12 research outputs found

    Ramsay Hunt Sendromunun Nadir Bir Komplikasyonu: Sinüs Ven Trombozu

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    Ramsay Hunt syndrome is a rare affection characterized by peripheral facial paralysis, skin eruption in the auricular canal and cochleovestibular symptoms. It is produced by varicella zoster virus (VZV) reactivation in the geniculate ganglia. In elderly and immunocompromised individuals, the virus may reactivate to produce shingles (zoster). After zoster resolves, many elderly patients experience postherpetic neuralgia. Uncommonly, VZV can spread to large cerebral arteries to cause a spectrum of large-vessel vascular damage, ranging from vasculopathy to vasculitis, with stroke. In immunocompromised individuals, especially those with cancer or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, deeper tissue penetration of the virus may occur (as compared with immunocompetent individuals), with resultant myelitis, small-vessel vasculopathy, ventriculitis, and meningoencephalitis. Polymerase chain reaction analysis of cerebrospinal fluid remains the mainstay for diagnosing the neurologic complications of VZV during over a patient;amp;#8217;s lifetime. We report a case of Ramsay Hunt syndrome complicated with cerebral venous thrombosis. The patient received treatment with acyclovir and anticoagulation. Early treatment with acyclovir therapy and anticoagulation could improve the recovery rate of facial nerve palsy and sinus vein thrombosis.Ramsay Hunt sendromu akut olarak gelişen fasiyal felç ve buna neden olan varisella zoster virüsü (VZV)’ne bağlı dış kulak kanalının ve kulak derisinin veziküler lezyon birlikteliğidir. Bell felci gibi %50 spontan iyileşme sıklığı olmasına rağmen Ramsay Hunt sendromu nun morbiditesi daha yüksek, komplikasyonları daha tehlikelidir. VZV birkaç 10 yıllık latans devrinden sonra, özellikle yaşlılarda ve im münyetmezliği olan kişilerde, genikulat gangliyonunda herpes zoster veya Ramsay Hunt sendromu şeklinde reaktivasyon gösterebilir. Nadir olarak, VZV büyük serebral arterlere yayılarak vaskülopati ya da vaskülite neden olarak strokla sonuçlanabilir. Kanser, immünyet mezlik sendromu gibi immünyetmezliği olan kişilerde virüs daha derin dokulara penetre olabilir. Ender olarak miyelit, küçük damar vaskülopatisi, sinüs ven trombozu, serebellit, ensefalit, ventrikülit, kalıcı işitme kaybı gibi komplikasyonlar gelişebilir. VZV için kan ve beyin omurilik sıvısında yapılan çalışmalar arasında en hızlı ve sensitif test polimeraz zincir reaksiyonudur. Biz serebral sinüs ven trom bozu ile komplike olan Ramsay Hunt sendromu olan bir olgu sunduk. Hastaya antikoagülasyon ve asiklovir tedavisi verildi. Erken te davi ile fasiyal sinir felci ve sinüs ven trombozu düzelebilir

    A rare complication of Ramsey Hunt Syndrome: Sınus vein thrombosis

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    Ramsay-Hunt Syndrome (RHS) is a rare affection characterized by peripheral facial paralysis (PFP), skin eruption in the auricular canal and cochleovestibular symptoms. It is produced by varicella-zoster virus(VZV) reactivation at the geniculate ganglia. In elderly and immunocompromised individuals, the virus may reactivate to produce shingles (zoster). After zoster resolves, many elderly patients experience postherpetic neuralgia. Uncommonly, VZV can spread to large cerebral arteries to cause a spectrum of large-vessel vascular damage, ranging from vasculopathy to vasculitis, with stroke. In immunocompromised individuals, especially those with cancer or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, deeper tissue penetration of the virus may occur (as compared with immunocompetent individuals), with resultant myelitis, small-vessel vasculopathy, ventriculitis, and meningoencephalitis. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of cerebrospinal fluid remains the mainstay for diagnosing the neurologic complications of VZV during life. We report a case of Ramsay Hunt syndrome complicated with cerebral venous thrombosis. Patient received treatment with acyclovir and anticoagulation. Early treatment with acyclovir therapy and anticoagulation could improve the recovery rate of facial nerve palsy and sinus vein thrombosis

