22 research outputs found

    Uloga istodobne primjene antioksidanata u sprječavanju oksidacijskih oÅ”tećenja uzrokovanih supkroničnom izloženoŔću Å”takora arsenu

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    In this experiment thirty rats were exposed to 0 (Gr. I, healthy controls) or 10 ppm arsenic (sodium arsenite) through drinking water ad lib for eight weeks after dividing them into five groups of six rats each. Rats in Gr. III, IV and V were administered a daily oral dose of cysteine, methionine or ascorbic acid 25 mg/kg body mass respectively, while those in Gr. II served as the treated control. At the end of the experimental period oxidative stress indices viz. lipid peroxides level (LPO), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activities were estimated in blood, liver and kidneys from sacrificed rats. Arsenic exposure resulted in a significant (P0.05) effects on the body mass of rats of different groups over time. It is concluded from the present study that prophylactic co-administration of cysteine, methionine and ascorbic acid could provide tissue specific protection from oxidative injury during sub-chronic exposure to arsenicU istraživanju su Å”takori bili izloženi natrijevom arsenitu (10 ppm arsena) primijenjenom u vodi za piće tijekom 8 tjedana nakon čega su bili podijeljeni u 5 skupina po 6 Å”takora. Å takorima u skupinama 3, 4 i 5 oralnim je putem dnevno davan cistein, metionin ili askorbinska kiselina u količini od 25 mg/kg tjelesne mase. Å takori 2. skupine poslužili su kao kontrola. Na kraju pokusa određeni su pokazatelji oksidativnog stresa i to razina lipidnog peroksida, superoksidne dismutaze i katalaze u krvi, jetri i bubrezima. Izloženost arsenu očitovala se značajnim (P0,05) na tjelesnu masu Å”takora različitih skupina. Zaključeno je da istodobna profilaktička primjena cisteina, metionina ili askorbinske kiseline pruža specifičnu zaÅ”titu tkiva od oksidacijskih oÅ”tećenja uzrokovanih supkroničnim izlaganjem arsenu

    Uloga istodobne primjene antioksidanata u sprječavanju oksidacijskih oÅ”tećenja uzrokovanih supkroničnom izloženoŔću Å”takora arsenu

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    In this experiment thirty rats were exposed to 0 (Gr. I, healthy controls) or 10 ppm arsenic (sodium arsenite) through drinking water ad lib for eight weeks after dividing them into five groups of six rats each. Rats in Gr. III, IV and V were administered a daily oral dose of cysteine, methionine or ascorbic acid 25 mg/kg body mass respectively, while those in Gr. II served as the treated control. At the end of the experimental period oxidative stress indices viz. lipid peroxides level (LPO), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activities were estimated in blood, liver and kidneys from sacrificed rats. Arsenic exposure resulted in a significant (P0.05) effects on the body mass of rats of different groups over time. It is concluded from the present study that prophylactic co-administration of cysteine, methionine and ascorbic acid could provide tissue specific protection from oxidative injury during sub-chronic exposure to arsenicU istraživanju su Å”takori bili izloženi natrijevom arsenitu (10 ppm arsena) primijenjenom u vodi za piće tijekom 8 tjedana nakon čega su bili podijeljeni u 5 skupina po 6 Å”takora. Å takorima u skupinama 3, 4 i 5 oralnim je putem dnevno davan cistein, metionin ili askorbinska kiselina u količini od 25 mg/kg tjelesne mase. Å takori 2. skupine poslužili su kao kontrola. Na kraju pokusa određeni su pokazatelji oksidativnog stresa i to razina lipidnog peroksida, superoksidne dismutaze i katalaze u krvi, jetri i bubrezima. Izloženost arsenu očitovala se značajnim (P0,05) na tjelesnu masu Å”takora različitih skupina. Zaključeno je da istodobna profilaktička primjena cisteina, metionina ili askorbinske kiseline pruža specifičnu zaÅ”titu tkiva od oksidacijskih oÅ”tećenja uzrokovanih supkroničnim izlaganjem arsenu

    Validation of Heat Transfer between Theoretical and Experimental from the Internal Surface of Vertical Tubes with Internal Rings Heated by Electrical Heating Coils

