20,632 research outputs found


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    Closely related to the legal rules that regulate the different aspects and effects of endorsement is the question of capacity to endorse bills of exchange. This forms part of negotiatory capacity in general, which, in a broad sense, may be defined as the faculty of a person to acquire rights and to assume obligations on negotiable instruments

    Prostaglandin E2 promotes features of replicative senescence in chronically activated human CD8+ T cells.

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    Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), a pleiotropic immunomodulatory molecule, and its free radical catalyzed isoform, iso-PGE2, are frequently elevated in the context of cancer and chronic infection. Previous studies have documented the effects of PGE2 on the various CD4+ T cell functions, but little is known about its impact on cytotoxic CD8+ T lymphocytes, the immune cells responsible for eliminating virally infected and tumor cells. Here we provide the first demonstration of the dramatic effects of PGE2 on the progression of human CD8+ T cells toward replicative senescence, a terminal dysfunctional state associated multiple pathologies during aging and chronic HIV-1 infection. Our data show that exposure of chronically activated CD8+ T cells to physiological levels of PGE2 and iso-PGE2 promotes accelerated acquisition of markers of senescence, including loss of CD28 expression, increased expression of p16 cell cycle inhibitor, reduced telomerase activity, telomere shortening and diminished production of key cytotoxic and survival cytokines. Moreover, the CD8+ T cells also produced higher levels of reactive oxygen species, suggesting that the resultant oxidative stress may have further enhanced telomere loss. Interestingly, we observed that even chronic activation per se resulted in increased CD8+ T cell production of PGE2, mediated by higher COX-2 activity, thus inducing a negative feedback loop that further inhibits effector function. Collectively, our data suggest that the elevated levels of PGE2 and iso-PGE2, seen in various cancers and HIV-1 infection, may accelerate progression of CD8+ T cells towards replicative senescence in vivo. Inhibition of COX-2 activity may, therefore, provide a strategy to counteract this effect

    Mass enhancement, correlations, and strong coupling superconductivity in the beta-pyrochlore KOs2O6

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    To assess electron correlation and electron-phonon coupling in the recently discovered beta-pyrochlores KOs2O6 and RbOs2O6, we have performed specific heat measurements in magnetic fields up to 14 T. We present data from high quality single crystalline KOs2O6, showing that KOs2O6 is a strong coupling superconductor with a coupling parameter lambda_ep \approx 1.0 to 1.6 (RbOs2O6: lambda_ep \approx 1). The estimated Sommerfeld coefficient of KOs2O6, gamma=76 to 110 mJ/(mol K^2), is twice that of RbOs2O6 [gamma=44 mJ/(mol K^2)]. Using strong-coupling corrections, we extract useful thermodynamic parameters of KOs2O6. Quantifying lambda_ep allows us to determine the mass enhancement over the calculated band electronic density of states. A significant contribution in addition to the electron-phonon term of lambda_c=1.7 to 4.3 is deduced. In an effort to understand the origin of the enhancement mechanism, we also investigate an unusual energetically low-lying phonon. There are three phonon modes per RbOs2O6, suggestive of the phonon source being the rattling motion of the alkali ion. This dynamic instability of the alkali ions causes large scattering of the charge carriers which shows up in an unusual temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity.Comment: Accepted for publication in PR

    GRB990123: Evidence that the Gamma Rays Come from a Central Engine

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    GRB990123 was a long complex gamma-ray burst with an optical transient that started early within the gamma-ray phase. The peak and power law decay of the early optical emission strongly indicates the presence of a decelerating relativistic shell during that phase. Prior to this burst, it was not known if the shell decelerated during the burst, so an external shock origin for the gamma rays was still possible. If the gamma-rays are produced in the external shock, then the pulse widths should reflect the observed deceleration of the shell and increase by about 2.3. We analyze the fine time structure observed in the gamma-ray data from BATSE and determine that the width of the peaks do not increase as expected for a decelerating shell; the later pulses are, at most, a factor of 1.15 longer than the earlier pulses. We also analyze the variability to determine what fraction of the shell's surface could be involved in the production of the gamma rays, the so-called surface filling factor. For GRB990123 we find a filling factor of 0.008. The lack of pulse width evolution eliminates the only remaining kinematically acceptable external shock explanation for the gamma-ray phase and, thus, the gamma rays must originate at a central engine.Comment: 14 pages, 3 embedded figues, Latex, Submitted to ApJ

    Superconductivity in Geometrically Frustrated Pyrochlore RbOs2O6

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    We report the basic thermodynamic properties of the new geometrically frustrated beta-pyrochlore bulk superconductor RbOs2O6 with a critical temperature Tc = 6.4 K. Specific heat measurements are performed in magnetic fields up to 12 T. The electronic density of states at the Fermi level in the normal state results in gamma = (33.7 \pm 0.2) mJ/mol_f.u./K^2. In the superconducting state, the specific heat follows conventional BCS-type behavior down to 1 K, i.e. over three orders of magnitude in specific heat data. The upper critical field slope at Tc is 1.2 T/K, corresponding to a Maki-parameter alpha = 0.64 \pm 0.1. From the upper critical field mu0 Hc2 \approx 6 T at 0 K, we estimate a Ginzburg-Landau coherence length xi \approx 7.4 nm. RbOs2O6 is the second reported metallic AB2O6 type pyrochlore compound after KOs2O6, and one of only three pyrochlore superconductors in addition to Cd2Re2O7 and KOs2O6

    Magnetic soft modes in the locally distorted triangular antiferromagnet alpha-CaCr2O4

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    In this paper we explore the phase diagram and excitations of a distorted triangular lattice antiferromagnet. The unique two-dimensional distortion considered here is very different from the 'isosceles'-type distortion that has been extensively investigated. We show that it is able to stabilize a 120{\deg} spin structure for a large range of exchange interaction values, while new structures are found for extreme distortions. A physical realization of this model is \alpha-CaCr2O4 which has 120{\deg} structure but lies very close to the phase boundary. This is verified by inelastic neutron scattering which reveals unusual roton-like minima at reciprocal space points different from those corresponding to the magnetic order.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures and lots of spin-wave
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