions
