328 research outputs found

    Completed Iwahori-Hecke algebras and parahorical Hecke algebras for Kac-Moody groups over local fields

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    Let G be a split Kac-Moody group over a non-archimedean local field. We define a completion of the Iwahori-Hecke algebra of G. We determine its center and prove that it is isomorphic to the spherical Hecke algebra of G using the Satake isomorphism. This is thus similar to the situation of reductive groups. Our main tool is the masure I associated to this setting, which is the analogue of the Bruhat-Tits building for reductive groups. Then, for each special and spherical facet F, we associate a Hecke algebra. In the Kac-Moody setting, this construction was known only for the spherical subgroup and for the Iwahori subgroup

    RESTRICTION OF pp-MODULAR REPRESENTATIONS OF pp-ADIC GROUPS TO MINIMAL PARABOLIC SUBGROUPS (Analytic, geometric and pp-adic aspects of automorphic forms and LL-functions)

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    This manuscript reports on an ongoing joint work with Julien Hauseux, on which is based the talk I gave on January 2020 at the RIMS workshop "Analytic, geometric and p-adic aspects of automorphic forms and £-functions". I thank Shunsuke Yamana for inviting me to participate to this very nice workshop and for the invitation to speak there. For more details on the work described below, e.g. statements in their full generality or further details of proofs, please refer to our paper with Hauseux [3]

    Comparing approaches to feedback in the context of English language teaching in higher education

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    Written feedback has the potential to play an important role in supporting HE students’ learning. This paper looks at the question of how much and what kind of feedback is most effective in the context of language learning but with implications for other disciplines. It argues for the importance of contextualising feedback within a dialogue with students

    Determination Vit C in Food Samples using High Performance Liquid Chromatography

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    Vit C has C6H8O6 chemical formula ,white crystal , water soluble , nutrition value and antioxidant, has an important factor to skin different type of  tissues and bones . Quantity required to individual from this vitamin depend on: age, gender  and healthy status . Many different  analytical    methods   has been  done  to determine quantity  in substances containing [vit C, such as: (titration , spectrophotometer, electrochemical and chromatographic) methods ....

    Determination of Water Soluble Vitamins [(B group: B1, B2, and B6) by RP- HPLC.

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    Vitamins are minor but essential constituents offload. They are required for the normal growth, maintenance and functioning of  the human body. Many different  analytical methods   has been  done  to determine Water Soluble Vitamins (B group: B1, B2, and B6) quantity in substances containing Water Soluble Vitamins, such as: (titration , spectrophotometer, electrochemical and chromatographic) methods 

    Deceit, desire and the compsons : a girardian reading of William Faulkner's The sound and the fury

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    Ce mémoire se propose d'analyser la concordance entre l'illustration du désir humain et sa transformation en violence sociale dans les théories du désir mimétique et du mécanisme du Bouc émissaire, développées par René Girard dans ses oeuvres Mensonges Romantiques et Vérités Romanesques et Le Bouc Émissaire, et dans l'oeuvre de William Faulkner The Sound and the Fury. Ce mémoire soutient que la description du désir humain et son acheminement en crise sociale est très similaire chez les des deux auteurs. The Sound and the Fury, tout comme les oeuvres de René Girard, décrivent le désir humain comme un mécanisme triangulaire basé sur l'imitation du sujet à un model ou médiateur. Ils démontrent aussi que ces désirs peuvent créer des rivalités féroces qui peuvent induire à une violence irrépressible. Quand cette violence se multiplie par le nombre de rivaux acharnés, elle évolue en phénomène sociale : une crise que René Girard appelle Crise Mimétique et que William Faulkner reproduit dans la majorité de ces nouvelles et précisément dans The Sound and the Fury. Le mécanisme humain décrit pour l'évacuation spontanée de la violence est aussi remarquablement conforme dans l'effigie des deux auteurs. Les écrits des deux démontrent que pour évacuer leur agressivité, les sociétés la redirigent envers un ou des individus qu'ils considèrent comme inférieurs. Finalement, les deux auteurs analysent d'une manière très rapprochée les trois méthodes utilisées par l'homme pour contenir la violence. Ils présentent tout les deux les rituels comme une méthode qui a été longtemps efficace pour canaliser les tensions mais qui n'a plus sa place dans la société moderne et ce à cause du déclin religieux. Ils décrivent aussi tout les deux les méthodes compensatoires tels que les duels et les jugent inefficace et, en dernier lieu, ils considèrent tout les deux le système légal comme une méthode efficace pour l'interruption des cycles de vengeances mais pas pour l'évacuation de la violence

    Determination a Range of Analgesic Drugs Using Simple¬ RP-HPLC Method with UV/VIS Detection

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    Analgesic drugs act in various ways on the peripheral and central nervous systems. They are distinct from anesthetics, which temporarily affect, and in some instances completely eliminate. Many different analytical methods had been done to determine some of analgesic by all analytical methods, such as spectrophotometer, electrochemical and chromatographic method

