6 research outputs found

    Circadian locomotor activity rhythm in the freshwater crab Pseudothelphusa americana (De Saussure, 1857): Effect of eyestalk ablation

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    The circadian rhythm of locomotor activity in the freshwater crab, Pseudothelphusa americana, was studied in aquaria using infrared crossing sensors. Individuals with ablated eyestalks were compared with intact individuals in constant darkness (DD) and in light-dark cycles (LD). Our results showed that intact animals in DD displayed bimodal rhythms. In LD conditions the two peaks were associated with lights on and lights off, respectively. A significant difference in the free running periods before and after LD was observed in all intact animals. After eyestalk ablation (ES-X), the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity disappeared immediately, but reappeared several days later. Diurnal activity was seen in some ES-X animals when exposed to LD. Our results indicate that locomotor activity rhythm in P americana is driven primarily by oscillators located outside the eyestalks, and that extraretinal photoreceptors mediate either entrainment or masking effects

    Circadian locomotor activity under artificial light in the freshwater crab Pseudothelphusa americana

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    Long-term recordings of locomotor activity were obtained from intact freshwater crabs, Pseudothelphusa americana in constant darkness (DD), constant light (LL) and different light-dark (LD) protocols. Bimodal rhythms were typically observed in this crab when subjected to DD or LD, with bouts of activity anticipating lights-on and lights-off, respectively. Freerunning circadian rhythms were expressed in both DD and LL for longer than 30 days. In DD, we observed that some animals presented different period lengths for each activity component. During LL, activity was primarily unimodal, however spontaneous splitting of the rhythms were observed in some animals. When activity was recorded under artificial long days, the morning bouts maintained their phase relationship but the evening bouts changed their phase relationship with the Zeitgeber. Our results indicate that, bimodal locomotor activity rhythm in the crab Pseudothelphusa americana is variable among organisms. The characteristics of phase relationship with LD and responses to LL for morning and evening bouts, suggest that, locomotor activity could be driven by multiple oscillators, and that coupling between these oscillators may be regulated by light

    Quality of life in Mexican women with breast cancer in different clinical stages and its association with socio-demographic features, comorbidity states and care process characteristics in the Mexican Institute of Social Security [Calidad de Vida en Mujeres Mexicanas con C�ncer de Mama en Diferentes Etapas Cl�nicas y su Asociaci�n con Caracter�sticas Socio-Demogr�ficas, Estados Co-M�rbidos y Caracter�sticas del Proceso de Atenci�n en el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social]

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    Introduction: Quality of Life is the most studied PRO (patient reported outcome) in cancer patients. With early diagnosis and better treatments in breast cancer, this entity has been transformed in a chronic disease with longer survival. The joint effects of diseases and treatment on quality of life are each day more important to consider in survival patients. Objective: To evaluate Quality of Life, Socioeconomic factors, co-morbidities, and the attendance process impact on quality of life in breast cancer women with different clinical stages attending at the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social using the EORCT QLQ-C30 Results: The scores of EORTC QLQ-C30 (v3) were: Global health status / QoL: 73.47 (�20.81), physical functioning 76.98 (�20.85), role functioning 76.60 (�27.57), emotional functioning 64.53 (�26.81), cognitive functioning 74.47 (�26.02), social functioning 84.96 (�23.20), fatigue 31.94 (�25.45), nausea and vomiting 19.49 (�26.93), pain 28.95 (�27.27), dyspnea 15.29 (�24.62), insomnia 35.13 (�32.10), appetite lost 18.04 (�28.75), 18.04 (�28.75), constipation 19.20 (�32.11), diarrhea 12.9 (�24.25), financial difficulties 40.57 (�37.26). The scores with EORTC QLQ-BR23 were: body image 74.84 (�31.69), sexual functioning13.73 (�22.55), sexual enjoyment 32.86 (�36.17), future perspectives 51.69 (�38.00), systemic therapy side effects 30.82 (�20.71), breast symptoms22.85 (�23.49), arm symptoms 27.53 (�24.75), upsert by hair loss 43.80 (�44.01). Conclusions: Clinical stage in breast cancer is associated with differences in the scores from fatigue, nausea and vomiting and financial difficulties according to the evolution of the disease and the physical detriment associated. Socio-demographic features were related role functioning, fatigue and pain in single women with higher scores. � 2011 International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR)