708 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Buah Pepaya (Carica Papaya L.,) dan Tomat (Lycopersicum Esculentum Mill.,) dalam Pembuatan Fruit Leather

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    This study aimed was to got exact formulation of combination of papaya fruit puree and tomato puree in the manufacture of fruit leather. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments used against fruit leather were PT1 (papaya fruit puree 65%, tomato puree 35%), PT2 (papaya fruit puree 55%, tomato puree 45%), PT3 (papaya fruit puree 50%, tomato puree 50%), PT4 (45% papaya fruit puree, tomato puree 55%) and PT5 (35% papaya fruit puree, tomato puree 65%). Data were analyzed statistically using ANOVA and DNMRT at 5% level. The results showed that the use of papaya fruit puree and tomato puree significantly effect on water content, ash content, acidity (pH), fiber content, total sugar content and sensory analysis. Fruit leather chosen from the results of this study was fruit leather treatment PT2 which has moisture content 11,86%, ash content 1,03%, degree of acidity 4,39, fiber content 3,12%, levels total sugar 36,45%, reddish orange color, flavor slightly fruity papaya and tomatoes, slightly sour taste, chewy texture and overall assessment fruit leather preferred by the panelists

    Column study of humic acid removal from water into surfactant granular zeolite

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    In this study, natural zeolite (mordenite) was modified by using dimetliyldioctadecylammonium bromide (DDAB) with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) to afford surfactant modified granular zeolite (SMGZ) as adsorbent for humic acid (HA) removal. Column adsorption studies were carried out to examine the optimum conditions for the removal of HA by SMGZ. The optimum loading of surfactant was later utilized in characterization studies. The SMGZ were characterized by XRD. FTIR. BET specific surface area and FESEM. The removal of HA was performed in a fixed bed reactor. The effects of different experimental parameters such as DDAB loading levels, solution pH and HA solution flow rate were evaluated. Samples were collected and analyzed using UV. The results indicated that SMGZ showed great enhanced adsorption capacity of HA compared to natural granular zeolite due to the hydrophobic interaction and hydrogen bonding. The equilibrium uptake (geq(exp)) of HA decreased with increasing, flow rate and granular size. Total removal percent (Y) of HA SMGZ was found to increase with increasing solution pH. influent concentration and bed depth

    Pembiayaan Talangan Haji dalam Perbankan Syariah Ditinjau dari Undang-undang Perbankan Syariah

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    Product of Fund of Roof-Gutter Haji represent the Product pertained a new innovation in Transaction some Moslem law Bank. This Product meant to close over the fund insuffiency which not yet answered the demand to candidate Haji by Loaning a number of money (Qardh) with the Guarantee of Deposit of Client of candidate Haji, last to the that loaning service Bank draw A number of Fee / ujrah (in this case Ijarah) as Religious advices DSN-MUI : Number 29/DSN-MUI/VI/2002, however in 2 (this two) akad happened the problems when application into Product of Fund of Roof-Gutter Haji to be explained after this, but before that it is better if evaluating one per one congeniality every akad that is Al-Qardh and Al-Ijarah. Problem of this research namely defrayal in Moslem law banking, hereinafter Defrayal of roof-gutter haji according to No. 21 year 2008 about Banking Moslem law and also protection punish to bank client in defrayal of roof-gutter haji evaluated from No. 21 Year 2008 About Moslem law Banking. This research use the approach of yuridis normative because this research use the data sekunder to analysis the contractual terms bank with debitor and also its law protection aspect principally Moslem law. Bank Moslem law is the part of Banking Moslem law apart rom Business Unit Moslem law (UUS), while Bank Moslem law consisted of public Bank of Moslem law and Bank of Defrayal of Moslem Law People (BPRS). In of banking of Indonesia of Number 21 Year 2008 differentiating bank [of] pursuant to its business activity become two, that is bank executing business activity conventionally and bank executing business activity pursuant to Moslem law principle. No. 21 Year 2008 about Banking Moslem law not arrange peculiarly the defrayal of roof-gutter haji, at Section 21 only explaining business activity of Moslem law banking. this Roof-Gutter defrayal guaranteed by deposit had by client, client obliged to return a number of money loaned certain within. To the service of loaning of this roof-gutter haji fund, bank Moslem law get a run for the ( fee / ujrah) which is the level of not relied on the amount of loaned fund. Protection of Client of fund of roof-gutter haji given early on namely with the existence of information of existence of bank Moslem law informatively, so that in have competition with the other bank will get the position which suitable and acceptable. Ambulatory protection early on better by giving information which its credibility accountable from all aspect