    Determining Traces Metal Ions using Porphyrins as a Reagent

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    Porphyrins moleculars is a macrocyclic compounds, suitable to be an excellent analytical reagent for spectrum analysis due to its highest molar absorption coefficient, for its complexes with wide range for several metal ions compared with the open chain reagent, so it can be used to determine traces of metal ions which coordinate with it.The multiplity of the bands for porphyrins reagent itself which reach to five bands cover all the spectrum (350-800)nm create inefficient direct molecular spectrum methods, because of overlap between reagent spectrum and formed complex spectrum, for thought, employment of (HPLC) can separate the excess reagent from the formed complex ,and separate the formed complexes from each other, at the same time, because the difference at retention time in the column,  and all the formed complexes with porphyrin have a common absorbance band called (Soret band) appear in the range (400-420)nm which allowed to fixing wavelength in the detector on (HPLC), thus enable to record the analytical signal for nano molar concentration for most metal ions which coordinate with porphyrins molecular formed a chelate complexes, these formed complexes are very stable, the dissuasion possibility is less for long storage period, comparing with other reagents, the overlap  on spectrum will be minimized. This research can be a serious procedure to develop analytical high quality method to determine later transition metal ions, using HLPC technique and tetraphenylporphyrin (H2TPP), we have acheived the following : 1- We studied the chromatographic behavior for the H2TPP by using (UV-Vis) in several solvents: (DMF, CH2Cl2, CCl4,C6H5-CH3). 2- The possibility to form a chelating complex between H2TPP and Zn ion has been studied, in addition to all effective factors which include the best formation, we have reach to the optimum conditions.   we have known to the chromatographic behavior of formed complex, and reach to the optimum separation condition between the formed complex and the excess concentration of the reagent . 3- we calculated the steichiometric composition for the formed complex by (Molar ratio and continuous method), calculated the molar absorption coefficient for formed complex, its constant formation, the linear relation between the analytical signal (peak surface) and the Zn concentration was achieved, which in contestable to Lambert-Beer law in the wide range. 4- The proposed method was applied on model samples of Zn indented with its actual contain. 5- we reached to the optimum chromatographic peaks  separation for formed  complexes(Zn-TPP, Ni-TPP, H2TPP, VO-TPP), as the following retention time respectively : tR=4.2 <   tR=6  <   tR=6.8 < tR=12.4     (min) 6- We can confirmed according to the  results which we obtained: (RP-HPLC) to solve spectrums overlap between H2TPP and formed metal complexes,  the possibility to insulate analytical chromatography peaks: sharp, symmetric, and related to the metal ions concentration  in a wide range and for nanomol ion concentration, consequently it well allow us to determine traces of metal ions. Keywords: porphyrins  , chelate , complex , RP-HPLC ,  and traces ion

    Unlocking the Power of Inquiry: A Case Study on Elementary Science Professional Development Program

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    This study examines the awareness of inquiry based teaching amongst elementary science teachers through a workshop intervention, conducted in a private school in Karachi, Pakistan. The case study design deployed, highlighted the learning experiences of 24 participants that took part in the professional development workshop. A qualitative survey was carried before the intervention followed by focus group discussion, document analysis and participant observations during and after the intervention. These methodologies were used to record participants learning experiences and awareness of essential features of inquiry based pedagogy. In addition to this, four primary science teachers were interviewed to examine the adoption of essential features of inquiry in their revised lesson plans. The findings of this study were that before the science training the participants were superficially aware of the fundamentals of inquiry based methods and techniques and knew its importance. However, the in-depth process knowledge and skills/strategies required for an effective inquiry was an identifiable shortcoming. The workshop provided learning opportunities to analyze phenomenon, think scientifically, engage in hands-on science activities. Because of the workshop, the participants demonstrated an improved understanding of what entails an inquiry process and features of scientific inquiry. This research should inspire and inform professional developers about gap in inquiry based science teachings. Furthermore, the study aims to motivate private schools in Pakistan to invest in inquiry based science teaching as a tangible long-term benefit which can translate into better teaching practitioner

    The Effectiveness of Professional Development Programs Offered to Heads of Faculty in Kindergartens and Primary Schools in Al Ain by Abu Dhabi Education Council

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    The study aimed to investigate and gather perspectives regarding the effectiveness of the training programs offered by ADEC to the HoFs. The researcher used both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods in order to answer the research questions. A survey inclusive of 38 questions was used, and it was divided into four sections pertaining to professional development. These sections were made up of the importance of professional development programs; their goals; specifications; and evaluation. The result showed that participants agreed on four areas but using different levels of agreement that descended from first, the importance of professional development programs; second, the specifications of the program; third, the objectives of the program, and lastly the evaluation of the program. The findings uncovered that there was a significant difference in all areas, except for the evaluation of the current professional development program. This was due to the participants\u27 dissatisfaction of the program. Recommendations were made in light of the findings and the following were proposed: ADEC should conduct more studies in order to identify the actual needs of the HoFs in a more effective manner. ADEC should provide additional support to high HoFs through motivational incentives by rewarding distinguished and performing HoFs. ADEC should involve HoFs in decision making with particular reference to the quality of the professional development programs. ADEC should establish and provide a communication channel for HoFs to communicate with departments within ADEC