5 research outputs found

    The effect of Camellia sinensis (green tea) with its active compound EGCG on neuronal cell necroptosis in Rattus norvegicus middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) model

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    Abstract Objectives: To determine the inhibition effect of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and green tea extract on neuronal necroptosis based on necroptosis morphology. Methods: In vivo study was performed on male Rattus norvegicus middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) model divided into five groups, MCAO-control groups, EGCG 10 mg/kg BW/day, EGCG 20 mg/kg BW/day, EGCG 30 mg/kg BW/day, and green tea extract 30 mg/kg BW/day for 7 days treatment. MCAO model was made by modification method using Bulldog clamp. After 7 days of treatment, all R. norvegicus were sacrificed. After that, examination using Hematoxylin-Eosin stain was conducted to look at necroptosis morphology in each group. Results: We found that there are significant differences between control group and the other three groups (EGCG 20 mg/kg BW/day, EGCG 30 mg/kg BW/day, and green tea extract (p<0.05). There is a significant correlation between the number of neuron cell necroptosis and both EGCG and green tea extract (p<0.05). The correlation is negative, which means both EGCG and green tea extract will decrease the number of neuron cell necroptosis. EGCG will decrease neuron cell necroptosis starting from the dose of 20 mg/kg BW/day. EGCG 30 mg/kg BW/day produces the best result compared to other doses. Conclusions: Camellia sinensis (green tea) with its active compound EGCG decreases neuronal necroptosis morphology in MCAO models

    Pengaruh Cammelia Sinensis (Teh Hijau) Dengan Bahan Aktif Egcg Terhadap Perubahan Jumlah Nekroptosis Sel Neuron Pada Rattus Norvegicus Model Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion (MCAO)

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    Introduction: Stroke is a sudden neurological deficit caused by focal brain injuryto the central nervous system by vascular causes. Stroke is in the 2nd position as anon-communicable disease that causes death. Oxidative stress play important rolein the pathology of neuronal cell death after ischemic stroke Objectives : To determine the effect of green tea with its active compound EGCGtowards decreasing number of neuronal necroptosisMethods: In vivo-study perform on male Rattus norvegicus MCAO model dividedinto 5 groups, control groups, EGCG 10 mg/kgBW/day, EGCG 20 mg/kgBW/day, EGCG 30 mg/kgBW/day, and green tea extract “Meditea” 30 mg/kgBW/day for 7days treatment. MCAO model made by modification method use Bulldog clamp.After 7 days of treatment, all Rattus norvegicus were sacrificed. After that, weexamined use H.E stain to look at number of neuronal necroptosis in each group. Results: We found that there are significant difference between control group and three later group (EGCG 20 mg/kgBW/day, EGCG 30 mg/kgBW/day, and Green Tea Extract (p0,05). There is no significant different in EGCG group compared to Green tea extract group (p>0,05). There is significant correlation between number of neuron cell necroptosis and both EGCG and Green trea extract (p<0,05). Correlation is negative which mean, both EGCG and Green trea extract will decrease number of neuron cell necroptosis. EGCG will decrease neuron cell necroptosis start with dose : 20 mg/kgBW/day . EGCG 30mg/kgBW/day produce best result compared to other dose. Conclusion: Camellia sinensis (green tea) with its active compound EGCG significantly decrease number of neuronal necroptosis in MCAO model

    The effect of Camellia sinensis (green tea) with its active compound EGCG on neuronal cell necroptosis in Rattus norvegicus middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) model

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    Abstract Objectives: To determine the inhibition effect of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and green tea extract on neuronal necroptosis based on necroptosis morphology. Methods: In vivo study was performed on male Rattus norvegicus middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) model divided into five groups, MCAO-control groups, EGCG 10 mg/kg BW/day, EGCG 20 mg/kg BW/day, EGCG 30 mg/kg BW/day, and green tea extract 30 mg/kg BW/day for 7 days treatment. MCAO model was made by modification method using Bulldog clamp. After 7 days of treatment, all R. norvegicus were sacrificed. After that, examination using Hematoxylin-Eosin stain was conducted to look at necroptosis morphology in each group. Results: We found that there are significant differences between control group and the other three groups (EGCG 20 mg/kg BW/day, EGCG 30 mg/kg BW/day, and green tea extract (p<0.05). There is a significant correlation between the number of neuron cell necroptosis and both EGCG and green tea extract (p<0.05). The correlation is negative, which means both EGCG and green tea extract will decrease the number of neuron cell necroptosis. EGCG will decrease neuron cell necroptosis starting from the dose of 20 mg/kg BW/day. EGCG 30 mg/kg BW/day produces the best result compared to other doses. Conclusions: Camellia sinensis (green tea) with its active compound EGCG decreases neuronal necroptosis morphology in MCAO models

    The effect of Camellia sinensis (green tea) with its active compound EGCG on neuronal cell necroptosis in Rattus norvegicus middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) model

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    Abstract Objectives To determine the inhibition effect of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and green tea extract on neuronal necroptosis based on necroptosis morphology. Methods In vivo study was performed on male Rattus norvegicus middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) model divided into five groups, MCAO-control groups, EGCG 10 mg/kg BW/day, EGCG 20 mg/kg BW/day, EGCG 30 mg/kg BW/day, and green tea extract 30 mg/kg BW/day for 7 days treatment. MCAO model was made by modification method using Bulldog clamp. After 7 days of treatment, all R. norvegicus were sacrificed. After that, examination using Hematoxylin–Eosin stain was conducted to look at necroptosis morphology in each group. Results We found that there are significant differences between control group and the other three groups (EGCG 20 mg/kg BW/day, EGCG 30 mg/kg BW/day, and green tea extract (p<0.05). There is a significant correlation between the number of neuron cell necroptosis and both EGCG and green tea extract (p<0.05). The correlation is negative, which means both EGCG and green tea extract will decrease the number of neuron cell necroptosis. EGCG will decrease neuron cell necroptosis starting from the dose of 20 mg/kg BW/day. EGCG 30 mg/kg BW/day produces the best result compared to other doses. Conclusions Camellia sinensis (green tea) with its active compound EGCG decreases neuronal necroptosis morphology in MCAO models

    Webinar’s effect on nutritional knowledge to enhance immunity during COVID-19 pandemic

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    Abstract: Introduction: As of 31st December 2021, there have been 4,262,540 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 144,088 death cases in Indonesia. COVID-19 pandemic has affected the nutrition aspect, as an increasing number of undernutrition children also increases risk of obesity. Our group conducts webinars with the purpose of increasing public knowledge and awareness regarding general well-being: importance of adequate nutrition to increase immunity in the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of the study is to examine webinar participants' knowledge before and after webinar. Method: The webinar conducted through a zoom meeting for 2 hours consists of 1 hour education and 1 hour question and answer session. The participants asked to fill a pretest before the webinar session and posttest after the webinar session. The results were statistically examined to determine the difference between pretest and posttest score. Results: The webinar participant’s demographic characteristics were dominated by 17-45 years old age group, high school graduates, and female participants. There is a significant difference (p<0.05) between pre and post-test score evaluated using Wilcoxon signed-rank test. After the webinar, there is a decreased number of participants with low-level nutritional knowledge from 31 to 23 participants. Conclusion: There is an increase in knowledge about the importance of adequate nutrition to increase immunity in the COVID-19 pandemic from pre and post-test data. Thus, this webinar contributes to providing knowledge to participants in supporting the strengthening of socialization of adequate nutrition during COVID-19 pandemic