41 research outputs found

    Factors Affecting Spatial Awareness in Non- Stereo Visual Representations of Virtual, Real and Digital Image Environments

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    The increasing number of applications employing virtual environment (VE) technologies as a tool, particularly those that use VE as surrogates, makes it important to examine the ability of VE to provide realistic simulations to users. Accurate space and distance perceptions have been suggested as essential preconditions for the reliable use of VE technologies in various applications. However, space and distance perception in the VE has been reported by some investigators as being perceived differently from the real world. Thus, the overall aim of this thesis is to improve our understanding of factors affecting spatial awareness in the VE. The general approach is based on a strategy of conducting empirical investigations comparing tasks performed in the VE to similar tasks performed in the real world. This research has examined the effect of display related factors on users' spatial task performance in the context of static, dynamic and interactive presentations. Three sets of experiments in these respective contexts were conducted to explore the influence of image type, display size, viewing distance, physiological cues, interface device and travel modes on distance estimate and spatial memory tasks. For distance perception, results revealed that the effect of image type depends on the context of presentations, the type of asymmetrical distances and image resolution. The effect of display size in static and dynamic presentations is consistent with the results of previous investigations. However, results from evaluations conducted by the author have indicated that other factors such as viewing distance and physiological cues were also accountable. In interactive presentations, results indicated that display size had different effects on different users whereby familiarity with display size may influence user's performance. Similarly, it was shown that a commonly used interface device is more useful and beneficial for user's spatial memory performance in the VE than the less familiar ones. In terms of travel mode, the natural method of movement available in the real world may not necessary be better than the unnatural movement which is possible in the VE. The results of investigations reported in this thesis contribute towards knowledge and understanding on factors affecting spatial awareness in the real and VE. In particular, they highlight the influence of these factors in space and distance perception in different contexts of VE presentations which will serve as important scientifically based guidelines for designers and users ofVE applications

    Calmness in Virtual Environments Enhance User’s Spatial Presence Experience

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    Presence has been described to be crucial in several virtual reality (VR) applications. Among the factors influencing presence, realistic virtual environment has been examined extensively from the angle of geometry-based virtual reality (GBVR) application. The visual of the applications has been manipulated by altering numerous technological characteristics or by adding more sensory information (such as touch and smell). However, realistic virtual environment in GBVR application often required complex programming and takes longer time to develop. As such GBVR application is not acceptable for the application that needs to have a collection of realistic panoramic virtual environments. An alternative solution for above statement is image-based virtual reality (IBVR) application. IBVR refers to photo-based images, stitched together to develop a realistic panoramic virtual environment. Based on this method, many realistic virtual environments can be created in much less time but with limited interaction function. Despite this limitation, realistic virtual environment in image-based virtual reality is expected to enhance user’s spatial presence experience, which is supported by spatial presence theoretical model. There a few levels in this theoretical model before the formation of spatial presence, and the most important part in this theoretical model is primary egocentric reference frames (PERF), adapting calmness to produce spatial presence experience. Thus, this chapter describes the summary on adapting calmness as PERF

    The Influence of Virtual Forest Walk on Physiological and Psychological Responses

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    The authors of this paper sought to investigate the impact of virtual forest therapy based on realistic versus dreamlike environments on reducing stress levels. Today, people are facing an increase in stress levels in everyday life, which may be due to personal life, work environment, or urban area expansion. Previous studies have reported that urban environments demand more attention and mental workload than natural environments. However, evidence for the effects of natural environments as virtual forest therapy on stress levels has not yet been fully explored. In this study, a total of 20 healthy participants completed a letter-detection test to increase their stress level and were then randomly assigned to two different virtual environments representing realistic and dreamlike graphics. The participants’ stress levels were assessed using two physiological methods that measured heart rate and skin conductance levels and one psychological method through the Profile of Mood States (POMS) questionnaire. These indicators were analyzed using a sample t-test and a one-way analysis of variance. The results showed that virtual forest environments could have positive stress-relieving effects. However, realistic graphics were more efficient in reducing stress. These findings contribute to growing forest therapy concepts and provide new directions for future forest therapy research.Yayasan Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS through YUTP Fundamental Research Grant No. 015LC0-00

    ReSTiNet : On improving the performance of Tiny-YOLO-Based CNN architecture for applications in human detection