    Business Analysis Fish Mas At Pool Of Water Pouring Down In The Village Balai Gadang Sub-district Koto Tangah Padang City West Sumatra Province

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    These Research about business analysis fish mas at pool of water pouring down , which was held in August 2014 in the village Balai Gadang district Koto Tangah Padang City West Sumatra Province. The objective analyzes the cost of investment that required pool of water pouring down, the income to pool of water pouring down and fit into pool of water pouring down in the village held Big if observed from the criteria for investment. The method is used methods case studies are limited to the population, place, and a certain period of time in the field with respondents are pembudidaya fish mas pool of water pouring down that are in the village held Big namely%1 who has 12 units pool of water pouring down and 2 workers.Results of these studies indicate that the investment into fish mas pool of water pouring down of Rp1,010,619,000. Business investment Criteria fish mas pool of water pouring down an NPV of Rp 836,783,477,- BCR of 1.18 IRR of 43.75 percent and Government Regulation of 1.25

    Analysis of Relationship Between Production Factors to Common Carps (Cyprinus Carpio) Enlargement Pond Production in East Panti Village Panti District Pasaman Regency West Sumatera Province

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    This study was conducted on September 2013. This study aimed to determine the correlation between stocking density of seed production (X1), feed pellets (X2), fish farmers experience (X3) and the outpouring of hours of work (X4) on the common carps enlargement pond production. The method used in this study is a survey method with the number of respondents 34 people were taken by simple random sampling of 170 farmers common carps enlargement pond.From the results of multiple linear regression of each production factor to common carps enlargement pond in East Panti Village acquired the production function Y= –0.320+0.022X1+0.905X3+0.027X3–0,008X4. With a regression coefficient (R) was 0.973 and a coefficient of determination (R2) was 0.946. The relationship of production factor common carps enlargement pond had a very strong unindirectional relationship to the production enlargement pond production (sig. = 0.000) so that the factors are key in common carps enlargement ponds business while X4 had the weak trade-offs (sig. = 0.070) or had an excess of working hours

    The Analisys Of Catfish (Pangasius Sutchi) Aquaculture In The Pond Of Koto Mesjid Village XIII Koto Kampar District Kampar Regency Riau Province

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    This research was conducted on December 2014. This study aims to determine how much of the investment, benefit, feasibility and problems faced by fish farmers in the aquaculture of Catfish (Pangasius sutchi) in the pond of Koto Mesjid Village. The method use in this research is a stratified random sampling method with respondens are 13 farmers were divided into 3 stratas.The results of this research indicate that business investment smoke catfish farming in the pond for aquaculture strata I is Rp. 53.905.057,-/unit aquaculture, for strata II the require Rp.135.942.250,-/unit aquaculture and investments for the aquaculture of strata III is Rp.229.361.250,-/unit aquaculture. The value BCR of Catfish farmers in the Koto Mesjid village is between 1.08 until 1.13, value of FRR is 16.02% until 25.08% and the value of PPC 7.97 period until 12.48 period. Based on the results of the analysis of the work done then concluded that the cultivation of the most financially feasible to be developed is the cultivation of strata III by using the BCR value of 1.13, FRR amounted to 25.08%/years and PPC are 7,97 period or 3.99 years. Constraints faced by farmers in the enterprise is feed prices tend to be relatively high and the presence of pests and diseases that attack the fish in the pond

    Keefektifan Panduan Pelatihan Berbasis Appreciative Inquiry terhadap Peningkatan Kematangan Karier Siswa SMP

