5 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Game Edukasi Jelajah Pulau Sumatera Berbasis Android

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    See the development of games and multimedia at this time, and reinforced by the weak understanding of the younger generation of Indonesia about the culture of his own country. Therefore, the author took the initiative to create a mobile game that raised one of the culture of the country of Indonesia in general, especially for the provinces contained in the island of Sumatra. In the process of making this game the author uses Adobe Flash Professional Creative Suite 5.5 software for making all the characters, background and sound effects. Because in Flash itself already there are some sound library that can be used for the needs of the application in this game that the author made. For the programming language used the author uses only one programming language that is ActionScript 3.0. this programming language is functional enough to build a game, because it is supported with Object Oriented Programming which facilitate in making this game. In the latest version of Adobe Flash it is now possible to publish data into applications gained in instal on mobile devices, in this case android, making it possible to create android applications without having to abandon actionscript as the programming language used. It is expected that with this game will the user's understanding of cultural diversity in Indonesia, especially the island of Sumatra will be better understood and know

    Sistem Informasi Penyewaan Peralatan Event Organizer Berbasis Web pada PT. Adecon Jakarta

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    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penyewaan Peralatan Event Organizer merupakan sebuah sebuah sistem untuk mengelola data pemesanan, data pembayaran dan konfirmasi pembayaran yang bertujuan untuk memudahkan dalam memberikan pelayanan yang optimal terhadap konsumen. Adapun Penyewaan Peralatan Event Organizer pada PT. Adecon Jakarta ini masih menggunakan sistem konvensional, oleh karena itu pemesanan, pembayaran dan konfirmasi pembayaran menjadi kurang efektif dan efisien. Dengan menggunakan website sebagai media promosi dan alat bantu pengelolaan dan pengolahan data pemesanan, data pembayaran dan data konfirmasi pembayaran dengan cara online. Metode yang digunakan dalam membangun aplikasi website ini menggunakan metode waterfall yang dimulai dari analisis, desain, kode, pengujian dan pemeliharaan. Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penyewaan Peralatan Event Organizer pada PT. Adecon Jakarta diharapkan bisa memberikan solusi dalam mengelola dan mengolah data pemesanan, data pembayaran dan data konfirmasi pembayaran supaya dapat memberikan Kenyamanan dan kemudahan terhadap konsumen

    Aplikasi Berbasis Dekstop untuk Persediaan Bahan Baku Produksi Menggunakan Model Waterfall (Study Kasus: PT. Seyon Indonesia)

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    Basically, the computer functions are generally used as a medium for storing data and in it there are many application programs that can simplify and support a human work. In the warehouse of PT Seyon Indonesia for the process of inventory data management (raw and supporting), reports and data storage is still done manually. The existence of data recording errors and data inaccuracies are very likely to occur in this regard. To help facilitate the management of inventory data (raw and supporting) in the section, the design of the program is the best solution to solve the problems that exist, namely in terms of data processing more accurate because the availability of input form data available and storage media centered in a single database that will make data management of incoming and outgoing goods more effective and efficient. The design of the inventory program (raw and supporting) is made with a simple and interactive appearance but can process data well, so users can easily use it