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    The comparison between experimental and theoretical heat transfer inside heated vertical channels that dissipate heat from the internal surface with and without internal rings Ā is studied. The experimental setup consists of a circular pipe which is heated electrically by providing constant heat flux on the wall. The theoretical and experimental analysis is conducted in several pipes of same diameter but different lengths. The length of the pipe varies from 450 mm to 850 mm. The length to diameter ratios are taken as L/D = 10, 12.22, 15.56, and 18.89. The value of imposed heat flux varies from 250 to 3340 W/m2. The internal ring thickness varies from 4 mm to 8 mm. separation distance between the internal rings varies from 75mm to 300 mm. The theoretical results are compared with experimental data to ascertain numerical accuracy of the method. The effects of L/D ratio, thickness of internal rings and separation distance on the heat transfer performance are studied. The experimental result is compared with theoretical, theoretical results are found by using ANSYS. In this study theoretical result for wall temperature along the height of tube, fluid temperature at exit of tube are compared with experimental data

    Promjene srčanih biomarkera i ublažavanje simptoma trovanja arsenom u bijelih pataka pasmine pekinÅ”ka patka nakon upotrebe đumbira

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    Cardiotoxicity is an imperative issue in the assessment of heavy metal consumption and inorganic arsenic (As). These have a cardiotoxic effect which is evaluated by biochemical, and oxidative-antioxidant tests, and by the Nrf2- HO-1 pathway. Dried ginger powder is recognized for its efficient antioxidant activities and as a protector of the cardiovascular system from toxic damage caused by heavy metals. However, the possible function of ginger against As in heart via heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) and nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor (Nrf2) is unclear. A total of 120 White Pekin ducks were randomly distributed into groups comprising 24 birds in each. Each group comprised 3 replicates having 8 birds in each replicate. The time period of this study was 90 days. The groups were the control [Group I] whereas groups II to IV were fed a basal diet including arsenic at 28 mg/L. Dried ginger powder as an ameliorative agent was mixed with the basal diet and fed at 0.1, 0.3 and 1 g/kg feed to groups III, IV and V, respectively. In the current experiment, dried ginger powder decreased As-induced reactive oxygen species (ROSs) production, oxidative injury and pathological modifications. In addition, cardiac dysfunction factors, intracellular calcium (Ca2+), As accumulation and cAMP deficiency levels were noticed in ducks; these alternations were attenuated by ginger. Furthermore, ginger significantly altered the down regulation of both HO-1 and Nrf2 gene expressions caused by As. Thus, the proven protective role of ginger against As-induced cardiotoxicity may be a consequence of the maintenance of redox homeostasis, i.e. the Nrf2-HO-1 pathway and by enabling As efflux.Kardiotoksičnost je vrlo važna u procjeni problema koji nastaju konzumacijom teÅ”kih metala. Anorganski arsen (As) ima kardiotoksičan učinak koji se procjenjuje na temelju biokemijskih, oksidacijsko-antioksidacijskih nalaza te na temelju puta Nrf2-HO-1. SuÅ”eni đumbirov prah poznat je po svojoj učinkovitoj antioksidacijskoj aktivnosti i zaÅ”titnom djelovanju u slučaju intoksikacije kardiovaskularnog sustava teÅ”kim metalima. Nejasna je međutim uloga đumbira u odnosu na arsen u srčanom miÅ”iću putem hem-oksigenaze 1 (HO-1) i faktora 2 povezanog s nuklearnim eritroidnim faktorom. Ukupno je 120 bijelih pataka pasmine pekinÅ”ka patka nasumično podijeljeno u skupine koje su sadržavale po 24 jedinke. U svakoj skupini provedena su 3 ponovljena postupka (replikacije) na po 8 jedinki. Ukupno je vrijeme istraživanja bilo 90 dana. Skupina I bila je kontrolna skupina koja nije primila ni arsen ni đumbir. Pokusnim skupinama od II do V je, uz osnovnu prehranu, u različitim kombinacijama dodavan arsen u dozi od 28mg/L i suÅ”eni đumbirov prah u dozama od 0,1g/kg 0,3g/kg i 1 g/kg. Rezultati su pokazali da je suÅ”eni đumbirov prah smanjio prisutnost reaktivnih vrsta kisika (ROS) uzrokovanu arsenom, oksidacijsko oÅ”tećenje i patoloÅ”ke promjene. Osim toga uočene promjene, kao Å”to su su faktori srčane disfunkcije, unutarstanični kalcij (Ca2+), nakupljanje arsena i deficijencija razine cAMP-a, ublažene su đumbirovim prahom. Đumbir je, nadalje, znakovito utjecao na smanjenje genske ekspresije i HO-1 i Nrf2 uzrokovane arsenom. Zaključeno je da bi zaÅ”titna uloga đumbira u slučaju kardiotoksičnosti uzrokovane arsenom mogla biti posljedica održavanja redoks homeostaze, odnosno puta Nrf2-HO-1 i omogućavanja eliminacije arsena

