21 research outputs found

    Batchelor, Saffman, and Kazantsev spectra in galactic small-scale dynamos

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    The magnetic fields in galaxy clusters and probably also in the interstellar medium are believed to be generated by a small-scale dynamo. Theoretically, during its kinematic stage, it is characterized by a Kazantsev spectrum, which peaks at the resistive scale. It is only slightly shallower than the Saffman spectrum that is expected for random and causally connected magnetic fields. Causally disconnected fields have the even steeper Batchelor spectrum. Here we show that all three spectra are present in the small-scale dynamo. During the kinematic stage, the Batchelor spectrum occurs on scales larger than the energy-carrying scale of the turbulence, and the Kazantsev spectrum on smaller scales within the inertial range of the turbulence -- even for a magnetic Prandtl number of unity. In the saturated state, the dynamo develops a Saffman spectrum on large scales. At large magnetic Prandtl numbers, elongated structures are seen in the parity-even E polarization, but not in the parity-odd B polarization. We also observe a significant excess in the E polarization over the B polarization at subresistive scales, and a deficiency at larger scales. This finding is at odds with the observed excess in the Galactic microwave foreground emission. The E and B polarizations become Gaussian in the saturated state, but may be highly non-Gaussian and skewed in the kinematic regime of the dynamo.Comment: 11 pages, 24 figures, 5 tables, submitted to MNRA

    Inverse cascading for initial MHD turbulence spectra between Saffman and Batchelor

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    In decaying magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence with a strong magnetic field, the spectral magnetic energy density is known to increase with time at small wavenumbers kk, provided the spectrum at low kk is sufficiently steep. This is inverse cascading and occurs for an initial Batchelor spectrum, where the magnetic energy per linear wavenumber interval increases like k4k^4. For an initial Saffman spectrum that is proportional to k2k^2, however, inverse cascading has not been found in the past. We study here the case of an intermediate k3k^3 spectrum, which may be relevant for magnetogenesis in the early Universe during the electroweak epoch. This case is not well understood in view of the standard Taylor expansion of the magnetic energy spectrum for small kk. Using high resolution MHD simulations, we show that also in this case there is inverse cascading with a strength just as expected from the conservation of the Hosking integral, which governs the decay of an initial Batchelor spectrum. Even for shallower kαk^\alpha spectra with spectral index α>3/2\alpha>3/2, our simulations suggest a spectral increase at small kk with time tt proportional to t4α/9−2/3t^{4\alpha/9-2/3}. The critical spectral index of α=3/2\alpha=3/2 is related to the slope of the spectral envelope in the Hosking phenomenology. Although we cannot exclude the possibility of artifacts from the finite size of the computational domain, our simulations with 204832048^3 mesh points now suggest inverse cascading even for an initial Saffman spectrum.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables, submitted to J. Plasma Physic

    Backreaction of axion-SU(2) dynamics during inflation

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    We consider the effects of backreaction on axion-SU(2) dynamics during inflation. We use the linear evolution equations for the gauge field modes and compute their backreaction on the background quantities numerically using the Hartree approximation. We find a new dynamical attractor solution for the axion field and the vacuum expectation value of the gauge field, where the latter has an opposite sign with respect to the chromo-natural inflation solution. Our findings are of particular interest to the phenomenology of axion-SU(2) inflation, redefining parts of the viable parameter space. In addition, the backreaction effects lead to characteristic oscillatory features in the primordial gravitational wave background that are potentially detectable with upcoming gravitational wave detectors.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figures, 2 table

    Shallow relic gravitational wave spectrum with acoustic peak

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    We study the gravitational wave (GW) spectrum produced by acoustic waves in the early universe, such as would be produced by a first order phase transition, focusing on the low-frequency side of the peak. We confirm with numerical simulations the Sound Shell model prediction of a steep rise with wave number kk of k9k^9 to a peak whose magnitude grows at a rate (H/kp)H(H/k_\text{p})H, where HH is the Hubble rate and kpk_\text{p} the peak wave number, set by the peak wave number of the fluid velocity power spectrum. We also show that hitherto neglected terms give a shallower part with amplitude (H/kp)2(H/k_\text{p})^2 in the range H≲k≲kpH \lesssim k \lesssim k_\text{p}, which in the limit of small H/kH/k rises as kk. This linear rise has been seen in other modelling and also in direct numerical simulations. The relative amplitude between the linearly rising part and the peak therefore depends on the peak wave number of the velocity spectrum and the lifetime of the source, which in an expanding background is bounded above by the Hubble time H−1H^{-1}. For slow phase transitions, which have the lowest peak wave number and the loudest signals, the acoustic GW peak appears as a localized enhancement of the spectrum, with a rise to the peak less steep than k9k^9. The shape of the peak, absent in vortical turbulence, may help to lift degeneracies in phase transition parameter estimation at future GW observatories.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    Magnetohydrodynamics predicts heavy-tailed distributions of axion-photon conversion

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    The interconversion of axionlike particles (ALPs) and photons in magnetised astrophysical environments provides a promising route to search for ALPs. The strongest limits to date on light ALPs use galaxy clusters as ALP-photon converters. However, such studies traditionally rely on simple models of the cluster magnetic fields, with the state-of-the-art being Gaussian random fields (GRFs). We present the first systematic study of ALP-photon conversion in more realistic, turbulent fields from dedicated magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations, which we compare with GRF models. For GRFs, we analytically derive the distribution of conversion ratios at fixed energy and find that it follows an exponential law. We find that the MHD models agree with the exponential law for typical, small-amplitude mixings but exhibit distinctly heavy tails for rare and large mixings. We explain how non-Gaussian features, e.g.~coherent structures and local spikes in the MHD magnetic field, are responsible for the heavy tail. Our results suggest that limits placed on ALPs using GRFs are robust.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures. v2: major changes to match the published version. Extended appendix to include details on the statistical analysi