8 research outputs found

    Real Time Dual-Channel Multiplex SERS Ultradetection

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    Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) can be combined with microfluidics for rapid multiplex analyte screening. Through combination of the high intensity and complex signals provided by SERS with the flow characteristics of microfluidic channels, we engineered a microdevice that is capable of monitoring various analytes from different sources in real time. Detection limits down to the nM range may allow the generation of a new family of devices for remote, real time monitoring of environmental samples such as natural or waste waters and application to the high-throughput screening of multiple samples in healthcare diagnostics

    Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering-Based Detection of the Interactions between the Essential Cell Division FtsZ Protein and Bacterial Membrane Elements

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    Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) spectroscopy has been applied to detect the interaction of the FtsZ protein from <i>Escherichia coli</i>, an essential component of the bacterial division machinery, with either a soluble variant of the ZipA protein (that provides membrane tethering to FtsZ) or the bacterial membrane (containing the full-length ZipA naturally incorporated), on silver-coated polystyrene micrometer-sized beads. The engineered microbeads were used not only to support the bilayers but also to offer a stable support with a high density of SERS hot spots, allowing the detection of ZipA structural changes linked to the binding of FtsZ. These changes were different upon incubating the coated beads with FtsZ polymers (GTP form) as compared to oligomers (GDP form) and more pronounced when the plasmonic sensors were coated with natural bacterial membranes

    Plasmonic Mesoporous Composites as Molecular Sieves for SERS Detection

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    Application of surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) spectroscopy to the ultrasensitive analysis of small molecules in biological samples is complicated by signal contamination by ubiquitous macromolecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, or lipids. We present a proof-of-concept study of the application of composite films comprising branched gold nanoparticles embedded in mesoporous thin films, which act as molecular sieves. The inorganic mesoporous layer only allows the diffusion of small molecules toward the plasmonic particles while preventing the contact of macromolecules in solution with the optical sensor

    Plasmonic Mesoporous Composites as Molecular Sieves for SERS Detection

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    Application of surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) spectroscopy to the ultrasensitive analysis of small molecules in biological samples is complicated by signal contamination by ubiquitous macromolecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, or lipids. We present a proof-of-concept study of the application of composite films comprising branched gold nanoparticles embedded in mesoporous thin films, which act as molecular sieves. The inorganic mesoporous layer only allows the diffusion of small molecules toward the plasmonic particles while preventing the contact of macromolecules in solution with the optical sensor

    Growth of Sharp Tips on Gold Nanowires Leads to Increased Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Activity

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    We report the formation of gold nanoparticles with a novel and useful morphology, comprising nanowires fully covered with sharp tips (thorned nanowires). The synthesis is based on a seeded-growth approach based the rapid overgrowth of ultrathin gold wires in <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>-dimethylformamide, in the presence of poly(vinylpyrrolidone). The process allows a fine control over the thickness of the final wires, as well as the tunability of the number and sharpness of the thorns. These new plasmonic nanostructures display extremely strong optical enhancing properties and can be readily used as platforms for SERS and for integration in ultrasensitive optical devices

    Growth of Sharp Tips on Gold Nanowires Leads to Increased Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Activity

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    We report the formation of gold nanoparticles with a novel and useful morphology, comprising nanowires fully covered with sharp tips (thorned nanowires). The synthesis is based on a seeded-growth approach based the rapid overgrowth of ultrathin gold wires in <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>-dimethylformamide, in the presence of poly(vinylpyrrolidone). The process allows a fine control over the thickness of the final wires, as well as the tunability of the number and sharpness of the thorns. These new plasmonic nanostructures display extremely strong optical enhancing properties and can be readily used as platforms for SERS and for integration in ultrasensitive optical devices