192 research outputs found

    Insar Technique to Allocate Land Subsidence in Karaj and Tehran (Shehriar, Waraminand Djadjroud) Areas

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    Aquifer and hydro system compaction is a worldwide phenomenon, where there is a sudden sinking or gradual downward settling of the earth\u27s surface with little or no horizontal motion. This phenomenon is noticed to take place in many countries, among which is Iran. Water well casing and installations in areas such as Hamedan , Kerman, Meshhed, Tehran and others seem to rise into the air, or some times to produce fissures in the sediments and/or showing sinkhole in carbonated rocks. Soil compaction and / or land subsidence could cause damages to surface and subsurface urban installations. UNISCO was interesting in this worldwide phenomenon and tried to study it in different countries by work group using GPS, SAR and InSAR techniques that uses radar satellite image. Iran in cooperation with other countries was interesting to see the extension and reasons for Tehran\u27s subaburbs land subsidence by using the new InSAR techniques. The later studies indicated the existence of subsidence areas in north west, south - south west and south east of Tehran with an average soil sink of about 15 cm This subsidence is mostly in a flat area with no special activities except for agriculture and a heavily water well production. Therefore, it is concluded that this sediment compaction is due to depletion of aquifer (i.e. water level drop), which causes aquifer compaction

    Comparison between Impact factor, SCImago journal rank indicator and Eigenfactor score of nuclear medicine journals

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    Despite its widespread acceptance in the scientific world, impactfactor (IF) has been criticized recently on many accounts:including lack of quality assessment of the citations, influenceof self citation, English language bias, etc. In the current study,we evaluated three indices of journal scientific impact: (IF),Eigenfactor Score (ES), and SCImago Journal rank indicator(SJR) of nuclear medicine journals. Overall 13 nuclear medicinejournals are indexed in ISI and SCOPUS and 7 in SCOPUSonly. Self citations, Citations to non-English articles, citationsto non-citable items and citations to review articles contributeto IFs of some journals very prominently, which can be betterdetected by ES and SJR to some extent. Considering all threeindices while judging quality of the nuclear medicine journalswould be a better strategy due to several shortcomings of IF.Despite its widespread acceptance in the scientific world, impactfactor (IF) has been criticized recently on many accounts:including lack of quality assessment of the citations, influenceof self citation, English language bias, etc. In the current study,we evaluated three indices of journal scientific impact: (IF),Eigenfactor Score (ES), and SCImago Journal rank indicator(SJR) of nuclear medicine journals. Overall 13 nuclear medicinejournals are indexed in ISI and SCOPUS and 7 in SCOPUSonly. Self citations, Citations to non-English articles, citationsto non-citable items and citations to review articles contributeto IFs of some journals very prominently, which can be betterdetected by ES and SJR to some extent. Considering all threeindices while judging quality of the nuclear medicine journalswould be a better strategy due to several shortcomings of IF

    The role of “after washing imaging” in evaluation of tear drainage system by dacryoscintigraphy

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of “after washing” imaging in interpretation of dacryoscintigraphy as a functional imaging technique used in evaluation of tearing problems. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 300 nasolacrimal systems were studied. 100 μCi of technetium-99m sodium pertechnetate as drops of activity (10 μL) were placed into the inferior fornix of each eye. Dynamic images were obtained for 15 minutes in the sitting position. “After washing” phase was done by placing a drop (10 μL) of normal saline in each eye and external ocular massage for an additional 10 minutes. The imaging patterns for each eye in the first dynamic phase and after washing phase were recorded, separately. RESULTS: First dynamic phase demonstrated a sensitivity of 97.4% and specificity of 22.6%. After washing phase showed a sensitivity of 91.2% and specificity 75.5%. After washing test, the obstruction pattern changed to “patent nasolacrimal duct” or “further progression” of the radiotracer to the nasolacrimal duct in the 25.1% and 24.4% of the nasolacrimal systems, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: After washing imaging is a useful method in dacryoscintigraphy which can improve the specificity of scan for diagnosis of lacrimal duct obstruction. It can also improve the localization of obstruction level in the lacrimal systems

    Vesicorectal fistula detected on direct radionuclide cystography — importance of fecal matter imaging