    Removing the Threat of Diclofenac to Critically Endangered Asian Vultures

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    Veterinary use of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drug diclofenac in South Asia has resulted in the collapse of populations of three vulture species of the genusGyps to the most severe category of global extinction risk. Vultures are exposed to diclofenac when scavenging on livestock treated with the drug shortly before death. Diclofenac causes kidney damage, increased serum uric acid concentrations, visceral gout, and death. Concern about this issue led the Indian Government to announce its intention to ban the veterinary use of diclofenac by September 2005. Implementation of a ban is still in progress late in 2005, and to facilitate this we sought potential alternative NSAIDs by obtaining information from captive bird collections worldwide. We found that the NSAID meloxicam had been administered to 35 captiveGyps vultures with no apparent ill effects. We then undertook a phased programme of safety testing of meloxicam on the African white-backed vultureGyps africanus, which we had previously established to be as susceptible to diclofenac poisoning as the endangered AsianGyps vultures. We estimated the likely maximum level of exposure (MLE) of wild vultures and dosed birds by gavage (oral administration) with increasing quantities of the drug until the likely MLE was exceeded in a sample of 40G. africanus. Subsequently, sixG. africanus were fed tissues from cattle which had been treated with a higher than standard veterinary course of meloxicam prior to death. In the final phase, ten Asian vultures of two of the endangered species(Gyps bengalensis,Gyps indicus) were dosed with meloxicam by gavage; five of them at more than the likely MLE dosage. All meloxicam-treated birds survived all treatments, and none suffered any obvious clinical effects. Serum uric acid concentrations remained within the normal limits throughout, and were significantly lower than those from birds treated with diclofenac in other studies. We conclude that meloxicam is of low toxicity toGyps vultures and that its use in place of diclofenac would reduce vulture mortality substantially in the Indian subcontinent. Meloxicam is already available for veterinary use in India


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    ƂĀ Objective: The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of dry needling and mulligan C1-C2 sustained natural apophyseal glides (SNAGs) in increasing pressure point threshold and reducing headache disability in patients with CGH.Methods: This study was conducted on 150 patients. They were divided into three groups for the purpose of the study. Group A was referred to as the dry needling group. They were subjected to dry needling for treating the pain. Group B was the manual therapy group. The patients in this group were subjected to C1-C2 SNAGs. Group C was the combined group. Patients belonging to this group were given C1-C2 SNAGs along with dry needling.Results: Statistical analysis paired t-test was used for comparison of the mean within every group where it showed significant improvement in all the parameter (p<0.05).Conclusion: There was a consistent reduction in tenderness and improvement in disability of the patients belonging to all groups. However, Group C, where the patients were subjected to combined treatment, showed better results. Results of this study indicate that dry needling along with mulligan C1-C2 SNAGs is more beneficial in patients suffering from cervicogenic headaches

