16 research outputs found

    Wplyw odrobaczenia na przebieg doswiadczalnej inwazji Fasciola hepatica oraz przyrosty masy ciala u owiec

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    The course of Fasciola hepatica infection was studied by the coproscopical methods in two farms of Southern Poland. The extensity of infection reached between 84 to 94 per cent. The experimental studies has been done on 54 lambs at the average weight of 21.50 kg. The lambs were divided in 3 groups with 18 lambs in each. In the first group were non-infected animals; second group was infected with 200 metacercaria and treated with Fasinex (10 mg/kg body weight) 6 weeks after infection. The third group was infected with 200 metacercaria, but has not been treated with Fasinex. The best results were obtained in the first group. In this group the weight gain was about 4 kg (14.7 per cent) higher comparing with the group third (infected, non-treated) group. The weight gain of group two (infected and treated) was 2.42 kg (11.0 per cent) higher as in group third group


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    The course of Fasciola hepatica infection was studied by the coproscopical methods in two farms of Southern Poland. The extensity of infection reached between 84 to 94 per cent. The experimental studies has been done on 54 lambs at the average weight of 21.50 kg. The lambs were divided in 3 groups with 18 lambs in each. In the first group were non-infected animals; second group was infected with 200 metacercaria and treated with Fasinex (10 mg/kg body weight) 6 weeks after infection. The third group was infected with 200 metacercaria, but has not been treated with Fasinex. The best results were obtained in the first group. In this group the weight gain was about 4 kg (14.7 per cent) higher comparing with the group third (infected, non-treated) group. The weight gain of group two (infected and treated) was 2.42 kg (11.0 per cent) higher as in group third group

    Effect of the ionophorus antibiotic Lasalocid on coccidiosis and productivity in lambs

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    Six species of Eimeria were found in sheep from the mountain region of Poland: E. parva, E. pallida, E. nina-kohl-yakimovi, E. faurei, E. intricata and E. arloingi. E. parva (36.1%), E. nina-kohl-yakimovi (33.5%) and E. Faurei (30.2%) were frequently found. Seasonal dynamie of coccidiosis in lambs nontreated and treated with Lasalocid (20 mg/kg fodder) was obserwed. The maximum extensity and intensity in nontreated animals were found in the period from July to October (85-90% infected lambs). In lambs treated with Lasalocid the extensity was very low, i.e. only in 5-10% of treated animals single oocysts were found. Final weight was higher by about 5.4 kg and wool piroductivity by about 0.32 kg in the Lasalocid treated, compared with the control, nontreated group

    Effect of the ionophorus antibiotic Lasalocid on coccidiosis and productivity in lambs

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    Six species of Eimeria were found in sheep from the mountain region of Poland: E. parva, E. pallida, E. nina-kohl-yakimovi, E. faurei, E. intricata and E. arloingi. E. parva (36.1%), E. nina-kohl-yakimovi (33.5%) and E. Faurei (30.2%) were frequently found. Seasonal dynamie of coccidiosis in lambs nontreated and treated with Lasalocid (20 mg/kg fodder) was obserwed. The maximum extensity and intensity in nontreated animals were found in the period from July to October (85-90% infected lambs). In lambs treated with Lasalocid the extensity was very low, i.e. only in 5-10% of treated animals single oocysts were found. Final weight was higher by about 5.4 kg and wool piroductivity by about 0.32 kg in the Lasalocid treated, compared with the control, nontreated group

    Stężenie selenu u krów mlecznych oraz ustalenie jego wpływu na kształtowanie się cech użytkowych