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    Human detection is a special application of object recognition and is considered one of the greatest challenges in computer vision. It is the starting point of a number of applications, including public safety and security surveillance around the world. Human detection technologies have advanced significantly in recent years due to the rapid development of deep learning techniques. Despite recent advances, we still need to adopt the best network-design practices that enable compact sizes, deep designs, and fast training times while maintaining high accuracies. In this article, we propose ReSTiNet, a novel compressed convolutional neural network that addresses the issues of size, detection speed, and accuracy. Following SqueezeNet, ReSTiNet adopts the fire modules by examining the number of fire modules and their placement within the model to reduce the number of parameters and thus the model size. The residual connections within the fire modules in ReSTiNet are interpolated and finely constructed to improve feature propagation and ensure the largest possible information flow in the model, with the goal of further improving the proposed ReSTiNet in terms of detection speed and accuracy. The proposed algorithm downsizes the previously popular Tiny-YOLO model and improves the following features: (1) faster detection speed; (2) compact model size; (3) solving the overfitting problems; and (4) superior performance than other lightweight models such as MobileNet and SqueezeNet in terms of mAP. The proposed model was trained and tested using MS COCO and Pascal VOC datasets. The resulting ReSTiNet model is 10.7 MB in size (almost five times smaller than Tiny-YOLO), but it achieves an mAP of 63.74% on PASCAL VOC and 27.3% on MS COCO datasets using Tesla k80 GPU

    Sensory Feedback and Interactivity: Enhancing Motivation and Engagement for VR Stroke Rehabilitation

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    Stroke is a condition that happens when the brain is cut off from blood supply. Patients are at risk of disabilities. To help patient recover, gain mobility, and independence, rehabilitation starts as soon as possible. Unfortunately for some patients, they are forced to undergo long-term rehabilitation period. Since the activities during therapy are repetitive, many patient losses their motivation to continue therapy thus unable to recover. Virtual reality has been found to increase motivation for stroke rehabilitation. Its key elements, especially sensory feedback and interactivity have been found to increase motivation and engagement especially when applied to gamification. However, practitioners in related field have raised concern on the relevancy of some VR elements used for rehabilitation. Inappropriate elements may not be effective for the program; thus, requires further investigation. This paper explores various elements that could encourage motivation, bring better engagement, and enhance task performance of stroke patients via VR-based rehabilitation. A literature survey was conducted. The findings signal for the importance of sensory feedback and interactivity when used in VR environment for stroke patients in their rehabilitation programme

    Proposed Conceptual Design Model of Persuasive Game for Upper limb for Stroke Rehabilitation

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    The gamification of stroke rehabilitation may increase patient's motivation and engagement towards their rehabilitation activity and hence contributes to faster recovery. Apart from the interactive experience that games offer, it also may be used as a persuasive tool. In this view, games may be used to persuade stroke patients in shaping a good behavior towards their rehabilitation activity. This paper reports our proposed conceptual design model of building persuasive game for stroke patients that follows the Persuasive System Design Model. We incorporate the persuasive software features that includes reduction, tailoring, self-monitoring, and rewards. The proposed game architecture is also discussed in this paper

    Fun Learning with AR Alphabet Book for Preschool Children

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    AbstractThis paper describes the design and evaluation of an AR alphabet book, an Augmented Reality based book for teaching the alphabet to preschool children. Used together with camera and computer, children could view the superimposed virtual alphabet in a fun and interactive manner using the pattern markers as an interaction tool. Generally, teaching young children could be difficult this is due to the focus of young children is different from elderly since they could only focus on something for short period of time. Introducing the fun and interactive learning could grab the attention therefore enhance teaching and learning for young learner. Fun-learning emphasized interactive learning through play, songs; dance, drama and the use of information and communication technology (ICT). Researches showed that fun learning also increase the ability to memorize and understanding of the user. Flashcard is one of the learning approaches to teach children the alphabet. The tangible manner of flashcard introduce the interaction of learning therefore it could create the joyful learning. However, the potential of flash-card could be further enhance through the use of AR technology. Therefore, introducing the use of AR could encompass fun learning since AR offer rich media learning. Besides displaying each alphabet upon presentation of its corresponding pattern marker, children have the options to see 3D models of objects that begin with each alphabet character. Additional book features includes pattern markers for children to view animation of how each letter is drawn and jigsaw puzzle game for each letter to test children understanding. An informal study was conducted among 15 preschool children aged between 5-6 years old to examine user perception of the book. The preliminary results indicate the children reacted positively towards the books; most reported they like and enjoy using the AR book. Observation of the children behaviors during study corroborates this finding. Most students requested to use the AR book repeatedly. These results suggest the potential of AR book as a tool to create fun learning environment especially for preschool children. Furthermore, the brief interview with the teacher of the preschool also suggested that the system seem to grab the attention of the children