    Decompressive Craniectomy Saves Life When Performed in Time. A Member of Our Own Team, From Herniation to Independent Life; Case Report

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    WOS: 000300363200021Stroke remains to be the leading cause of morbidity and mortality all over the world among the aging population. Despite the ultimate developments in vascular neurosurgery and interventional endovascular methods, none have succeeded to be performed widely yet. Decompressive craniectomy is probably one of the basic practices of neurosurgery, which is simple but neglected time to time. It must be considered in all patients suffering from ischemic stroke with findings of mass effect but especially young patients with a non-dominant hemisphere affected. We would like to remind once more the useful and life-saving method by reporting the dramatic benefit of the patient who is also a member of our medical team

    Ascending Tonic-Clonic Seizure Syndrome Secondary To Iohexol During CT Cisternography: Case Report

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    WOS: 000323600800028Ascending tonic-clonic seizure (ATCS) syndrome secondary to Iohexole is a rare, potentially fetal status epilepticus condition which is misdiagnosed and mixed up with malign hyperthermia. Additionally to the hardness of rapid and correct taking on diagnosis due to different clinical findings and variable presentation from patient to another, unappropriate treatments usually effects prognosis with poor outcome

    POEMS syndrome: Case report

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    POEMS sendromu, polinöropati ve multisistemik tutulum ile seyreden oldukça ender görülen bir plazma hücre diskrazisidir. Semptomlardan plazmasitom tarafından salgılanan vasküler endotelyal büyüme faktörü sorumlu tutulmaktadır. Distal simetrik sensörimotor polinöropati kliniği ile başvuran, yanı sıra organomegali, endokrin bozukluk ve deri değişiklikleri de olan olgunun immünelektroforezinde serum ve idrarda M proteini saptanması nedeniyle POEMS sendromu düşünülmüştür. Edinsel nöropatilerin ayırıcı tanısında akla gelmesi gereken bu sendrom ender görülmesi nedeniyle sunulmuştur.Presented with characteristic polyneuropathy and multisystemic manifestations, POEMS syndrome is a rare plasma cell disorder. Vascular endothelial growth factor, secreted by plasmacytoma, is considered responsible for these symptoms. The first symptoms in this patient were arthralgia, distal sensory impairment ascending proximally and motor impairment of distal lower extremities. By immunoelectrophoresis, M protein in serum and urine was detected. In addition to polyneuropathy and monoclonal gammopathy, the patient presented with organomegaly, endocrine dysfunction and skin changes, and was diagnosed as POEMS syndrome. This rare syndrome should be included in the differential diagnosis of acquired neuropathies associated with multisystemic manifestations

    POEMS sendromu: Olgu sunumu

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    Presented with characteristic polyneuropathy and multisystemic manifestations, POEMS syndrome is a rare plasma cell disorder. Vascular endothelial growth factor, secreted by plasmacytoma, is considered responsible for these symptoms. The first symptoms in this patient were arthralgia, distal sensory impairment ascending proximally and motor impairment of distal lower extremities. By immunoelectrophoresis, M protein in serum and urine was detected. In addition to polyneuropathy and monoclonal gammopathy, the patient presented with organomegaly, endocrine dysfunction and skin changes, and was diagnosed as POEMS syndrome. This rare syndrome should be included in the differential diagnosis of acquired neuropathies associated with multisystemic manifestations.POEMS sendromu, polinöropati ve multisistemik tutulum ile seyreden oldukça ender görülen bir plazma hücre diskrazisidir. Semptomlardan plazmasitom tarafından salgılanan vasküler endotelyal büyüme faktörü sorumlu tutulmaktadır. Distal simetrik sensörimotor polinöropati kliniği ile başvuran, yanı sıra organomegali, endokrin bozukluk ve deri değişiklikleri de olan olgunun immünelektroforezinde serum ve idrarda M proteini saptanması nedeniyle POEMS sendromu düşünülmüştür. Edinsel nöropatilerin ayırıcı tanısında akla gelmesi gereken bu sendrom ender görülmesi nedeniyle sunulmuştur