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    Not AvailableGram-negative bacteria is the main causative agents for columnaris disease outbreak to finfishes. The outer membrane proteins (OMPs) candidate of Flavobacterium columnare bacterial cell served a critical component for cellular invasion targeted to the eukaryotic cell and survival inside the macrophages. Therefore, OMPs considered as the supreme element for the development of promising vaccine against F. columnare. Implies advanced in silico approaches, the predicted 3-D model of targeted OMPs were characterized by the Swiss model server and validated through Procheck programs and Protein Structure Analysis (ProSA) web server. The protein sequences having B-cell binding sites were preferred from sequence alignment; afterwards the B cell epitopes prediction was prepared using the BCPred and amino acid pairs (AAP) prediction algorithms modules of BCPreds. Consequently, the selected antigenic amino acids sequences (B-cell epitopic regions) were analyzed for T-cell epitopes determination (MHC I and MHC II alleles binding sequence) performing the ProPred 1 and ProPred server respectively. The epitopes (9 mer: IKKYEPAPV, YGPNYKWKF and YRGLNVGTS) within the OMPs binds to both of the MHC classes (MHC I and MHC II) and covered highest number of MHC alleles are characterized. OMPs of F. columnare being conserved across serotypes and highly immunogenic for their exposed epitopes on the cell surface as a potent candidate focus to vaccine development for combating the disease problems in commercial aquaculture. The portrayed epitopes might be beneficial for practical designing of abundant peptide-based vaccine development against the columnaris through boosting up the advantageous immune responses. Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma.Not Availabl


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    ABSTRACT:-  INTRODUCTION-  Acanthosis  Nigricans (AN) is characterized by dark, coarse and thickened skin with a velvety texture, involving  the neck, the axillae, flexor of large joints significant association  of Coronary  Heart disease in patients of Acanthosis Nigricans was noticed. AIM -We have done this to study the prevalence, clinico-demographic and etiological profile of patients presenting with AN and   to draw relations if any, with CardioVascular Disease(CVD) MATERIALS AND METHODS-  It was an observational, descriptive, institution based cross-sectional study and was conducted  at  the out  patient  department   (OPD) of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy of A tertiary care hospital in Eastern part of India, An attempt was made to detect etiological factor of the disease by noting the temporal association between the disease and any systemic associations with special attention to CVD. RESULTS-  High  BMI was seen  in 71.9% cases , Systolic hypertension in 35.3% , Diastolic hypertension in 43.9% , raised Fasting Blood Sugar in 30.2% and raised PP Sugar in 15.8% patients .  Significant relation seen between High BMI, raised Cholesterol, Triglycerides ,and PPBS with Systolic And Diastolic Hypertension. CONCLUSION ā€“ In  AN patients who have high BMI have the highest chance of developing CVD, as also Hypercholesterolemia and Hyper tryglyceridemia. Raised fasting blood sugar noted additional factor for developing diastolic hypertension

    Effect of age on dental plaque deposition and its control by ultrasonic scaling, dental hygiene chew, and chlorhexidine (0.2%w/v) in dogs

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    Background and Aim: Periodontitis is the most prevalent inflammatory dental disease caused by a lack of oral hygiene measures in domestic animals. The periodontal disease complex arises as a result of bacterial biofilm deposition termed as plaque on the tooth surface. Lack of cleaning measures either mechanical or chemical credit for the condition. The present study was conducted to screen the animals for the presence of plaque deposition, gingivitis, along with various control measures for the same. Materials and Methods: Thirty-two dogs of different age groups were evaluated for the presence of plaque and gingivitis by scoring method to estimate the extent of severity. Scaling of the tooth surface was done by ultrasonic scaling machine to remove the plaques, and the animals were divided into four treatment groups to study the effects of dental hygiene chew and chlorhexidine for control of plaque. Results: Present study revealed 71.87% and 34.37% of the screened animals were having plaque deposition and varied degrees of gingivitis respectively. A positive coefficient of correlation (r) of 0.89 (p<0.05) between advancing age and plaque deposition and 0.85 (p<0.05) between age and level of gingivitis was obtained. Two groups receiving dental chew and 0.2% w/v chlorhexidine showed lower plaque deposits, and the fourth treatment group receiving both dental chew and chlorhexidine showed 100% animals remained free from fresh plaque deposits. Conclusion: The present study showed a strong positive relationship between age and plaque deposition and gingivitis. The study also showed that oral hygiene measures such as use of dental hygiene chew and chlorhexidine application can reduce plaque deposition and periodontitis in domesticated canines

    Utility of Clinical and Radiological Markers in Diagnosing Cerebral Tuberculoma and Neurocysticercosis

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    Backgroundā€ƒRing-enhancing lesion is one of the most common radiological findings in a spectrum of diseases affecting the central nervous system (CNS) including infectious, inflammatory, demyelinating, and neoplastic pathologies