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    Career marturity is the ability of individuals to access, direct yourself based career information to make a choice in looking at opportunities that allow it to take decisions realistically. Career marturity of students with the skills of the teacher in facilitating the development of students. Teacher as facilitator required to have professional competence. Through the professional competence of teachers are required to master the substance of the materials provided to the students. But in fact teh observation og interviews with teachers BK junior high school in Kupang, the teacher is less skilled in facilitating the students in improving career marturity. Factors such low competence is part of the goverment, especially through the education department MGBK that have not facilitate teachers through training to the career marturity of students with a training manual. A training manual was development to facilitate all teachers BK in Kupang city, in facilitating students to select and prepare for a career based on talents and interest of students. This training guide was developed using a model adapted the Brog and Gall with just nine steps. Free training is developed to enhance students' career marturity based appreciative inquirry is expected to boost competence BK teacher in improving students career marturity. The result showed that the percentage of data obtained from the assesment of expert BK 79% (decent) and expert media 81% (very decent). Individual test results for 89% (very worthy), based on those results the percentage per component in the asessment guide, described of follows: 86.3% of the manual aspects, aspect of systematics 86%, 94.5% aspects us of language and aspects of the layout 90.5% then the results of the assesment in the guide concluded feasible to implement. The effectiveness of the training given tp students to measure the career marturity based appreciative inquiry is an excellent product and effectively to improve students career marturity. Suggestion put forward with regard to the further development, the training guide can intregrationwith othe competencies related to the student's career, for example design, decission-making studied more in depth so as to produce products that are related to the whole students career marturity.Kematangan karier merupakan kemampuan individu dalam mengakses, mengarahkan diri berdasarkan informasi karier untuk membuat pilihan dalam melihat peluang yang memungkinkan untuk mengambil keputusan secara realistis. Berdasarkan observasi dan hasil wawancara menunjukkan bahwa kurang terampilnya guru dalam memfasilitasi siswa dalam meningkatkan kematangan karier siswa. Faktor rendahnya kompetensi tersebut ialah pihak pemerintah khususnya dinas pendidikan melalui MGBK yang belum memfasilitasi guru melalui pelatihan peningkatan kematangan karier siswa dengan panduan pelatihan. Panduan pelatihan dikembangkan dapat memfasilitasi guru BK se-Kota Kupang dalam memfasilitasi siswa untuk memilih dan mempersiapkan karier berdasarkan bakat dan minat siswa. Panduan pelatihan ini dikembangkan menggunakan model Borg dan Gall dengan mengadaptasi hanya sembilan langkah. Panduan pelatihan yang dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan kematangan karier siswa berbasis appreciative inquiry diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kompetessi guru BK dalam meningkatkan kematangan karier siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukan data persentase yang diperoleh dari penilaian ahli BK 79% (layak) dan ahli media 81% (sangat layak). Hasil uji perorangan 89% (sangat layak). Efektivitas pelatihan diberikan kepada siswa untuk mengukur tingkat kematangan kariernya meningkat atau tidak, berdasarkan hasil uji Paired Samples t Test menunjukan hasil peningkatannya 59,24%. Simpulannya, panduan pelatihan peningkatan kematangan karier siswa berbasis appreciative inquiry adalah produk yang sangat baik dan efektif untuk meningkatkan kematangan karier siswa. Saran yang diajukan berkaitan dengan pengembangan selanjutnya, yakni panduan pelatihan dapat diintegritaskan dengan kompetensi lain yang berkaitan dengan karier siswa

    Analisis Keadaan USAha Budidaya Ikan Sistem Keramba Jaring Apung ( Kja) di Danau Toba ( Kasus Desa Untemungkur Kecamatan Muara Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara Provinsi Sumatera Utara)

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    This study was conducted on May 7 to 15, 2014, aims to determine how much investment and operational costs and problems faced by farmers in the cultivation of fish in floating net cages in the village Untemungkur. The method used in this research is to conduct interviews respondents were 9 people divided into Category I and Category II From the research that has been conducted in the village of Muara Untemungkur on farming in floating net cages in mind that a large total investment of fish farming in floating net cages for category I Rp.161.935.000, with operating expenses of Rp.81.641.568, / harvest. Net income is farming Rp38.358.432, / harvest. As for category II total investment fish farming in floating net cage aquaculture transform Rp.130.905.000 category II, namely, - the operating expenses of Rp.61.701.778, - / harvest. The advantages are achieved net farmers in this village is supported by the ability of farmers in the supplementary feeding