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    The aim of this study was to determine selenium concentration in the blood serum of dairy cows and to establish its influence on the level of production and reproduction traits. The study was performed on the farm located inWestern Pomerania and involved 140 cows, which were selected using the analogue method on the basis of their physiological state, lactation number, milk yield, age and genotype. The following indices were analyzed in individual groups: milk yield (kg), milk fat yield (kg), milk fat content (%), milk protein yield (kg), milk protein content (%). Selenium concentration in the blood serum was determined with the spectrofluorometric method. The obtained results showed that 23.6% cows had selenium deficiency, 39.3% had threshold concentration and 37.1% had physiological concentration. The mean milk fat and protein contents were the highest in animals with the threshold concentration of selenium and differed statistically (P≤0.01) from those of the group with the deficiency or physiological concentration of this element. The study revealed that the problem of selenium deficiency is still present in some dairy cattle herds in Western Pomerania.Celem pracy było określenie stężenia selenu w surowicy krów mlecznych oraz ustalenie wpływu na kształtowanie się cech użytkowych i reprodukcyjnych. Badania przeprowadzono w gospodarstwie położonym na terenie Pomorza Zachodniego. Ogółem objęto badaniami 140 krów, które zostały dobrane metodą analogów, uwzględniającą stan fizjologiczny, kolejność laktacji, wydajność mleczną, wiek oraz genotyp. W poszczególnych grupach przeanalizowano następujące wskaźniki: wydajność mleczną (kg), wydajność tłuszczu (kg), zawartość tłuszczu w mleku (%), wydajność białka w mleku (kg), zawartość białka w mleku (%). Zawartość Se w surowicy oznaczono metodą spektofluorymetryczną. Z uzyskanych wyników badań wynika, że u 23,6% krów stwierdzono niedobór selenu, stężenie graniczne występowało u 39,3%, a stężenie fizjologiczne u 37,1%zwierząt. Średnia zawartość tłuszczu i białka w mleku krów była największa u zwierząt z granicznym stężeniem selenu i różniła się statystycznie (P≤0,01) w stosunku do grupy z niedoborem i fizjologicznym stężeniem selenu. Badania wykazały, że problem niedoboru selenu nadal istnieje w niektórych stadach bydła mlecznego na Pomorzu Zachodnim

    Pasozyty wewnetrzne bydla w wybranych gospodarstwach Pomorza Zachodniego

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    Internal parasites of cattle in select Western Pomerania farms. The studies were carried out in five farms, on 84 calves and 153 cows. The prevalence and intensity of the Coccidia and gastro-intestinal nematodes infection were determined by means of the Willis-Schlaaf's and McMaster's methods. The Coccidia composition in the examined animals was determined by morphological features of the oocysts and the sporulation time. The following four Eimeria species were isolated: E. bovis, E. aubernensis, E. zürni and E. ellipsoidalis. Two methods were used for detection of Cryptosporidium sp. - the Ziehl-Neelsen staining technique and coproantigen test. In cows, the overall prevalence was Eimeria sp. ranged from 5.5 to 23.4%, gastro-intestinal nematodes ranged from 12.7 to 42.6%. In calves, the overall prevalence Eimeria sp. was ranged from 10.0 to 36.8% oocysts and Cryptosporidium sp. 22.8%

    Pasożyty wewnętrzne bydła w wybranych gospodarstwach Pomorza Zachodniego

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    Internal parasites of cattle in select Western Pomerania farms. The studies were carried out in five farms, on 84 calves and 153 cows. The prevalence and intensity of the Coccidia and gastro-intestinal nematodes infection were determined by means of the Willis-Schlaaf's and McMaster's methods. The Coccidia composition in the examined animals was determined by morphological features of the oocysts and the sporulation time. The following four Eimeria species were isolated: E. bovis, E. aubernensis, E. zürni and E. ellipsoidalis. Two methods were used for detection of Cryptosporidium sp. - the Ziehl-Neelsen staining technique and coproantigen test. In cows, the overall prevalence was Eimeria sp. ranged from 5.5 to 23.4%, gastro-intestinal nematodes ranged from 12.7 to 42.6%. In calves, the overall prevalence Eimeria sp. was ranged from 10.0 to 36.8% oocysts and Cryptosporidium sp. 22.8%

    Helmintos e protozoários em fezes de javalis (Sus scrofa scrofa) criados em cativeiro Helminths and protozoa in wild boars (Sus scrofa scrofa) feces raised in captivity

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    <abstract language="eng">Faecal samples from 79 wild boars (Sus scrofa scrofa) were examined by sedimentation method, zinc sulfate flotation method, and centrifugal flotation in sugar solution for endoparasites research. The results showed that 97.5% of the samples were positive for helminths and/or protozoa as follows: strongilides (70.9%), Ascaris suum (46.9%), Trichuris suis (29.1%), Metastrongylus sp. (12.6%), Strongyloides ransomi (3.8%), Balantidium coli (38.0%), Entamoeba spp. (15.2%), Giardia spp. (1.3%), Blastocystis sp. (12.6%). The frequency of Entamoeba was higher in young animals. Coccidian oocysts were observed in 59.5% samples and five species of Eimeria and one Isospora were recovered: Eimeria scabra (31.9%), E. deblieck (31.9%), E. perminuta (23.4%), E. cerdonis (17.0%), E. scrofae (12.8%) and Isospora suis (12.8%)