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    We report an 11 year old male patient with the history of imperforate anus, which was repaired surgically 4 years ago. He has been complaining of intermittent passing of urine into the rectum recently. The vesicorectal fistula in this patient was proven by imaging of the fecal matter post direct radionuclide cystography study. Our case showed that nuclear medicine imaging can be extended to unanimated objects such as patients’ excrements or fluids with important diagnostic yields

    AdS Black Hole with Cylindrical Symmetry

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    In this paper, we consider Einstein-Hilbert gravity in the presence of cosmological constant with cylindrical symmetry to introduce the black hole solution of this model. Here, we solve the Einstein's vacuum field equation, and then we calculate the appropriate metric for this problem.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, to appear in INJ

    99mTc-DMSA Scintigraphy Revealed A Unilateral Multicystic Anomaly In A Horseshoe Kidney

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    The multicystic dysplastic pattern in a half of a horseshoe kidney is a very uncommon presentation. We present a 6-month-old male infant with a history of antenatally unilateral cystic abnormality in the right kidney which was reevaluated after birth by ultrasonography (US) and 99m Tc-DMSA scintigraphy. The US showed a horseshoe kidney with the multicystic dysplastic area on the right side, which proved to be non-functional on 99m Tc-DMSA scintigraphy

    How to apply the evidence-based medicine concept to nuclear medicine diagnostic studies - a review

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    Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is defined as using the best available evidence for managing patients in daily healthcare practice. Although this approach has been applied successfully in many medical fields, it has not been addressed fully in the radiological discipline in general and nuclear medicine in particular. In this review, the concept of EBM has been introduced briefly and four steps of EBM practice have been explained. Asking answerable questions and finding the best evidence that constitutes the first two parts of EBM practice are explained in brief. The next two steps (appraising the available evidence and applying the best evidence) are explained in more detail. Since the bulk of nuclear medicine studies are of a diagnostic nature and most of the daily practice of a nuclear medicine specialist is involved in diagnosis, we have focused on the diagnosis studies. Systematic reviews are also explained to some extent. Appraisals of other kinds of study, such as interventional or prognosis studies, are not included in this review

    Catheter malposition during a direct radionuclide cystography — case report

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    We reported a 15-year-old girl with a history of mild left vesicoureteral reflux who underwent direct radionuclide cystography in our department. Bladder catheterization was mistakenly placed in the vagina. The filling phase showed vagina and uterine cavity which was similar to vesicoureteral reflux. The procedure was repeated with correct catheterization of the bladder and no vesicoureteral reflux was noted

    Lymphatic mapping and sentinel node biopsy in a patient with upper limb Merkel Cell Carcinoma: a case report and brief review of literature

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    Sentinel node mapping is an integral part of regional lymph node staging in many solid tumors and plays an important role in surgical oncology. This technique has been used with excellent results for non-melanoma skin cancers including Merkel Cell Carcinoma (MCC). In the current study, we reported our first MCC patient who underwent successful sentinel node mapping. We also reviewed the available literature regarding the prognostic significance of sentinel node mapping in cN0 MCC patients.Sentinel node mapping is an integral part of regional lymph node staging in many solid tumors and plays an important role in surgical oncology. This technique has been used with excellent results for non-melanoma skin cancers including Merkel Cell Carcinoma (MCC). In the current study, we reported our first MCC patient who underwent successful sentinel node mapping. We also reviewed the available literature regarding the prognostic significance of sentinel node mapping in cN0 MCC patients

    Hoof of mule causes contraception- a pilot study on female wistar rats

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    fter years of query, we found that hoof of mule, a compound with contraceptive effect, had been used more than a century ago by the nomadic populations of Iran. We tested the effects of hoof on female rats. Hoof was administered orally (0.12 g/kg) for 3 days and the rats were mated on day 10 after the last administration. The mean number of pups 5 hours after delivery on day 21 was 14.67 ± 0.21 for the control group (Group-A), 4.16 ± 0.40 for rats experiencing their first pregnancy (Group-B), and no pups for rats experiencing their second pregnancy (Group C). Analysis of the uterus demonstrated failure of embryo implantation in one of the fallopian tubes of Group B, and no implantation in Group C. Assessment of serum levels of estradiol and progesterone showed completely opposite trends to the normal situation of hormonal changes after delivery. In summary, hoof of mule would appear to act through a complicated mechanism that may involve hormonal pathways. This new claim requires further extensive studies to determine the exact mechanism. The effective compound in hoof that affects hormonal balance and causes contraception is currently being analysed and identifie